Fieldsplit solver

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Karol Lewandowski

Oct 6, 2021, 10:20:05 AM10/6/21
to MoFEM Q&A
I am building a multi-level fieldsplit solver, starting with splitting the fields. 

Here is my param file: 


# plastic strains
-pc_type fieldsplit
-pc_fieldsplit_type schur

-fieldsplit_0_ksp_type preonly
-fieldsplit_0_pc_type lu
-fieldsplit_0_pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps

-fieldsplit_1_pc_type fieldsplit
-fieldsplit_1_pc_fieldsplit_type schur
-fieldsplit_1_ksp_type preonly

# plastic multiplier
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_0_pc_type lu
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_0_ksp_type preonly
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_0_pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps

# boundary
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_pc_type lu
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_ksp_type preonly

and the output is 

] <inform> [petsc]     0 SNES Function norm 8.276359569249e+02 [  8.276359569249e+02  ,   6.166468273909e-07  ,   0.000000000000e+00  ]
[0] <inform> [petsc]       0 KSP Residual norm 9.641039121356e+00 
[0] <inform> [petsc]       1 KSP Residual norm 4.844583274202e-14 
[0] <inform> [petsc]     1 SNES Function norm 3.515207777594e+02 [  3.515207777594e+02  ,   6.366138602407e-07  ,   1.530979979816e-13  ]
[0] <inform> [petsc]       0 KSP Residual norm 4.252398977796e+00 
[0] <inform> [petsc]       1 KSP Residual norm 1.021194767660e-14 
[0] <inform> [petsc]     2 SNES Function norm 5.196932266325e+01 [  5.196932266325e+01  ,   2.300586250842e-07  ,   1.949889382638e-14  ]

Does anyone have an idea, why do I see only two KSP iterations? There should be tree of iterations. Am I missing some parameters?  

Karol Lewandowski

Oct 6, 2021, 10:40:01 AM10/6/21
to MoFEM Q&A
I think ksp_type has to be set to fgmres or gmres, to be able to see the residuals properly

Anyway, setting the boundary problem as the last split, is still not straightforward to implement. 

Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Oct 6, 2021, 10:50:25 AM10/6/21
to MoFEM Q&A

You set 
-fieldsplit_1_pc_type fieldsplit 
-fieldsplit_1_pc_fieldsplit_type schur
-fieldsplit_1_ksp_type preonly 

so that means that on the second level you kick the strat field preconditioner on the second level. You can see KSP iteration on second level, which in KSP iterations if you do

-fieldsplit_1_pc_type fieldsplit 
-fieldsplit_1_pc_fieldsplit_type schur
-fieldsplit_1_ksp_type fgmres 


Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Oct 6, 2021, 10:54:21 AM10/6/21
to MoFEM Q&A
To add, your problem is here,
-fieldsplit_1_ksp_type preonly 
you do not run KSP iterations on this level, just apply a preconditioner. 

Karol Lewandowski

Oct 6, 2021, 11:04:11 AM10/6/21
to MoFEM Q&A
Thank you, Lukasz. Now it is clear. 

So I try to apply the last boundary fieldsplit preconditioner using DM_tau and this is what I get 

[0] <inform> [petsc]     0 SNES Function norm 4.102663298115e+01 [  4.102663298115e+01  ,   0.000000000000e+00  ,   0.000000000000e+00  ]
[0] <inform> [petsc]             Residual norms for fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_0_ solve.
[0] <inform> [petsc]             0 KSP Residual norm 4.088320778375e+01 
[0] <inform> [petsc]     0 SNES Function norm 1.026654709890e+01 [  1.026654709890e+01  ,   0.000000000000e+00  ,   0.000000000000e+00  ]
[0] <inform> [petsc]             Residual norms for fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_0_ solve.
[0] <inform> [petsc]             0 KSP Residual norm 1.023065622906e+01 

and the rest of my param_file: 

# boundary
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_pc_type lu
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_ksp_type preonly
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps
# -fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_ksp_monitor

-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_pc_type fieldsplit
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_pc_fieldsplit_type multiplicative

-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_0_pc_type lu
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_0_ksp_type fgmres
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_0_pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps

-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_pc_type lu
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_ksp_type fgmres
-fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_fieldsplit_1_pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps

Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Oct 6, 2021, 3:46:39 PM10/6/21
to MoFEM Q&A
Hi Karol,

I see, now we have to understand why is this is failing. 

1) run code with option -h -log_trace, it will show you all the options,  It will show you at exactly what point code is breaking. Can you upload log file after you run -log_trace?
2) I will check what will happen, when you use -pc_type jacobi. Mumps can fail because of memory, or the matrix is singular.


Karol Lewandowski

Oct 6, 2021, 3:48:16 PM10/6/21
to MoFEM Q&A

I will do that, but I started to think now how and when should I assemble the boundary contributions.

Karol Lewandowski

Oct 7, 2021, 6:30:03 AM10/7/21
to MoFEM Q&A

Little update, the field split is working. The only issue I get now is when I try to setup the last split in parallel

Karol Lewandowski

Oct 7, 2021, 8:35:07 AM10/7/21
to MoFEM Q&A
CHKERR PCSetUp(tau_pc);

[0]PETSC ERROR: Argument out of range
[0]PETSC ERROR: key 1416 is greater than largest key allowed 795

I get this error when I try to SetUp second preconditioner (for TAU) in parallel computations. 

Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Oct 7, 2021, 8:43:13 AM10/7/21
to MoFEM Q&A

I hard to help here. But is clear that you have a problem with indices. Possibly the size of Schur complement and your Matrix in sub-problem does not match.


Karol Lewandowski

Oct 7, 2021, 8:45:45 AM10/7/21
to MoFEM Q&A

but why only in parallel? I checked if in Eshelbian plasticity you do anything special for parallel computations and I have not found anything specific. 

Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Oct 7, 2021, 8:51:37 AM10/7/21
to MoFEM Q&A
hard to say,

Karol Lewandowski

Oct 7, 2021, 10:20:51 AM10/7/21
to MoFEM Q&A
What to do if boundary elements for fieldsplit are only on one core, but not others? 

Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Oct 7, 2021, 10:21:46 AM10/7/21
to MoFEM Q&A
That should not be a problem.
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