Implementation of master-slave vertices in fracture module

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Jun 5, 2018, 6:24:46 AM6/5/18
to mofem Group

I am trying to include the master-slave vertices elements for multi constrain boundary conditions.
Could someone suggest on what could be the source of the error I have? 

Please see the error below:

read cubit meshset 12682136550675316773 type BLOCKSET MAT_ELASTICSET msId 1 name MAT_ELASTIC block header:  blockCol = 4294967295 blockMat = 0 blockDimension = 3

read cubit meshset 12682136550675316774 type BLOCKSET msId 2 block header:  blockCol = 4294967295 blockMat = 0 blockDimension = 1

read cubit meshset 12682136550675316775 type BLOCKSET msId 3 block header:  blockCol = 4294967295 blockMat = 0 blockDimension = 0

read cubit meshset 12682136550675316776 type NODESET FORCESET msId 1

read cubit meshset 12682136550675316777 type NODESET DISPLACEMENTSET msId 2

read cubit meshset 12682136550675316778 type NODESET DISPLACEMENTSET msId 3

read cubit meshset 12682136550675316779 type NODESET DISPLACEMENTSET msId 4

read cubit meshset 12682136550675316780 type NODESET UNKNOWNNAME msId 107 name MaVertex

read cubit meshset 12682136550675316781 type SIDESET UNKNOWNNAME msId 106 name SlaVertices

read cubit meshset 12682136550675316782 type SIDESET msId 400

MoFEM version 0.7.24 (MOAB 5.0.0 Petsc Release Version 3.8.2, unknown ) 

git commit id 7da6ad4b8d2a562fef9bc86890b5eb8197ca15c0

Fracture module version 0.9.34

Min quality cut 0.01599

Min quality trim 0.00048

(0) Number of nodes merged 13 ave q 2.0493e-01 min q 4.8121e-04

(1) Number of nodes merged 24 ave q 2.4395e-01 min q 2.1734e-03

(2) Number of nodes merged 33 ave q 2.8183e-01 min q 9.3407e-03

(3) Number of nodes merged 42 ave q 3.1503e-01 min q 1.0187e-01

(4) Number of nodes merged 48 ave q 3.4458e-01 min q 1.3646e-01

(5) Number of nodes merged 53 ave q 3.6241e-01 min q 1.6546e-01

(6) Number of nodes merged 58 ave q 3.7543e-01 min q 2.1675e-01

Min quality node merge -0.02956

  Initializing memorypools.

  tetrahedron per block: 8188.

  Size of a point: 168 bytes.

  Size of a tetrahedron: 96 (96) bytes.

  Size of a shellface: 192 (192) bytes.

  Initializing robust predicates.

  sizeof(double) =  8

  machine epsilon =   2.22045e-16 [IEEE 754 64-bit macheps]

Reconstructing mesh ...

  Constructing mapping from indices to points.

Mesh reconstruction seconds:  0.003079

Mesh coarsening ...

    Coarsen 0 marked points.

Mesh coarsening seconds:  1.5e-05

Recovering Delaunayness...

  Initial obj = 6.3295422221030468e-06

    Recover Delaunay [Lawson] : 1880

    obj (after Lawson) = 6.3273083818562336e-06

Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.000991

Refining mesh...

  Min radiu-edge ratio = 2.

  Min dihedral   angle = 0.

  Splitting bad quality tets.

The desired number of Steiner points is reached.

  Added 0 (0,0,0) Steiner points.

Warnning:  The desired number of Steiner points (0) is reached.

Refinement seconds:  9.8e-05

Optimizing mesh...

  Optimization level  = 2.

  Optimization scheme = 7.

  Number of iteration = 3.

  Min_Max dihed angle = 165.

    Improving mesh qualiy by flips [1]#:  8.

    Removed 8 bad tets.

  Removed 8 edges.

Optimization seconds:  0.00056

Writing nodes.

Writing elements.

Writing faces.

Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.000132

Total running seconds:  0.005003


  Input points: 263

  Input tetrahedra: 841

  Input facets: 445

  Input segments: 475

  Input holes: 0

  Input regions: 0

  Mesh points: 263

  Mesh tetrahedra: 891

  Mesh faces: 1980

  Mesh faces on facets: 445

  Mesh edges on segments: 475

Mesh quality statistics:

  Smallest volume:        1.363e-08   |  Largest volume:       4.0642e-07

  Shortest edge:          0.0039651   |  Longest edge:           0.023237

  Smallest asp.ratio:        1.2977   |  Largest asp.ratio:        11.339

  Smallest facangle:         15.694   |  Largest facangle:       138.5385

  Smallest dihedral:         8.5043   |  Largest dihedral:       163.0285

  Aspect ratio histogram:

         < 1.5       :        63      |      6 - 10         :        13

     1.5 - 2         :       252      |     10 - 15         :         1

       2 - 2.5       :       298      |     15 - 25         :         0

     2.5 - 3         :       123      |     25 - 50         :         0

       3 - 4         :        97      |     50 - 100        :         0

       4 - 6         :        44      |    100 -            :         0

  (A tetrahedron's aspect ratio is its longest edge length divided by its

    smallest side height)

  Face angle histogram:

      0 -  10 degrees:         0      |     90 - 100 degrees:       247

     10 -  20 degrees:        10      |    100 - 110 degrees:        63

     20 -  30 degrees:       162      |    110 - 120 degrees:        21

     30 -  40 degrees:       495      |    120 - 130 degrees:         4

     40 -  50 degrees:      1069      |    130 - 140 degrees:         1

     50 -  60 degrees:      1445      |    140 - 150 degrees:         0

     60 -  70 degrees:      1294      |    150 - 160 degrees:         0

     70 -  80 degrees:       628      |    160 - 170 degrees:         0

     80 -  90 degrees:       501      |    170 - 180 degrees:         0

  Dihedral angle histogram:

       0 -  5 degrees:         0      |     80 - 110 degrees:      1252

       5 - 10 degrees:         1      |    110 - 120 degrees:       186

      10 - 20 degrees:        82      |    120 - 130 degrees:        90

      20 - 30 degrees:       151      |    130 - 140 degrees:        56

      30 - 40 degrees:       325      |    140 - 150 degrees:        32

      40 - 50 degrees:       630      |    150 - 160 degrees:        22

      50 - 60 degrees:       874      |    160 - 170 degrees:         8

      60 - 70 degrees:       929      |    170 - 175 degrees:         0

      70 - 80 degrees:       708      |    175 - 180 degrees:         0

Memory usage statistics:

