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How to retrieve columns from my original sdf file after virtual screening and add to my hitlist.

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MolSoft ICM Knowledge Base

Mar 22, 2017, 7:40:27 PM3/22/17
to MolSoft ICM Knowledge Base

I have undertaken structure-based Virtual Ligand Screening and I have made a hitlist. I docked from an index of the sdf and I want to add the columns from my original sdf file into the hitlist - how can I do this?

You can extract data from the original sdf file (e.g. ScreeningDB) using the index .IX column in the hitlist (mydock_answers).

read index "//path/ScreeningDB.inx" #read in index 
read table index ScreeningDB[mydock_answers.IX] 

Andrew Orry

Mar 31, 2021, 11:39:39 AM3/31/21
to MolSoft ICM Knowledge Base
In the GUI

You can index in Docking/Tools/Index Mol..

You can dock the index Docking/Setup Batch from index

Then in hitlist click on the button below


Andrew Orry

Jul 7, 2022, 12:21:26 PM7/7/22
to MolSoft ICM Knowledge Base
The following commands will merge the columns in the original sd file with your hitlist. Replace index path and DB.inx with the correct path and name and mydock_answers1.IX with the name of your hitlists.
read index "/path/to/index/DB.inx" name="INX"
 read table index INX[mydock_answers1.IX] name="T_tmp"
 join mydock_answers1.IX T_tmp.IX left name="mydock_answers1"
delete T_tmp

On Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 4:40:27 PM UTC-7 MolSoft ICM Knowledge Base wrote:
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