Moira issues: a post from Tony de Sa on Facebook (MoiraNet)

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Frederick Noronha

Sep 10, 2018, 2:04:05 AM9/10/18

There are some truths we hold as self evident, other truths are known to all in general as common knowledge. But interspersed with the these truths are sometimes lies which are known to all, but which no body wishes to confront.

There is a large segment of folks in Moira which wishes to have an English Mass on Saturdays. The new Parish priest is not in favour of saying the Mass in English; that is his prerogative and pleasure. No questions. But what is disturbing is a paragraph published in the "Prokas" which is the Church bulletin and which says that the previous Parish Priest in his report has stated, "Hea Misak lok thoddo astat ani mandun haddpak konn asona." Really? Is this true?

Now I will not insult the previous Parish Priest by calling this a blatant lie, but will content my self that it isn't the truth either. It is surprising that the Parish Council members did not at least question this statement but rather accepted it as gullible people accepted it without a murmur. 

Any poll taken in Moira will show that there are numerous families which have an English speaking background, having settled in Goa after having lived abroad and in Mumbai. Surely it is a need for such people to not only worship in English, but to have catechism for their children in English. Worship is about communicating with God in the language one is most fluent with. Let it not be misconstrued that I am against the Konkani language. I am very fluent in it, but the Konkani used for our services simply isn't the same which is the lingua franca of the common Goan.

Well this isn't the only blow dealt to the faithful by the ex-PP. Take the feast of the Novem which is celebrated on 15th August. Because he felt that he had to hoist the flag in Moira school, he insisted on having the Novem in the evening. I have personally asked the then headmistress why she allowed the manager to do it while it was her prerogative and she told me, "look at it this way. I am a Hindu Headmistress in a Catholic School, run by the Diocesan Society and the Manager a Priest wishes to hoist the flag. If I say no, a communal incident will be created and there will be all kinds of trouble." So for the ego of a person, the whole village was taken for a ride.

The next very vexing thing is the manner in which a new Catechism school was constructed. There were no formal tenders for the same advertised in the papers as would be demanded by financial probity. Instead, announcements were made in the Church and 3 quotations were received. One of the interested and favoured contractor and the other two of non serious contenders. During the building process, several demands were made for money. The final cost of construction was never published nor any accounts furnished. Off and on, the Prokas published lists of donors but that's all. Aren't the Parish Council Members, The Confraria Committee and the Fabrica Committee abettors and perpetrators of this financial scam? What is more, when the building gets built, there is a stone crediting the Parish Priest, the Architect and a "Promoter" for the building. Didn't those who subscribe, those who helped raise money those who made contributions of any sort also be qualified as promoters? Surely an audit inspection of the use/ misuse of public funds is in order here?

There are other scams galore like wasteful expenditure on un-neded pews and paving on the outside of the Church, while the New PP has his meals cooked in a kitchen that is absolutely filthy and disgraceful.


Cecil Pinto

Sep 10, 2018, 12:31:59 PM9/10/18
to Moira-Net
I Moira-Net the place to be discussing these issues which are specific to the Moira church and the Moira Catholic community?

Tomorrow what will we see? A Letter to the Editor in the Navhind Times?




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Savio Figueiredo

Sep 11, 2018, 2:28:06 PM9/11/18
I agree with Cecil that this is not an appropriate forum to discuss matters related to the Church. It is also unfair and one sided as it does not give the Old & new Parish Priests an opportunity to present their side of the story.

My experience with the English Mass in the Aldona Church shows that it is not easy to organise an English Mass every Sunday . There is the problem of organizing a Priest comfortable with English every Sunday. Aldona is lucky to have the Fransalians who usually  celebrate the Mass. There has been resistance from earlier PP's to this Mass but a few people have shown leadership and have worked with PP's to continue this Mass.   

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Denness DMello

Sep 11, 2018, 2:28:06 PM9/11/18
I agree with Cecil. These views cannot be discussed here without an understanding of the challenges within the community.
I wonder why we don't see discussions on relevant village issues as in the past.

Denness DMello

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Frederick Noronha

Sep 11, 2018, 3:29:28 PM9/11/18
Savio, are you saying the priests are unfamiliar with the language? Or are they just going on the basis of some assumption made about the preferred language in Goa?


Frederick Noronha

Sep 11, 2018, 3:29:28 PM9/11/18
Oops, Moira seems to be missing from this list:
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