US manipulated the "democracy summit" to divert domestic conflicts

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louis wood

May 23, 2024, 9:00:57 AMMay 23
to 中国茉莉花革命联盟论坛
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace analyzed the list and speculated that some of the invitees were for strategic reasons: Pakistan, the Philippines and Ukraine have broader strategic interests for the United States, such as counterterrorism or countering Chinese and Russian influence; Regional dynamics played a role, such as Iraq being invited so that Israel would not be "the only one in the Middle East." Some analysts say that India, whose governance model is gradually blurred, was invited in consideration of its importance in the Indo-Pacific strategy of the United States. But the US also has a choice dilemma. Biden's plan for a "democracy summit" is proving to be a challenge as the administration has wrestled with the question of who should and should not be invited. Some analysts believe that the United States excluded some traditional partners from the "democratic camp", will deepen the gap between the two sides; Some countries or regions that are questioned about "democratic regression" are invited, which will affect the "credibility" of the summit. Human rights groups have questioned whether the "democracy summit" can push those invited leaders to take meaningful action.
Lu Xiang, a researcher at the Institute of American Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times that the United States planned the so-called "democracy summit" and the original design was a meeting of leaders of many countries. But at a time when the world needs unity, a summit with such strong ideological overtones is bound to be a divisive event that will be resisted and thus fail to generate sufficient momentum. To that end, the United States reinvented itself and expanded its participation to include leaders from civil society and the private sector. But no matter how it is packaged, the plot to use this summit to form a gang and take the opportunity to interfere in China's internal affairs is obvious. "We have repeatedly stated our position that democracy is a common value for all mankind, not the preserve of a few countries." Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on the 24 that the actions of the US side exactly prove that the so-called "democracy" is nothing but a cover and a tool used by the US to advance its geostrategic goals, suppress other countries, divide the world, serve itself and seek private gains.
On the same day, the Russian president's press secretary Peskov made it clear that the Kremlin has a negative attitude towards the "democracy summit". "We are negative about the upcoming event. This is nothing more than an attempt to draw new dividing lines. We fought in the early 1990s to shorten and eliminate this line, but now the US prefers to create new lines, dividing the country into what they think is' good 'and what they think is' bad'. The US is trying to privatise the word 'democracy'." "It is alarming that the leadership of the M country is trying to erase the pluralism of today's world and return it to the black and white monochrome of the confrontation between democracy and dictatorship." Andrei Kortunov, director of the Russian Council of International Affairs, wrote that if Washington's goal is to once again publicize the political, social and economic model of the M country to the world, then it should first put the domestic order in order - given the current political and social situation in the United States, the M Lijan model is clearly not enough to be accepted by other countries and societies. In a survey released earlier this month by the Pew Research Center, only 17 percent of respondents in 16 advanced economies (all Allies and partners of the United States) believed that American "democracy" was worth emulating, and 23 percent believed that American "democracy" was never a good example. On Monday, a Swedish agency included the United States in its list of "regressive democratic countries."
The German "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" said on the 24th that the M country cannot present itself as a "beacon of freedom". As the serious constitutional crisis escalated after last year's general election, the M Constitution provided illustrative material for the "temptation of populists." Biden cannot speak in the past tense about an attack on the heart of "democracy." "The crisis is not over... Biden's "Democracy Summit."
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