I'm try simple web camera app (attached here script). That works fine with Firefox browser but Chrome did not works and show the error:
WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:3000/feed?feed=%2Ffeed%2Fcam1' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Sent non-empty 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' header but no response was received
and log:
- [2020-09-14 16:50:19.43834] [5345] [info] [G4k6PIcS] Client connected: Mojolicious::Controller=HASH(0x3576860); to feed: Mojo::IOLoop::Stream=HASH(0x3510830); clients: 3
- [2020-09-14 16:50:19.43859] [5345] [debug] [G4k6PIcS] 101 Switching Protocols (0.001538s, 650.195/s)
- [2020-09-14 16:50:19.44027] [5345] [info] [G4k6PIcS] Client disconnected: Mojolicious::Controller=HASH(0x3576860); clients: 2
Perl (v5.26.1, linux)
Mojolicious (8.59, Supervillain)
Cpanel::JSON::XS 4.09+ (n/a)
EV 4.32+ (n/a)
IO::Socket::Socks 0.64+ (n/a)
IO::Socket::SSL 2.009+ (2.066)
Net::DNS::Native 0.15+ (n/a)
Role::Tiny 2.000001+ (2.000008)
Future::AsyncAwait 0.36+ (n/a)