Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker - Posted By Another At A Different Site

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Dec 9, 2009, 10:16:53 PM12/9/09
to Toxic Indoor Mold Central
Chronic exposure to mold.

Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker MD, author of The Mold Warriors, has provided
some astonishing insights into the effects of biotoxins on chronic
conditions. In particular, mold and lyme produce toxins that can make
people chronically ill for months, or even years. Dr. Shoemaker has
found that certain people have a genotype (HLA DR 14-5-52B) that makes
them more susceptible to biotoxins than the general population.1

People with this genotype lack the ability to recognize bioxotins, tag
them, and eliminate them from the body. Without this ability, the
toxins continually circulate within the body. They constantly cause
the immune and inflammation system to turn on—and never turn off—since
the toxins never leave the body.

More specifically, mold and lyme (found in lyme disease) produce a fat-
soluble toxin that gets tied up in a cycle where it kicks off the
body’s inflammatory cascade, and attaches to the brain and nervous
system (making it also a significant neurotoxin). The toxin also binds
to cholesterol, making it difficult to eliminate effectively from the
body since the body generally wants to hang on to—and reabsorb—

One major problem for people who are genetically predisposed not to
recognize biotoxins is that they can’t really get away from them,
because they exist readily in the environment. People with chronic
fatigue syndrome and other "fatiguing" type conditions feel like they
have the flu all the time, mainly due to chronic exposure to mold
found in everyday living. And their situation becomes even more
desperate because most doctors are totally baffled by chronic
conditions due to biotoxins, and don’t know how to treat them.

The symptoms of chronic mold exposure are extensive. Anyone who has
eight of the following symptoms should consider mold as a suspect in
causing illness:

Fibromyalgia Respiratory distress, coughing, sneezing, sinusitis
Difficulty swallowing, choking, spitting up (vomiting) mucous
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Burning in the throat and lungs (similar
to acid reflux and often misdiagnosed as such) Asthmatic signs;
wheezing, shortness in breath, coughing, burning in lungs, etc.
Irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, diarrhea, sharp abdominal pains,
stomach lesions Bladder, liver, spleen, or kidney pain Dark or painful
urine Dirt-like taste in mouth, coated tongue Food allergies/leaky gut
syndrome/altered immunity Memory loss; brain fog, slurred speech,
occasionally leading to dementia Vision problems Swollen lymph nodes
Large boils on neck (often a sign of anaphylaxis) Yellowing of nails,
ridges, or white marks under nail Thyroid irregularities, sometimes
leading to complete dysfunction; adrenal problems Headaches Anxiety/
depression, heart palpitations - confusion, PTSD Extreme blood
pressure, cholesterol, or triglycerides irregularities Ringing in
ears, balance problems (very common), dizziness, loss of hearing
(aspergillus niger) Chronic fatigue (also included under this
classification directional confusion) Intermittent face flushing;
almost always systemic, called the Mylar Flush (neurological) Night
head sweats, and drooling while sleeping, profuse sweating Multiple
chemical sensitivity; only upon exposure to Stachybotrys and
Chaetomium Nose bleeds (stachybotrys) Bruising/scarring easily; rash
or hives, bloody lesions all over the skin (Often systemic, skin)
Reproductive system complications; infertility, changes in menstrual
cycles, miscarriage Sudden weight changes (Detoxifier genotypes tend
to gain weight, non-detoxifier genotypes tend to lose weight) Cancer
Hair loss, very brittle nails, temporary loss of fingerprints (in rare
cases) Joint/muscle stiffness and pain Irregular heart beat/heart
attack Seizures, inadvertent body jerking, twitching, inadvertent
facial movements or numbness in face Hypersensitivity when re-exposed
to molds, which can lead to anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis upon re-exposure
to mycotoxin producing molds

Surprisingly, Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker has found that mold can be treated
with a medication called Cholestyramine (CSM), a non-absorbable anion-
binding resin used to lower cholesterol for over 40 years. The
physicochemical properties of CSM enable it to bind to a diverse
variety of toxin molecules, including biotoxins.

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