  Maximum number of tetrahedra:  1294

  Maximum number of tet blocks (blocksize = 8188):  1

  Approximate memory for tetrahedral mesh (bytes):  345,048

  Approximate memory for extra pointers (bytes):  63,584

  Approximate memory for algorithms (bytes):  273,224

  Approximate memory for working arrays (bytes):  0

  Approximate total used memory (bytes):  681,856

Finite elements partition in problem: row lower 0 row upper 10604 nb elems 10604 ( 10604 )

Partition mesh <- Done

range_vertices_slave = meshset_level0 10604


range_vertex_master = 1

add: name LAGRANGE_MULTI_CONSTRAINT BitFieldId 8 bit number 4 space H1 approximation base AINSWORTH_LEGENDRE_BASE rank 1 meshset 12682136550675316832

lagrange_multi_constrain_vertices = 90

range_vertices_slave = meshset_level0 10604


range_vertex_master = 1

lagrange_multi_constrain_vertices = 90

Slaves are: 90

range_slave_master_edges = 90

add finite element: MASTER_SLAVE_VERTICES_ELEM

Hi 1 from setMultiConstrainsOperatorsRhs 

Hi 1 from setMultiConstrainsOperatorsLhs periodic 


id 00000000000000000000000000000100 name MASTER_SLAVE_VERTICES_ELEM f_id_row 00000000000000000000000000001010 f_id_col 00000000000000000000000000001010 BitFEId_data 00000000000000000000000000001010 Nb. FEs 90

add finite element: ANALITICAL_TRACTION


id 00000000000000000000000000010000 name ANALITICAL_TRACTION f_id_row 00000000000000000000000000000010 f_id_col 00000000000000000000000000000010 BitFEId_data 00000000000000000000000000000110 Nb. FEs 0

add finite element: FORCE_FE

Build Finite Elements FORCE_FE

id 00000000000000000000000000100000 name FORCE_FE f_id_row 00000000000000000000000000000010 f_id_col 00000000000000000000000000000010 BitFEId_data 00000000000000000000000000000110 Nb. FEs 1

add finite element: PRESSURE_FE

Build Finite Elements PRESSURE_FE

id 00000000000000000000000001000000 name PRESSURE_FE f_id_row 00000000000000000000000000000010 f_id_col 00000000000000000000000000000010 BitFEId_data 00000000000000000000000000000110 Nb. FEs 0



id 00000000000000000000001000000000 name ANALITICAL_METERIAL_TRACTION f_id_row 00000000000000000000000000000100 f_id_col 00000000000000000000000000000100 BitFEId_data 00000000000000000000000000000110 Nb. FEs 0

add problem: ELASTIC

partition_problem: rank = 0 FEs row ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000001 FiniteElement id 00000000000000000000000001111101 name ELASTIC Nb. local dof 7927 nb global row dofs 7927

partition_problem: rank = 0 FEs col ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000001 FiniteElement id 00000000000000000000000001111101 name ELASTIC Nb. local dof 7927 nb global col dofs 7927

problem id 00000000000000000000000000000001 FiniteElement id 00000000000000000000000001111101 name ELASTIC Nb. elems 10695 on proc 0

partition_ghost_col_dofs: rank = 0 FEs col ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000001 FiniteElement id 00000000000000000000000001111101 name ELASTIC Nb. col ghost dof 0 Nb. local dof 7927

partition_ghost_row_dofs: rank = 0 FEs row ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000001 FiniteElement id 00000000000000000000000001111101 name ELASTIC Nb. row ghost dof 0 Nb. local dof 7927

Set alpha = 0.0000e+00 beta = 1.0000e+00

add problem: MATERIAL

partition_problem: rank = 0 FEs row ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000010 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111100000000 name MATERIAL Nb. local dof 972 nb global row dofs 972

partition_problem: rank = 0 FEs col ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000010 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111100000000 name MATERIAL Nb. local dof 972 nb global col dofs 972

problem id 00000000000000000000000000000010 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111100000000 name MATERIAL Nb. elems 1146 on proc 0

partition_ghost_col_dofs: rank = 0 FEs col ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000010 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111100000000 name MATERIAL Nb. col ghost dof 0 Nb. local dof 972

partition_ghost_row_dofs: rank = 0 FEs row ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000010 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111100000000 name MATERIAL Nb. row ghost dof 0 Nb. local dof 972


partition_problem: rank = 0 FEs row ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000100 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111111101111 name CRACK_PROPAGATION Nb. local dof 8899 nb global row dofs 8899

partition_problem: rank = 0 FEs col ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000100 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111111101111 name CRACK_PROPAGATION Nb. local dof 8899 nb global col dofs 8899

problem id 00000000000000000000000000000100 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111111101111 name CRACK_PROPAGATION Nb. elems 22538 on proc 0

partition_ghost_col_dofs: rank = 0 FEs col ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000100 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111111101111 name CRACK_PROPAGATION Nb. col ghost dof 0 Nb. local dof 8899

partition_ghost_row_dofs: rank = 0 FEs row ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000100 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111111101111 name CRACK_PROPAGATION Nb. row ghost dof 0 Nb. local dof 8899

Min quality = 0.160


Field 1 name LAMBDA_SURFACE102

Field 2 name LAMBDA_SURFACE200



Field 5 name LAMBDA_EDGE


  0 SNES Function norm 1.798886950700e+02 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 1.798886950700e+02, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 0.000000000000e+00]

  1 SNES Function norm 6.510008398414e+01 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 6.510008398414e+01, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 2.144800862001e-25, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 1.813449415031e-23]

  2 SNES Function norm 1.737642886305e+01 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 1.737642886305e+01, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 1.895309194771e-25, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 1.735400149369e-24]

  3 SNES Function norm 2.894376817534e+00 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 2.894376817534e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 6.537961060298e-26, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 3.154848196883e-25]

  4 SNES Function norm 6.088733738439e-02 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 6.088733738439e-02, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 2.939099956473e-26, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 2.543014087341e-25]

  5 SNES Function norm 6.273134748887e-05 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 6.273134748887e-05, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 1.997644413648e-28, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 1.343542810603e-27]

  6 SNES Function norm 2.392922344019e-08 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 2.392922344019e-08, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 7.931757434607e-31, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 2.037095951621e-30]

  7 SNES Function norm 6.554224423248e-12 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 6.554224423248e-12, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 4.202253280719e-34, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 2.275016196357e-33]

