I want to use perlbrew, but it fails.
I had a conversation on freenode that may offer clues, but I am awkward.
Hi. Newbie, working through the tutorials. I am stymied when the error message says I need something, but I can't seem to satisfy it... to wit: IO::Socket::SSL is there! westmj@penguin:~$ perl -vThis is perl 5, version 32, subversion 0 (v5.32.0) built for x86_64-linuxCopyright 1987-2020, Larry WallPerl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or theGNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found onthis system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to theInternet, point your browser at
http://www.perl.org/, the Perl Home Page.westmj@penguin:~$ perl -Mojo -E 'say g("
mojolicious.org")->dom->at("title")->text'IO::Socket::SSL 2.009+ required for TLS support at /home/westmj/perl5/lib/perl5/
ojo.pm line 35.westmj@penguin:~$ cpanm install IO::Socket::SSLinstall is up to date. (0.01)IO::Socket::SSL is up to date. (2.068)westmj@penguin:~$ perl -Mojo -E 'say g("
mojolicious.org")->dom->at("title")->text'IO::Socket::SSL 2.009+ required for TLS support at /home/westmj/perl5/lib/perl5/
ojo.pm line 35.westmj@penguin:~$
rookie as well
gentle people, how to put in line feeds?
kraih 12:20:56
don't ever paste into the channel, use a paste site
see topic
MIkeW 12:21:20
ahhh... as in paste.bin or something a rookie has only heard of?
ⓘ ChanServ gives ops to mst
→ shadowpaste has joined
ⓘ mst takes ops from mst
mst 12:21:42
shadowpaste 12:23:01
MIkeW 12:23:50
westmj@penguin:~$ perl -vThis is perl 5, version 32, subversion 0 (v5.32.0) built for x86_64-linuxCopyright 1987-2020, Larry WallPerl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or theGNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found onthis system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to theInternet, point your browser at
http://www.perl.org/, the Perl Home Page.westmj@penguin:~$ perl -Mojo -E 'say g("
mojolicious.org")->dom->at("title")->text'IO::Socket::SSL 2.009+ required for TLS support at /home/westmj/perl5/lib/perl5/
ojo.pm line 35.westmj@penguin:~$ cpanm install IO::Socket::SSLinstall is up to date. (0.01)IO::Socket::SSL is up to date. (2.068)westmj@penguin:~$ perl -Mojo -E 'say g("
mojolicious.org")->dom->at("title")->text'IO::Socket::SSL 2.009+ required for TLS support at /home/westmj/perl5/lib/perl5/
ojo.pm line 35.westmj@penguin:~$ ^C
mst 12:23:55
MIkeW 12:24:07
god dammit back to the drawing board... please hold my beer
mst 12:24:08
oh, I see you pasted to the bot
then managed to fat finger a paste into here as well
that happens
MIkeW 12:24:32
ha ha ha
mst 12:24:42
notice the bot already gave us the URL
so you didn't need to try and paste it here
kraih 12:24:56
try "mojo version"
mst 12:24:57
(this is useful because it saves us all the opportunity to get it wrong ;)
MIkeW 12:24:57
so clever these bots
mst 12:25:18
(that's why I invited the bot first, any opportunity to avoid me fat fingering is good :)
MIkeW 12:25:41
This version is up to date, have fun!
oh, I am having fun for sure
kraih 12:26:10
and the IO::Socket::SSL line?
MIkeW 12:26:37
IO::Socket::SSL 2.009+ (n/a)
* mst wonders if MIkeW is accidentally using a cpanm installed to a different perl to the one Mojo is installed to
MIkeW: n/a means "not installed"
MIkeW 12:27:04
clever, when I just put it in with cpanm to my perlbrew.... ykies
Grinnz 12:27:27
cpanm will install to the perl you run it with
MIkeW 12:27:33
Grinnz 12:27:36
so make sure you run it with the perl you installed mojo to
MIkeW 12:27:55
okay, maybe perl skew between system and brew, let me get back to you.... thanks.....
mst 12:28:16
MIkeW: try 'cpanm Mojolicious'
MIkeW: that should get it installed to the perlbrew perl
Grinnz 12:28:36
perlbrew tries to be clever with a global cpanm, and it usually works, but
MIkeW 12:28:59
Mojolicious is up to date. (8.65) rats....
mst 12:29:05
Grinnz: but if you have a /usr/bin/mojo or similar fuck your life
Grinnz 12:29:23
which mojo
and which cpanm, etc
MIkeW 12:29:45
I am only following the tutorial.... hello ? hah hah hah. What shebang lines should I check?
Grinnz 12:29:54
i mean literally, `which mojo`
run that command
MIkeW 12:30:00
which mojo => /home/westmj/perl5/bin/mojo
this fine thing eats up "/home/westmj/perl5/bin/mojo", another apparent feature for newbies....
Grinnz 12:31:33
ok so the problem is you have a non-perlbrew local::lib
you need to deactivate that
MIkeW 12:31:53
which cpanm/home/westmj/perl5/bin/cpanm
Grinnz 12:31:55
perlbrew only works with local::libs it's managing itself
MIkeW 12:32:12
which cpanm => /home/westmj/perl5/bin/cpanm
Grinnz 12:32:18
check your .bashrc and remove the activation of local::lib
MIkeW 12:32:40
ok, pls hold my beer
Grinnz 12:32:52
you can paste the .bashrc to the paste site if you're not sure which lines that is
mst 12:33:04
eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib=--deactivate-all) often helps
Grinnz 12:33:15
for the current session, ^ run that
but remove it from the .bashrc for future sessions
* mst hugs App::plx
I should really write up some "how to get started with" stuff
MIkeW 12:34:27
likely this baby: => PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT="/home/westmj/perl5${PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT:+:${PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT}}"; export PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT;
mst 12:34:47
MIkeW: not just that one, that's just informational
MIkeW: there'll be four or five PERLsomething variables in .bashrc
Grinnz 12:35:42
yeah, looks like you got the ones CPAN.pm added
just don't remove the perlbrew one
MIkeW 12:36:35
tell you what, you have been very helpful, but my newbie is showing, let me take this under advisement. "I'll be back." learning freenode and mojo at the same time is taxing. do you want my email address?
how do I get a transcript of this session to study?
Grinnz 12:37:27
you're using the webchat so... copy paste?
MIkeW 12:37:44