Optimistic Framework hopes

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Nov 22, 2020, 1:49:19 PM11/22/20
to Mojolicious
I really like the vibe of this product on the web.

I'm coming from C, old perl and old ASP.
I need to quickly get back onboard the modern web.

Can I rely that this framework will excel when working with Postgresql back end
and secure access? My app will be inventory intensive with mobile interfaces as well.

I'll be going through the turorials, but also like to hear first hand suggestions for
understanding the framework.
Bret Stern

Stefan Adams

Nov 27, 2020, 8:42:11 AM11/27/20
to mojolicious
Mojolicious is a fantastic framework and the very popular Mojo::Pg will absolutely have you excel at your Postgresql work.

Indeed, read the tutorials and guides -- they have all the answers.  The documentation is thorough and precise.

I also very much recommend checking out the examples (mojo, mojo-pg, minion).  I like using the blog example as a starting point for a lot of my apps.

I have written an inventory app for a warehouse a few years back and it worked so great for me.

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