Nonlinear material_ solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_ABS iterations 7

It 0 Min quality = 0.269 eps = 0.406


Field 1 name LAMBDA_SURFACE102

Field 2 name LAMBDA_SURFACE200



Field 5 name LAMBDA_EDGE


  0 SNES Function norm 2.074043593416e+00 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 2.074043593416e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 4.202253280719e-34, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 2.275016196357e-33]

  1 SNES Function norm 8.361687586056e-03 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 8.361687586056e-03, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 2.542806027801e-26, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 3.256656634757e-25]

  2 SNES Function norm 9.564311073276e-06 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 9.564311073276e-06, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 4.108769388761e-29, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 1.162844866582e-27]

  3 SNES Function norm 2.693451331189e-09 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 2.693451331189e-09, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 1.314975460924e-31, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 8.056469359745e-31]

Nonlinear material_ solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_ABS iterations 3

It 1 Min quality = 0.272 eps = 0.011

Set alpha = 0.0000e+00 beta = 1.0000e+00

Set s = 0.0000e+00

F_lambda2 = 0.0000e+00 snes_f norm = 3.4504e-18 snes_x norm = 3.6004e+00 lambda =      1

x norm = 3.6004e+00 x0 norm = 3.6004e+00 dx2 = 0.0000e+00

  0 SNES Function norm 3.443276249644e-18 

Nonlinear elastic_ solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_ABS iterations 0

solution fnorm  = 3.60042365e+00

griffith force at ent  2312 coords -3.451e-18       0.03       0.05 g1 -7.992386e-18 / 4.701722e-17 ( -1.699885e-01 ) g2 4.633293e-17 ( 9.854460e-01 ) g3 0.000000e+00 ( 0.000000e+00 ) relative error (gc-g)/gc 1.000000e+00 / 1.000000e+00

griffith force at ent  2313 coords  3.457e-18       0.03      -0.05 g1 7.758502e-18 / 1.519590e-17 ( 5.105656e-01 ) g2 1.306602e-17 ( 8.598388e-01 ) g3 0.000000e+00 ( 0.000000e+00 ) relative error (gc-g)/gc 1.000000e+00 / 1.000000e+00

griffith force at ent  2367 coords -7.043e-19       0.03    0.01411 g1 1.406805e-17 / 3.513583e-17 ( 4.003904e-01 ) g2 3.121157e-17 ( 8.883119e-01 ) g3 7.902785e-18 ( 2.249210e-01 ) relative error (gc-g)/gc 1.000000e+00 / 1.000000e+00

griffith force at ent  2369 coords -1.574e-18       0.03    0.02367 g1 -1.864856e-18 / 1.722881e-17 ( -1.082405e-01 ) g2 1.705405e-17 ( 9.898568e-01 ) g3 -1.585381e-18 ( -9.201920e-02 ) relative error (gc-g)/gc 1.000000e+00 / 1.000000e+00

griffith force at ent  2371 coords  1.443e-18       0.03   -0.02111 g1 9.516063e-18 / 2.996293e-17 ( 3.175945e-01 ) g2 2.767403e-17 ( 9.236087e-01 ) g3 -6.431971e-18 ( -2.146642e-01 ) relative error (gc-g)/gc 1.000000e+00 / 1.000000e+00

griffith force at ent  2372 coords  9.757e-19       0.03   -0.01219 g1 1.200771e-17 / 1.590777e-17 ( 7.548331e-01 ) g2 1.033502e-17 ( 6.496839e-01 ) g3 1.435035e-18 ( 9.020969e-02 ) relative error (gc-g)/gc 1.000000e+00 / 1.000000e+00

griffith force at ent  2377 coords  7.607e-19    0.02993  -0.004494 g1 -3.856416e-17 / 3.873581e-17 ( -9.955687e-01 ) g2 3.537883e-18 ( 9.133365e-02 ) g3 8.671911e-19 ( 2.238732e-02 ) relative error (gc-g)/gc 1.000000e+00 / 1.000000e+00

griffith force at ent  2381 coords -2.381e-18       0.03    0.03884 g1 -2.099910e-17 / 3.639913e-17 ( -5.769121e-01 ) g2 2.890581e-17 ( 7.941347e-01 ) g3 -6.956189e-18 ( -1.911087e-01 ) relative error (gc-g)/gc 1.000000e+00 / 1.000000e+00

griffith force at ent  2383 coords  1.789e-18       0.03   -0.03235 g1 1.464667e-17 / 1.628285e-17 ( 8.995152e-01 ) g2 7.087112e-18 ( 4.352501e-01 ) g3 -6.156967e-19 ( -3.781259e-02 ) relative error (gc-g)/gc 1.000000e+00 / 1.000000e+00

griffith force at ent  2384 coords -3.372e-19       0.03   0.006719 g1 -1.543777e-17 / 2.509070e-17 ( -6.152788e-01 ) g2 1.943327e-17 ( 7.745209e-01 ) g3 -3.683235e-18 ( -1.467968e-01 ) relative error (gc-g)/gc 1.000000e+00 / 1.000000e+00

griffith force at ent  2387 coords  2.115e-18       0.03   -0.04338 g1 2.664402e-17 / 3.206954e-17 ( 8.308202e-01 ) g2 1.731980e-17 ( 5.400702e-01 ) g3 -4.309977e-18 ( -1.343948e-01 ) relative error (gc-g)/gc 1.000000e+00 / 1.000000e+00

griffith force at ent  2388 coords -2.602e-18       0.03     0.0445 g1 -1.876544e-17 / 1.325671e-16 ( -1.415543e-01 ) g2 1.270683e-16 ( 9.585212e-01 ) g3 -3.279514e-17 ( -2.473853e-01 ) relative error (gc-g)/gc 1.000000e+00 / 1.000000e+00

max g1 = 2.6644e-17 max J = 1.3257e-16

Set alpha = 0.0000e+00 beta = 1.0000e+00

Set s = 0.0000e+00

F_lambda2 = 0.0000e+00 snes_f norm = 3.4504e-18 snes_x norm = 2.2923e+06 lambda = 2.292e+06

x norm = 2.2923e+06 x0 norm = 2.2923e+06 dx2 = 0.0000e+00

  0 SNES Function norm 3.443276249644e-18 

Nonlinear elastic_ solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_ABS iterations 0

solution fnorm  = 2.29226140e+06

Load step 0 ( 0 ) [ 0 ]

