Bug in xfn_test.rb?

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Steve Ivy

2007年11月16日 上午10:42:242007/11/16
I've been trying to track down what I thought was a bug in some
changes to mofo that I'm working on, but I'm starting to think it's a
bug in the xfn tests, but I'm not certain.

After having this test in xfn_tests.rb fail:

> me = $xfn.me
> me.should.be.an.instance_of Array

I finally started looking at the fixture - xfn_test.html. There's
actually only one valid rel="me" in the test data:

> <dl class="valid">
> <dt>Identity</dt>
> <dd><a href="#me" rel="me">me</a> (exclusive of all other values)</dd>
> </dl>

There are a slew of invalid rel="me *" links later in the document,
but a recent change to mofo means that the valid rel="me" is the only
one found. So I think that testing that $xfn.me is an instance_of
Array is a bug.

Before I file this as a bug and submit a patch, can anyone confirm
that this, or am I missing something?


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