How to upadate MoFEM ?

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Mar 19, 2018, 12:10:56 PM3/19/18
to mofem Group

I installed MoFEM with Docker a few weeks ago.
Is there a way to update MoFEM to get the latest features without having to reinstall the code completely ?


Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Mar 19, 2018, 1:20:27 PM3/19/18
to mofem Group
Hello Francois,

Welcome in our Q&A group.

The easiest way is to follow instruction form
I am assuming that you used above to install mofem. However, I have not changed docker image for fracture module for a long time, since Philipe visit. I will make an update of it in following days. Let me know you using this docker image.

It is a way to do the installation from scratch, directly from source code. Then you will have to follow instruction from 
and also clone fracture module to users_module directory
If you from beginning using that installation, you need to just update source code from repositories and recompile it. See some explanations here

To give you a better understanding, MoFEM core library is located in the separate repository than users modules, for example, fracture mechanics user module. Core library can be compiled with stable "master" branch or "CDasgTesting" branch, i.e. working branch that all tests are working but is under development. We have other branches, for example, development brunch which is directly under development and can change on daily basis. Once source code is updated, for core library and a user module (or only user module), it need be compiled. 

However I recommend to wait one or two days, I will make an update of fracture module. I will let you know when is done. 


François EDF Energy

Mar 22, 2018, 8:02:45 AM3/22/18
to mofem Group
Hi Lukasz,

Thank you for your answer.

I downloaded  the fracture_mechanics module (/mofem_build/um/fracture_mechanics).

Then there is an error at [15%] when I recompile the code with

cd $HOME/mofem_build/um
-j 4

Here is the end of the result of these command lines
fracture_mechanics/CMakeFiles/fm_crack_propagation.dir/build.make:110: recipe for target 'fracture_mechanics/CMakeFiles/fm_crack_propagation.dir/src/impl/CPMeshCut.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [fracture_mechanics/CMakeFiles/fm_crack_propagation.dir/src/impl/CPMeshCut.cpp.o] Error 1
fracture_mechanics/CMakeFiles/fm_crack_propagation.dir/build.make:134: recipe for target 'fracture_mechanics/CMakeFiles/fm_crack_propagation.dir/src/impl/MWLS.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [fracture_mechanics/CMakeFiles/fm_crack_propagation.dir/src/impl/MWLS.cpp.o] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:3604: recipe for target 'fracture_mechanics/CMakeFiles/fm_crack_propagation.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [fracture_mechanics/CMakeFiles/fm_crack_propagation.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:94: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

Do you know why ?


Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Mar 22, 2018, 9:00:24 AM3/22/18
to mofem Group

You downloaded fracture module to build directory, should be in the source directory, i.e. /mofem/users_modules. However this will not work, but you will need an update as well core library. That created problems in cmake which configure code for compilation. At that point, it is hard to tell what is precisely wrong with compilation. It looks that the best option would be to pull module from docker hub. 

I am working on this code every day, fixing bugs and adding new stuff. I am building now a new container for you. 

Kind regards,

Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Mar 22, 2018, 9:06:07 AM3/22/18
to mofem Group
I found your compilation problems on CDashTestiong,

Now I see that you need to update core library. As I write before, I am doing new docker image for you at the moment. It will be later today, I have some classes with students to do first.

Kind regards,

Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Mar 22, 2018, 10:55:41 AM3/22/18
to mofem Group

I made precompiled core library with fracture module. It is debugging version, so a lot of is written to hard drive for debugging purposes.  It is fully functional version, and you can do crack propagation with it. 

I have still small things to fix but is working on complex cases.

To pull recent version, you follow documentation

To make it short:

Pull the latest version:
docker pull likask/mofem_fracture_mechanics:latest

Create docker volume:
docker run --name mofem_fracture_volume_v0_9_5 likask/mofem_fracture_mechanics:latest

Note I create a new volume with name mofem_fracture_volume_v0_9_5, old will still exist. In volume, you have all calculations. 

In theory, you could work on existing volume. However, that volume is for 9-month-old version. So new volume is created, but still, you can access old one. 

Ok once you have the new volume you can run it:
docker run --rm=true -it \
--volumes-from mofem_fracture_volume_v0_9_5 -v $HOME:$HOME -e HOSTHOME=$HOME \
/mofem_fracture_mechanics /bin/bash

Once you are in, 
cd um/fracture_mechanics/
-j 2

And you are ready to work.

Let me know how it go. Ask in case of the problems.


François EDF Energy

Mar 22, 2018, 12:13:48 PM3/22/18
to mofem Group

Everything works perfectly !

Thank you for your help Lukasz.

I'll try to launch some crack propagation calculation next fews days. I'll let you know if I have some issues.

Kind regards,

Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Mar 22, 2018, 12:23:40 PM3/22/18
to mofem Group

I have to write some example for you first, just for start. You will need to set some parameters, like crack increment, tolerances, etc. 

We can do examples form here 
and here

There are some other tests for experiments done by EDF which we have done in the past. Note that all documentation on the web pages are for old code. We will need to update this. You can help with that.


François EDF Energy

Mar 23, 2018, 7:57:29 AM3/23/18
to mofem Group

I'll do my best with the example from the website.
I keep a records of my calculations, what is working or not, in order to improve the documentation and help the future users.


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