Set alpha = 1.0000e+02 beta = 0.0000e+00

Set s = 4.1667e-06





Field 4 name LAMBDA_SURFACE102

Field 5 name LAMBDA_SURFACE200



Field 8 name LAMBDA_EDGE


delta vec nrm  = 0.00000000e+00

F_lambda2 = 0.0000e+00 snes_f norm = 4.3911e-06 snes_x norm = 2.2923e+06 lambda = 2.292e+06

x norm = 2.2923e+06 x0 norm = 2.2923e+06 dx2 = 0.0000e+00

intLambdaLambda = 0.00000000e+00 intLambdaDelta = 0.00000000e+00 intLambda = 0.00000000e+00

db nrm  = 3.13650743e+00

  0 SNES Function norm 4.166738357106e-04 

  0 SNES Function norm 4.166738357106e-04 [LAMBDA_ARC_LENGTH 4.166666666667e-04, SPATIAL_POSITION 3.443276249644e-18, MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 2.444228852763e-06, LAGRANGE_MULTI_CONSTRAINT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 3.763359025109e-24, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 8.304628261640e-31]

delta vec nrm  = 0.00000000e+00

Area active constrains on entity 2312 diag = +5.00000e-01 delta = +0.00000e+00 lambda = +0.00000e+00

Area active constrains on entity 2313 diag = +5.00000e-01 delta = +0.00000e+00 lambda = +0.00000e+00

Area active constrains on entity 2367 diag = +5.00000e-01 delta = +0.00000e+00 lambda = +0.00000e+00

Area active constrains on entity 2369 diag = +5.00000e-01 delta = +0.00000e+00 lambda = +0.00000e+00

Area active constrains on entity 2371 diag = +5.00000e-01 delta = +0.00000e+00 lambda = +0.00000e+00

Area active constrains on entity 2372 diag = +5.00000e-01 delta = +0.00000e+00 lambda = +0.00000e+00

Area active constrains on entity 2377 diag = +5.00000e-01 delta = +0.00000e+00 lambda = +0.00000e+00

Area active constrains on entity 2381 diag = +5.00000e-01 delta = +0.00000e+00 lambda = +0.00000e+00

Area active constrains on entity 2383 diag = +5.00000e-01 delta = +0.00000e+00 lambda = +0.00000e+00

Area active constrains on entity 2384 diag = +5.00000e-01 delta = +0.00000e+00 lambda = +0.00000e+00

Area active constrains on entity 2387 diag = +5.00000e-01 delta = +0.00000e+00 lambda = +0.00000e+00

Area active constrains on entity 2388 diag = +5.00000e-01 delta = +0.00000e+00 lambda = +0.00000e+00

Sum of delta = +0.0000e+00 Sum of lambda = +0.0000e+00

diag = 0.00000000e+00

    Residual norms for propagation_ solve.

    0 KSP Residual norm 4.166738357106e-04 

[0]MoFEM ERROR: --------------------- MoFEM Error Message ---------------------------------------------------

[0]MoFEM ERROR: MoFEM version 0.7.24 (MOAB 5.0.0 Petsc Release Version 3.8.2, unknown )

[0]MoFEM ERROR: MoFEM git commit id 7da6ad4b8d2a562fef9bc86890b5eb8197ca15c0

[0]MoFEM ERROR: See for bug reporting.

[0]MoFEM ERROR: See for trouble shooting.

[0]MoFEM ERROR: problem with ddlambda=nan










[0]MoFEM ERROR: #1 PCApplyArcLength() line 299 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/users_modules/users_modules/basic_finite_elements/src/impl/ArcLengthTools.cpp

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #2 PCApply_Shell() line 115 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/ksp/pc/impls/shell/shellpc.c

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #3 PCApply() line 458 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #4 KSP_PCApply() line 275 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/include/petsc/private/kspimpl.h

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #5 KSPFGMRESCycle() line 166 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/impls/gmres/fgmres/fgmres.c

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #6 KSPSolve_FGMRES() line 291 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/impls/gmres/fgmres/fgmres.c

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #7 KSPSolve() line 669 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #8 SNESSolve_NEWTONLS() line 224 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/snes/impls/ls/ls.c

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #9 SNESSolve() line 4109 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/snes/interface/snes.c

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #10 solvePropagationDM() line 5653 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/users_modules/users_modules/fracture_mechanics/src/impl/CrackPropagation.cpp

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #11 operator()() line 642 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/users_modules/users_modules/fracture_mechanics/src/impl/CPSolvers.cpp

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #12 solvePropagation() line 658 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/users_modules/users_modules/fracture_mechanics/src/impl/CPSolvers.cpp

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #13 solveCutMesh() line 799 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/users_modules/users_modules/fracture_mechanics/src/impl/CPSolvers.cpp

[0]MoFEM ERROR: #14 main() line 293 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/users_modules/users_modules/fracture_mechanics/crack_propagation.cpp

#PETSc Option Table entries:

