monav offline use

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Janwillem van Dijk

Mar 8, 2012, 5:03:28 AM3/8/12
to MoNav
I am looking for a openstreetmap viewer that works offline on vector/
binary map files. On my android phone I have Osmand. I like that but
would also like such software on my Ubuntu 11.04 laptop and desktop. I
donn't like Navit and thought Monav would do what I like. I installed
Monav 0.3-4 from the repository. But:

1) there is no pre-packaged file for the Netherlands
2) Making one for the Netherlands by downloading the pbf from
Geofabrik and editing the saarland.ini as netherlands.ini and than
"monav-preprocessor -s=netherlands.ini -t=2 -v -di -dro -dre -da -dc"
seemingly works but cannot see a map. When I click load I get a few
spin-buttons that do not work and if I click select modules I get:
"failed to open file: "/home/fjw/datafiles/data_maps/OSM/monav/
Netherlands/routing_yes/Contraction Hierarchies_config"
3) trying pre packed maps like belgium still use some on-line tile

Aparently my ignorange is far to big.

Please help me to a newbe compatible step by step guide on what to do
to get a map on screen with network switched off.

Many thanks

Mark Hetherington

Mar 8, 2012, 3:26:42 PM3/8/12

Monav can use a number of renderers, and which renderers are available depends on what data is packed into the data file. In order to use monav offline you will need to pre-process your own data file. There are two offline renderers available - a raster tile based renderer that pre-generates all the tiles (using mapnik, so it has a lot of dependencies to get going), and a newer vector renderer that I understand is only partially complete.

I've only ever run the pre-processor without specifying any command line, and just selecting all options in the GUI, but I was able to get both the mapnik and vector renderers working. I believe your error opening 'contraction hierarchies config' is because you need to configure this plugin in the GUI - I clicked through to the configuration screen for all items in the pre-processor before starting the processing.

I assume you have already read, (and and if using mapnik renderer). I was able to get this working with no prior experience of monav from those guides. I believe if you can work past the issue you see in the preprocessor you should achieve your goal. Let me know if opening the configuration for contraction hierarchies in the pre-processor does not help and I will endeavour to run through the process here and document it (or perhaps send you the output file).


Ch. Eckert

Mar 9, 2012, 3:04:54 PM3/9/12

> I am looking for a openstreetmap viewer that works offline on vector/
> binary map files. On my android phone I have Osmand. I like that but
> would also like such software on my Ubuntu 11.04 laptop and desktop. I
> donn't like Navit and thought Monav would do what I like. I installed
> Monav 0.3-4 from the repository. But:
> 1) there is no pre-packaged file for the Netherlands

since James added street name renering, the map format is incompatible
to the 0.3 release. On the server, I already changed the toolchain to
create 0.4-compatible maps. In case you built from the repository by
yourself, I just added the Netherlands to the 0.4 list and reran the
script. Feel free to download and test:


Beste Gr��e,
Best regards,



Mar 22, 2012, 1:13:53 PM3/22/12
to MoNav
Thanks for making this file. This is beautiful and you
made the Netherlands really large. That is, it works using Mapnik
online. The vector renderer returns "Renderer file format not
compatible". I have monav 3.6 on Ubuntu 12.04/AMD64. Calling monav and
selectecting "Vector" give the following in my terminal:
1) During startup with Mapnik:
set disk cache to: "/home/fjw/.cache//"
Connected to GPSD:
Release: "3.4"
Revision: "3.4"
Protocol version: "3.6"
had to increase cache size to accommodate all tiles for at least two
images: 17 MB
Rendering: 54 ms
Rendering: 8 ms
Rendering: 1 ms
... ... et cetra

2) Changing the map module to Vector:
Renderer file format not compatible
set disk cache to: "/home/fjw/.cache//"
had to increase cache size to accommodate all tiles for at least two
images: 17 MB
Rendering: 40 ms

Hope this gives you the info needed for some further guidance.
Thanks again, janwillem

Ch. Eckert

Mar 23, 2012, 6:28:06 PM3/23/12
Hi Janwillem,

>>> 1) there is no pre-packaged file for the Netherlands

>> since James added street name renering, the map format is incompatible
>> to the 0.3 release. On the server, I already changed the toolchain to
>> create 0.4-compatible maps. In case you built from the repository by
>> yourself, I just added the Netherlands to the 0.4 list and reran the
>> script. Feel free to download and test:

> The vector renderer returns "Renderer file format not
> compatible".

you'll need to compile recent code from the repository, e.g.

hg clone monav-compilation
cd monav-compilation
qmake monav
hg update ui-ng (optional)

Please note you'll need Mercurial installed before you execute the
abovementioned commands.

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