How to renumber a protein structure sequence based on a full length protein sequence?

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Andrew Orry

Apr 10, 2017, 3:44:10 PM4/10/17
to MolSoft ICM Knowledge Base
How to renumber a protein structure sequence based on a  full length protein sequence?
You need to make an alignment between the protein structure sequence and the full length sequence then use the command below - documentation is here:

align number ms_chainsToBeRenumbered seq_master [ i_offset ] 

Here is an example:
seqmaster = Sequence("ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRST") 
 build string   "DEFGH-----PQRST"  # dashes are skipped    
 make sequence a_1 name="seqmodel"   # sequence is auto-linked 
 a = Align(seqmodel,seqmaster)       # linked alignment 
 align number a_1 seqmaster 
 # Info> residues of a_def.m renumbered by sequence 'seqmaster' from alignment 'a'    
 display residue label  
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