-adapt_min_smoother_alpha 1e-3

-adapt_step_its_d 8

-adapt_step_max_s 6e-5

-adapt_step_min_s 1e-6

-arc_alpha 1e2

-arc_beta 0

-arc_length_ksp_atol 1e-14

-arc_length_ksp_gmres_restart 500

-arc_length_ksp_max_it 190

-arc_length_ksp_rtol 1e-7

-arc_length_ksp_stol 1e-14

-arc_length_ksp_type fgmres

-arc_s 1e-5

-cut_factor 1

-cut_mesh 1

-cut_surface_side_set 400

-cutting_surf_corner_factor 0.5

-cutting_surf_skin_factor 0.05

-edges_block_set 2

-elastic_ksp_atol 1e-12

-elastic_ksp_max_it 100


-elastic_ksp_rtol 1e-12

-elastic_ksp_stol 0

-elastic_ksp_type gmres

-elastic_mg_coarse_ksp_type gmres

-elastic_mg_coarse_pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps

-elastic_mg_coarse_pc_type lu

-elastic_pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps


-elastic_pc_mg_smoothdown 1

-elastic_pc_mg_smoothup 1

-elastic_pc_mg_type multiplicative

-elastic_pc_type lu

-elastic_snes_atol 1e-10


-elastic_snes_linesearch_type basic

-elastic_snes_max_fail 100

-elastic_snes_max_linear_solve_fail 100


-elastic_snes_rtol 1e-10

-fraction_level 2

-gc_fix_threshold 0.5

-griffith_E 1e4

-griffith_r 1

-ksp_atol 1e-12

-ksp_max_it 10

-ksp_rtol 1e-12

-ksp_type gmres

-load_scale 1

-material HOOKE

-material_ksp_atol 1e-12

-material_ksp_max_it 100

-material_ksp_rtol 1e-12

-material_ksp_stol 0

-material_ksp_type gmres

-material_pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps

-material_pc_type lu

-material_snes_atol 1e-8


-material_snes_linesearch_damping 1

-material_snes_linesearch_max_it 3

-material_snes_linesearch_minlambda 1e-2

-material_snes_linesearch_type bt

-material_snes_max_fail 100

-material_snes_max_linear_solve_fail 100

-material_snes_rtol 0

-material_snes_stol 0

-mofem_mg_coarse_order 1

-mofem_mg_levels 2

-mofem_mg_verbose 1

-my_add_singularity 1

-my_file help.cub

-my_gc 1.4e-4

-my_geom_order 1

-my_max_post_proc_ref_level 0

-my_order 1

-my_propagate_crack 1

-my_ref 0

-my_ref_order 1

-nb_cut_steps 100

-nb_load_steps 3

-pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps

-pc_type lu

-propagation_fieldsplit_0_ksp_type gmres

-propagation_fieldsplit_0_pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps

-propagation_fieldsplit_0_pc_type lu

-propagation_fieldsplit_1_ksp_type gmres

-propagation_fieldsplit_1_pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps

-propagation_fieldsplit_1_pc_type lu

-propagation_ksp_atol 1e-10

-propagation_ksp_gmres_restart 500

-propagation_ksp_max_it 100


-propagation_ksp_rtol 1e-6

-propagation_ksp_stol 0

-propagation_ksp_type fgmres

-propagation_pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps

-propagation_pc_type lu

-propagation_snes_atol 1e-8


-propagation_snes_linesearch_damping 1

-propagation_snes_linesearch_max_it 1

-propagation_snes_linesearch_minlambda 1e-3


-propagation_snes_linesearch_type bt

-propagation_snes_max_fail 100

-propagation_snes_max_it 20

-propagation_snes_max_linear_solve_fail 100


-propagation_snes_rtol 1e-6

-propagation_snes_stol 0

-smoother_alpha 1e-2

-smoothing_stabilise 1

-tol_cut 2e-2

-tol_cut_close 2e-1

-tol_trim 1e-1

-tol_trim_close 1e-2

-vertex_block_set 3


#End of PETSc Option Table entries

[0]MoFEM ERROR: -- MoFEM End of Error Message -- send entire error message to --


MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD 

with errorcode 100.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.

You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on

exactly when Open MPI kills them.


glaroam2-160-17:testFile ignathanas$ ls

brick_slice_for_tied_force_fracture.jou help.jou                      

cutting_surface_0.vtk                   log                                     slave_master_edge.vtk

help.cub                                param_file.petsc                        smoothed_mesh_0.vtk

glaroam2-160-17:testFile ignathanas$ open slave_master_edge.vtk 

glaroam2-160-17:testFile ignathanas$ 

Thank you in advance,
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Jun 5, 2018, 10:30:54 AM6/5/18
to mofem Group

It was a bug in MoFEM for partitioned element and vertex type of finite elements. This is now fixed, pull from "develop" branch and all will work.

This bug was overlooked since force finite element was testes on parallel problems but not distributed meshes. That why elastic example would work correctly. However for the identical problem, but when you partition mesh it will stop to work.

BTW Thanks for spotting this.

Kind regards,

Jun 8, 2018, 7:41:29 AM6/8/18
to mofem Group

I am trying to understand features of fracture module.

I do not understand how LAMBDA_ARC_LENGTH is applied to an entity, for my input the out put is
Build Field LAMBDA_ARC_LENGTH (rank 0)
nb added dofs
(meshsets) 1 (inactive 0)
nb added dofs
1 (number of inactive dofs 0)

in the first parentheses for added dofs instead of heaving an entity name, there is “meshset” there. 
Also, for my input, no “ARC_LENGTH” element is built. Is this feature normal?

Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Jun 8, 2018, 8:26:04 AM6/8/18
to mofem Group
The lambda, arc-length control load factor, is not filled in the sense like is displacement field or stress field. If you look at field types
you can notice field type "NOFIELD".

NOFIELD is given on meshset, whereas other (proper) are spanned on vertices, edges, faces or volumes. Since it is the very special case, to NOFIELD meshset you can add other entities, on those entities are tags used to sore DOFs values.

ARC_LENGTH element uses LAMBDA_ARC_LENGTH and is build like any other element, probably with other elements.

Jun 8, 2018, 11:59:14 AM6/8/18
to mofem Group
Hi Lukasz,

Thank you very much for the explanation.

Please see below the error I presently get, no ARC_LENGTH element is built is this an expected feature at this stage of the analysis?

~/mofem_installation/users_modules/fracture_mechanics/crack_propagation -my_file help.cub
read cubit meshset 12682136550675316773 type BLOCKSET MAT_ELASTICSET msId 1 name MAT_ELASTIC block header:  blockCol = 4294967295 blockMat = 0 blockDimension = 3
read cubit meshset 12682136550675316774 type BLOCKSET msId 2 block header:  blockCol = 4294967295 blockMat = 0 blockDimension = 1
read cubit meshset 12682136550675316775 type BLOCKSET msId 3 block header:  blockCol = 4294967295 blockMat = 0 blockDimension = 0
read cubit meshset 12682136550675316776 type NODESET DISPLACEMENTSET msId 1
read cubit meshset 12682136550675316777 type NODESET DISPLACEMENTSET msId 2
read cubit meshset 12682136550675316778 type NODESET DISPLACEMENTSET msId 3
read cubit meshset 12682136550675316779 type NODESET UNKNOWNNAME msId 107 name MaVertex
read cubit meshset 12682136550675316780 type SIDESET PRESSURESET msId 1
read cubit meshset 12682136550675316781 type SIDESET UNKNOWNNAME msId 106 name SlaVertices
read cubit meshset 12682136550675316782 type SIDESET msId 400
MoFEM version 0.7.25 (MOAB 5.0.0 Petsc Release Version 3.8.2, unknown ) 
git commit id 5187d5652c7ee30669afd01130d2489a680db098
Fracture module version 0.9.36
Min quality cut 0.4406
Min quality trim 0.082
(0) Number of nodes merged 3 ave q 2.1985e-01 min q 8.2464e-02
(1) Number of nodes merged 5 ave q 2.5810e-01 min q 1.2525e-01
(2) Number of nodes merged 6 ave q 3.7646e-01 min q 1.3465e-01
(3) Number of nodes merged 8 ave q 3.4519e-01 min q 1.8105e-01
(4) Number of nodes merged 8 ave q 3.7624e-01 min q 2.6944e-01
Min quality node merge 0.4406
  Initializing memorypools.
  tetrahedron per block: 8188.
  Size of a point: 168 bytes.
  Size of a tetrahedron: 96 (96) bytes.
  Size of a shellface: 192 (192) bytes.
  Initializing robust predicates.
  sizeof(double) =  8
  machine epsilon =   2.22045e-16 [IEEE 754 64-bit macheps]
Reconstructing mesh ...
  Constructing mapping from indices to points.
Mesh reconstruction seconds:  0.000905
Mesh coarsening ...
    Coarsen 0 marked points.
Mesh coarsening seconds:  1.4e-05
Recovering Delaunayness...
  Initial obj = 7.2019056251422902e-05
    Recover Delaunay [Lawson] : 428
    obj (after Lawson) = 7.1758027598367683e-05
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.000308
Refining mesh...
  Min radiu-edge ratio = 2.
  Min dihedral   angle = 0.
  Splitting bad quality tets.
The desired number of Steiner points is reached.
  Added 0 (0,0,0) Steiner points.

