FW: : Please answer Mr. Hess

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Reta Wacker

Apr 27, 2011, 4:38:08 PM4/27/11
to mohawkre...@googlegroups.com


Hello Mr. Hess,

Enclosed some of my mails to you. When can I expect to get my 2 properties which were allocated to me and I wished to keep. You sold them to someone else from under my nose. I wish to get my 2 properties.

Thank you

Reta Wacker


From: Reta Wacker [mailto:at...@telus.net]
Sent: March-01-11 5:23 PM
To: 'mohawkre...@googlegroups.com'; 'sup...@goinvestwisely.com'
Subject: RE: : Brad Hess, Mohawk Profinancial Goivest wisely


Hello Mr. Hess,

Can you please inform me when I can expect to get my 2 properties allocated to me?

Thank you

Reta Wacker


From: mohawkre...@googlegroups.com [mailto:mohawkre...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Brad Hess
Sent: February-18-11 10:25 AM
To: Wendy Kwong
Cc: mohawkre...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [SPAM] Re: RE: Brad Hess, Mohawk Profinancial Goivest wisely and White Color liars


All employees have been let go. Tyrell and myself are here working counsel to try and do the right thing for the purchasers, with what is left of GIW.


Wendy has received her property, It was deeded to her, She should have nothing to complain about. But no... She instead files a lawsuit against, "EVERYONE"! Even John Doe 1 through 103 I guess she wants the "right" to bring action against all of you if she feels something more was given to you then her... I can only guess.


I am spending money everyday defending myself and GIW against claims from Wendy who received a deed to a property. I would rather be spending that money on refunds, but I guess we see what is truly more important to Wendy.


I have been here the entire time, as my world has fallen apart. This was not what I wanted, the process has taken everything I have ever worked for... I don't expect, want or assume you will feel sorrow for me, I just explain so you know where I stand. 


As I have said many times before I always tried to do what was best for you the buyer. I am sure I have made many mistakes, but each time I was there after the fact trying to clean up the mess. I am sorry this has turned out the way it has...


If we would have received all the deeds we would not have had to spend more money on properties (over extending ourself)

If we had received all the purchase funds from Mohawk we would not have run out of money and been forced to liquidate properties for less then we purchased them for early on.

if we had have a contingency fund created from FIC as promised we could have gone to those properties rather than waiting for deeds.

If we would have known the Oborn's would have spent the management funds unwisely we would not have had to spend legal fees to remove them and take over the company and spend money from GIW for management,

If I would have seen how bad the economy would have gotten in these areas, I would not have purchased there



I could go on and on... Of course hind sight is 20/20 and I admit I could have done many things different, but I was doing the best I knew how to do at the time and I stil am. (meanwhile, John Hyland of Mohawk is back out on stage, selling products)





On Feb 18, 2011, at 10:53 AM, Wendy Kwong wrote:


Well at least you got paid something.  I have received NOTHING at all and I'm sure there are many more like me.


Brad, if you're reading this "You reap what you sow."



----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 2:09 PM

Subject: FW: RE: Brad Hess, Mohawk Profinancial Goivest wisely and White Color liars


Hello Mr. Hess,


Well, your answers are contradictory. GIW allocated the properties to me and GIW sold them for less then your purchase price to some numbered  company in Toronto. I am sorry to say, but that is a very suspicious action.


These 2 properties were allocated to me, I signed the Deed Request Document  in good time and  you go and sell the property away from under my nose to someone who you say has paid way less than the cost of the property to you was.

Why would you do such a thing as a businessman?


Now, I wish to get 2 properties deeded to me as promised.

What 2 properties are you allocating to me, as I signed the Deed Request document well in time?  I wish for them to be free of Property taxes owing.


You take offence to what I have said.  Well it was Mr Tyrol who is still involved with you Mr. Hess and he promoted the properties to us in Vancouver.

I am well aware that John Hyland and his buddy, have  taken all of us for a ride.  But you are Go Invest Wisely and you were the title holder of the properties which were allocated to me.  In my mind you did not act in my interest. I sincerely hope you will rectify that real soon.


Also need to correct you in what I have received in rent for the 26 Fountain Property. I have not received $2749.30; you deducted management fee and property taxes, which were never paid to the Government. I have received exactly $1478.10 from that property#4602.