Warnning:  The desired number of Steiner points (0) is reached.

Refinement seconds:  9.8e-05
Optimizing mesh...
  Optimization level  = 2.
  Optimization scheme = 7.
  Number of iteration = 3.
  Min_Max dihed angle = 165.
    Improving mesh qualiy by flips [1]#:  2.
    Removed 2 bad tets.
  Removed 2 edges.
Optimization seconds:  0.000202

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  7.8e-05
Total running seconds:  0.001831


  Input points: 71
  Input tetrahedra: 182
  Input facets: 134
  Input segments: 133
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 0

  Mesh points: 71
  Mesh tetrahedra: 193
  Mesh faces: 450
  Mesh faces on facets: 134
  Mesh edges on segments: 133

Mesh quality statistics:

  Smallest volume:       6.7896e-07   |  Largest volume:       1.3235e-05
  Shortest edge:           0.018757   |  Longest edge:           0.070855
  Smallest asp.ratio:        1.4376   |  Largest asp.ratio:        8.1866
  Smallest facangle:         23.536   |  Largest facangle:       117.9188
  Smallest dihedral:         10.489   |  Largest dihedral:       163.4901

  Aspect ratio histogram:
         < 1.5       :         3      |      6 - 10         :         5
     1.5 - 2         :        78      |     10 - 15         :         0
       2 - 2.5       :        66      |     15 - 25         :         0
     2.5 - 3         :        25      |     25 - 50         :         0
       3 - 4         :        10      |     50 - 100        :         0
       4 - 6         :         6      |    100 -            :         0
  (A tetrahedron’s aspect ratio is its longest edge length divided by its
    smallest side height)

  Face angle histogram:
      0 -  10 degrees:         0      |     90 - 100 degrees:        55
     10 -  20 degrees:         0      |    100 - 110 degrees:        17
     20 -  30 degrees:        17      |    110 - 120 degrees:         3
     30 -  40 degrees:       109      |    120 - 130 degrees:         0
     40 -  50 degrees:       293      |    130 - 140 degrees:         0
     50 -  60 degrees:       326      |    140 - 150 degrees:         0
     60 -  70 degrees:       250      |    150 - 160 degrees:         0
     70 -  80 degrees:       170      |    160 - 170 degrees:         0
     80 -  90 degrees:       110      |    170 - 180 degrees:         0

  Dihedral angle histogram:
       0 -  5 degrees:         0      |     80 - 110 degrees:       253
       5 - 10 degrees:         0      |    110 - 120 degrees:        40
      10 - 20 degrees:        24      |    120 - 130 degrees:        36
      20 - 30 degrees:        33      |    130 - 140 degrees:        12
      30 - 40 degrees:        95      |    140 - 150 degrees:         5
      40 - 50 degrees:       148      |    150 - 160 degrees:        13
      50 - 60 degrees:       187      |    160 - 170 degrees:         2
      60 - 70 degrees:       178      |    170 - 175 degrees:         0
      70 - 80 degrees:       132      |    175 - 180 degrees:         0

Memory usage statistics:

  Maximum number of tetrahedra:  325
  Maximum number of tet blocks (blocksize = 8188):  1
  Approximate memory for tetrahedral mesh (bytes):  94,392
  Approximate memory for extra pointers (bytes):  18,208
  Approximate memory for algorithms (bytes):  76,296
  Approximate memory for working arrays (bytes):  0
  Approximate total used memory (bytes):  188,896

meshset_level0 390
range_vertex_master = 1
range_vertices_slave = 18
lagrange_multi_constrain_vertices = 17
Slaves are: 17
range_slave_master_edges = 15
Finite elements partition in problem: row lower 0 row upper 390 nb elems 390 ( 390 )
Partition mesh <- Done
range_vertex_master = 1
range_vertices_slave = 18
add: name LAGRANGE_MULTI_CONSTRAINT BitFieldId 8 bit number 4 space H1 approximation base AINSWORTH_LEGENDRE_BASE rank 1 meshset 12682136550675316803
meshset_level0 = 17
Build Field LAMBDA_ARC_LENGTH (rank 0)
nb added dofs (meshsets) 1 (inactive 0)
nb added dofs 1 (number of inactive dofs 0)
Build Field SPATIAL_POSITION (rank 0)
nb added dofs (vertices) 366 (inactive 0)
nb added dofs (edges) 402 (inactive 0)
nb added dofs 768 (number of inactive dofs 0)
Build Field MESH_NODE_POSITIONS (rank 0)
nb added dofs (vertices) 366 (inactive 0)
nb added dofs 366 (number of inactive dofs 0)
nb added dofs (vertices) 17 (inactive 0)
nb added dofs 17 (number of inactive dofs 0)
Nb. dofs 1152
meshset_level0 123
Slaves are: 17
range_vertex_master = 17
add finite element: MASTER_SLAVE_VERTICES_ELEM
id 00000000000000000000000000000100 name MASTER_SLAVE_VERTICES_ELEM f_id_row 00000000000000000000000000001010 f_id_col 00000000000000000000000000001010 BitFEId_data 00000000000000000000000000001010 Nb. FEs 17
add finite element: ANALITICAL_TRACTION
id 00000000000000000000000000010000 name ANALITICAL_TRACTION f_id_row 00000000000000000000000000000010 f_id_col 00000000000000000000000000000010 BitFEId_data 00000000000000000000000000000110 Nb. FEs 0
add finite element: FORCE_FE
Build Finite Elements FORCE_FE
id 00000000000000000000000000100000 name FORCE_FE f_id_row 00000000000000000000000000000010 f_id_col 00000000000000000000000000000010 BitFEId_data 00000000000000000000000000000110 Nb. FEs 0
add finite element: PRESSURE_FE
Build Finite Elements PRESSURE_FE
id 00000000000000000000000001000000 name PRESSURE_FE f_id_row 00000000000000000000000000000010 f_id_col 00000000000000000000000000000010 BitFEId_data 00000000000000000000000000000110 Nb. FEs 22
id 00000000000000000000001000000000 name ANALITICAL_METERIAL_TRACTION f_id_row 00000000000000000000000000000100 f_id_col 00000000000000000000000000000100 BitFEId_data 00000000000000000000000000000110 Nb. FEs 0
add problem: ELASTIC
partition_problem: rank = 0 FEs row ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000001 FiniteElement id 00000000000000000000000001111101 name ELASTIC Nb. local dof 786 nb global row dofs 786
partition_problem: rank = 0 FEs col ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000001 FiniteElement id 00000000000000000000000001111101 name ELASTIC Nb. local dof 786 nb global col dofs 786
problem id 00000000000000000000000000000001 FiniteElement id 00000000000000000000000001111101 name ELASTIC Nb. elems 415 on proc 0
partition_ghost_row_dofs: rank = 0 FEs row ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000001 FiniteElement id 00000000000000000000000001111101 name ELASTIC Nb. row ghost dof 0 Nb. local dof 786
partition_ghost_col_dofs: rank = 0 FEs col ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000001 FiniteElement id 00000000000000000000000001111101 name ELASTIC Nb. col ghost dof 0 Nb. local dof 786
Set alpha = 0.0000e+00 beta = 1.0000e+00
add problem: MATERIAL
partition_problem: rank = 0 FEs row ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000010 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111100000000 name MATERIAL Nb. local dof 317 nb global row dofs 317
partition_problem: rank = 0 FEs col ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000010 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111100000000 name MATERIAL Nb. local dof 317 nb global col dofs 317
problem id 00000000000000000000000000000010 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111100000000 name MATERIAL Nb. elems 337 on proc 0
partition_ghost_row_dofs: rank = 0 FEs row ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000010 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111100000000 name MATERIAL Nb. row ghost dof 0 Nb. local dof 317
partition_ghost_col_dofs: rank = 0 FEs col ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000010 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111100000000 name MATERIAL Nb. col ghost dof 0 Nb. local dof 317
partition_problem: rank = 0 FEs row ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000100 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111111101111 name CRACK_PROPAGATION Nb. local dof 1103 nb global row dofs 1103
partition_problem: rank = 0 FEs col ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000100 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111111101111 name CRACK_PROPAGATION Nb. local dof 1103 nb global col dofs 1103
problem id 00000000000000000000000000000100 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111111101111 name CRACK_PROPAGATION Nb. elems 1180 on proc 0
partition_ghost_row_dofs: rank = 0 FEs row ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000100 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111111101111 name CRACK_PROPAGATION Nb. row ghost dof 0 Nb. local dof 1103
partition_ghost_col_dofs: rank = 0 FEs col ghost dofs problem id 00000000000000000000000000000100 FiniteElement id 00000000000000011111111111101111 name CRACK_PROPAGATION Nb. col ghost dof 0 Nb. local dof 1103
Min quality = 0.187
Field 1 name LAMBDA_SURFACE102
Field 2 name LAMBDA_SURFACE200
Field 5 name LAMBDA_EDGE
  0 SNES Function norm 2.198688338915e+01 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 2.198688338915e+01, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 0.000000000000e+00]
  1 SNES Function norm 6.917916428630e+00 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 6.917916428630e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 8.372443643568e-23, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 8.048338869250e-24, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 3.739085007582e-21, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 8.972377400931e-23]
  2 SNES Function norm 1.378096223492e+00 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 1.378096223492e+00, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 4.516765301152e-23, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 1.839410719782e-24, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 3.044378258687e-22, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 5.000229277641e-24]
  3 SNES Function norm 1.018534536078e-01 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 1.018534536078e-01, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 3.071131638209e-24, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 1.038353099411e-24, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 3.155850384804e-22, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 7.957466831512e-24]
  4 SNES Function norm 2.449320487891e-03 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 2.449320487891e-03, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 3.087139079243e-24, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 5.869058564465e-26, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 3.156338050258e-22, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 3.098120654557e-23]
  5 SNES Function norm 9.880170412466e-06 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 9.880170412466e-06, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 3.087191377487e-24, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 2.302443342091e-27, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 3.156437170422e-22, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 8.500432983443e-27]
  6 SNES Function norm 1.493879959739e-09 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 1.493879959739e-09, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 3.087191391184e-24, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 1.671254326272e-29, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 3.156437178762e-22, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 6.306741807437e-29]
Nonlinear material_ solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_ABS iterations 6
It 0 Min quality = 0.323 eps = 0.422
Field 1 name LAMBDA_SURFACE102
Field 2 name LAMBDA_SURFACE200
Field 5 name LAMBDA_EDGE
  0 SNES Function norm 5.262868053008e-01 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 5.262868053008e-01, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 3.087191391184e-24, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 1.671254326272e-29, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 3.156437178762e-22, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 6.306741807437e-29]
  1 SNES Function norm 1.338838144809e-02 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 1.338838144809e-02, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 3.567926053488e-24, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 1.442890960417e-24, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 5.404169849122e-22, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 2.139917193617e-23]
  2 SNES Function norm 1.984546156082e-05 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 1.984546156082e-05, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 3.568262432291e-24, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 1.646951080567e-26, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 5.404183197462e-22, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 9.461390833081e-26]
  3 SNES Function norm 2.718774641314e-09 [MESH_NODE_POSITIONS 2.718774641314e-09, LAMBDA_SURFACE102 3.568262434834e-24, LAMBDA_SURFACE200 3.217648761108e-29, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_CRACKFRONT_AREA_TANGENT 0.000000000000e+00, LAMBDA_EDGE 5.404183193066e-22, LAMBDA_BOTH_SIDES 2.445653753169e-28]
Nonlinear material_ solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_ABS iterations 3
It 1 Min quality = 0.327 eps = 0.010
Set alpha = 0.0000e+00 beta = 1.0000e+00
Set s = 0.0000e+00
F_lambda2 = 6.9776e-06 snes_f norm = 2.6415e-03 snes_x norm = 1.3638e+00 lambda =      1
x norm = 1.3638e+00 x0 norm = 1.3638e+00 dx2 = 0.0000e+00
  0 SNES Function norm 2.641508248708e-03 
[0]MoFEM ERROR: --------------------- MoFEM Error Message ---------------------------------------------------
[0]MoFEM ERROR: MoFEM version 0.7.25 (MOAB 5.0.0 Petsc Release Version 3.8.2, unknown )
[0]MoFEM ERROR: MoFEM git commit id 5187d5652c7ee30669afd01130d2489a680db098
[0]MoFEM ERROR: See for trouble shooting.
[0]MoFEM ERROR: problem with ddlambda=nan
[0]MoFEM ERROR: #1 PCApplyArcLength() line 299 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/users_modules/users_modules/basic_finite_elements/src/impl/ArcLengthTools.cpp
[0]MoFEM ERROR: #2 PCApply_Shell() line 115 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/ksp/pc/impls/shell/shellpc.c
[0]MoFEM ERROR: #3 PCApply() line 458 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
[0]MoFEM ERROR: #4 KSP_PCApply() line 275 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/include/petsc/private/kspimpl.h
[0]MoFEM ERROR: #5 KSPInitialResidual() line 67 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itres.c
[0]MoFEM ERROR: #6 KSPSolve_GMRES() line 233 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/impls/gmres/gmres.c
[0]MoFEM ERROR: #7 KSPSolve() line 669 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
[0]MoFEM ERROR: #8 SNESSolve_NEWTONLS() line 224 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/snes/impls/ls/ls.c
[0]MoFEM ERROR: #9 SNESSolve() line 4109 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/petsc/src/snes/interface/snes.c
[0]MoFEM ERROR: #10 solveElasticDM() line 5446 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/users_modules/users_modules/fracture_mechanics/src/impl/CrackPropagation.cpp
[0]MoFEM ERROR: #11 solveElastic() line 139 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/users_modules/users_modules/fracture_mechanics/src/impl/CPSolvers.cpp
[0]MoFEM ERROR: #12 main() line 286 in /Users/ignathanas/mofem_installation/users_modules/users_modules/fracture_mechanics/crack_propagation.cpp