Thank you for taking time to see to it that I will rightfully receive what I have paid for  and what I have requested in the proper time frame.




Reta Wacker


From: [mailto:mohawkre...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Brad Hess
Sent: February-09-11 6:26 PM
To: mohawkre...@googlegroups.com; Reta Wacker
Subject: Re: [SPAM] RE: Brad Hess, Mohawk Profinancial Goivest wisely and White Color liars
Importance: High


Yes this property process has not turned out as anyone planned for many of the purchasers. However I thought I would fill in a few holes...


Go Invest Wisely was asked to purchase two properties for Mrs Wacker from Mohawk (John Hyland) which GIW did and was paid $11,000 per property. 


The first property (property ID 4603) was purchased from Gerner REO for $7,000 and a property management company was hired to go out to the home and secure an occupant. An occupant was secured and a land contract was put into place for $46,080. 


The second property (property ID 4602) was purchased from Key Bank for $6,500 and a property management company was hired to go out to the home and secure an occupant. An occupant was secured and a land contract was put into place for $39,883.  


Once the properties had a land contract put in place they where to be deeded to Mrs. Wacker. Due to the involvement of Mohawk in the process each property had to follow the chain of title and had to be deeded to Mohawk prior to being deeded to the end purchaser (in this case Mrs. Wacker) 


This is when things went bad... Mohawk would not work with GIW to deed the properties through.


In anticipation that Mohawk would start working with GIW and the properties would eventually be Abel to be deeded to the buyers GIW decided to in the mean time pay the monthly land contract payments to Mrs Wacker. Unfortunately on property 4603 the occupant never paid their payments and the eviction process was started. However on property 4602 Mrs Wacker received a total of $2,749.30 in land contract payments. GIW was still the legal holder of the property and was trying to deed the properties to Mrs. Wacker but was unable.  GIW had no legal responsibility to pay these funds to Mrs Wacker at this time in the process; however GIW management felt it was the right thing to do and therefore made the payments.


Ultimately the legal council for GIW helped GIW make the decision to by-pass Mohawk and deed many properties directly to the buyers, in many cases this was too late and Mrs. Wackers situation is one of them that this decision happened after the property was sold to a third party in an effort to save some of the value of the home.


Each of the properties mentioned above were ultimately sold to other companies looking for REO homes (do the research if you must, however none of these companies have anything to do with GIW or the owners of GIW). The properties were sold for less then they where purchased in an effort to recoup any funds in order to have something to refund the buyers. 


The last communication to Mrs Wacker was on 10/19/2010 where she was told she could look at any of the remaining properties and select replacements or be placed on the refund list.


I am sorry this process turned out the way it did; I have always made decisions I thought where in the best interest of you and other buyers Mrs Wacker. I understand that many buyers don't care what I say now and have categorized me but I have never lied and I have just tried to do the best thing for you with the cards I was dealt.


I would be angry if I was in your position as well, I wish you the best as I still continue to help you. 


Brad Hess




On Feb 9, 2011, at 9:11 AM, Reta Wacker wrote:


Mr Hess and Mohawk/Go Invest Wisely/Profinancial Organizers and White Color Liars,


 I have bought 2 properties of which one of them was rented/purchased as per the agreement that we had with Mohawk/Profinancial/Go Invest Wisely, which are one and the same peoples, when we gave you our hard earned money way back at one of the FIC meetings.


In the meantime we all know that we were cheated and lied to so many times that it would make a book.


I SIGNED A DEED REQUEST DOCUMENT on June 10 2010. Sent to 300 North 383 West, Linden Utah 84042.  I have never received the deed but have found out that my one property that actually was allocated to me was sold, from under my nose to a Numbered Company #205115 Ontario Inc for $16,500.00, right from under me. The property that was supposed to be mine!!

What I assume is, that the # account could be one of you organizers of this scheme or someone who knew more than most of us do and threatened to sue you majorly.

I want my property that I signed for or give me the $16,500, which belongs to me and you have taken away from me. What cheats you are!

How many of us have you cheated in this manner?  

Mr. Hess, I had faith in you and that you would be honest. All us individual investors have been cheated by you and your fellow accomplices, shame on you!

I want my properties I have paid for.

And I am speaking for all the other investors out there, you have taken the money so easily off our hands, give us what we were promised now!


Reta Wacker




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