Thank you very much in advance.


Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Jun 8, 2018, 12:09:25 PM6/8/18
to mofem Group
Ignatios, this is not an error of calculation of arc-length. The error suggests that matrix cannot be inverted.


Those two are norms of the vectors:

x = K^{-1} res
x_lambda = K^{-1} F_lambda

Jun 8, 2018, 12:12:44 PM6/8/18
to mofem Group

I see. 
Thank you very much for your very fast reply!


Jul 4, 2018, 5:34:48 AM7/4/18
to mofem Group

Further to the ongoing implementation of multi constrains in fracture module I would like to present the current state of the code and the inherent issues that have appeared and ask for suggestions for further investigations.

For the particular input file I use to test/debug my code I add an extra field on the vertices of one of the surfaces of my parallelepiped body namely "LAGRANGE_MULTI_CONSTRAINT".
The total number of vertices on that surface is 18 and therefore, since a force is applied on one of them the new field is applied on 17 of them.
I am confident that the Lagrange field is correctly applied since I get the output bellow:

nb added dofs
(vertices) 17 (inactive 0)
nb added dofs
17 (number of inactive dofs 0)

New elements are added by adding new entities i.e. edges to solve the multi constrained problem
Addition of edges is done like: 

Range range_slave_master_edges;
MasterSlaveVertexConnection master_slave_connection(mField);

 CHKERR master_slave_connection
, range_vertices_slave, range_slave_master_edges, true);
<< "range_slave_master_edges 2 = " << range_slave_master_edges.size()
<< endl;

EntityHandle meshset_slave_master_edges;
 CHKERR mField
 CHKERR mField
.get_moab().clear_meshset(&meshset_slave_master_edges, 1);


The entities addition is examined by checking the size of the Range of EDGES corresponding to bit1 before and after the entities addition

Range meshset_help2;
 CHKERR mField
, BitRefLevel().set(), MBEDGE, meshset_help2);

PetscSynchronizedPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "CREATE meshset_help2 %d\n",

The range of mesh set corresponding to bit RefLevel bit1 that corresponds to the elastic problem, is increased by a number of elements that corresponds to the extra number of edges (for my input is 15 since the vertex where the force is applied has two adjacent edges located along the surface that multi constrains are applied).

Also the extra edges are added to the special edge elements as:

CHKERR mField.add_ents_to_finite_element_by_type(range_slave_master_edges,
, element_name);

Where the element name is "MASTER_SLAVE_VERTICES_ELEM".

Furthermore, I add the new FE to the elastic dm as:


After, the dm is built, the number of elements with name "MASTER_SLAVE_VERTICES_ELEM" that is stored at the particular problem is checked via the  
sniped presented below:

 CHKERR DMSetUp(*dm);

const MoFEM::Problem *problem_ptr_2;
DMMoFEMGetProblemPtr(*dm, &problem_ptr_2);

int lower_rank = 0;
int upper_rank = 0;

NumeredEntFiniteElementbyNameAndPart &numered_fe =
NumeredEntFiniteElementbyNameAndPart::iterator miit = numered_fe.lower_bound(
::make_tuple("MASTER_SLAVE_VERTICES_ELEM", lower_rank));
NumeredEntFiniteElementbyNameAndPart::iterator hi_miit =
::make_tuple("MASTER_SLAVE_VERTICES_ELEM", upper_rank));

The number of elements "retrieved" through this code is equal to 2 (I speculate that it is the number of adjacent edges to the master vertex being in the original mesh and the extra 15 edges are omitted).
The same snippet is hidden somewhere in loop_finite_elements in SNESSolve

Therefore, the corresponding operators to the "MASTER_SLAVE_VERTICES_ELEM" are called only twice while there should be 17 (extra 15) and since the number of dofs for the Lagrange multipliers is equal to 17, it means that there are rows and cols of the tangent stiffness matrix that are filled with zeroes.
Hence, the tangent stiffness matrix becomes singular.

Any ideas on debugging/correcting the code further will be much appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance.

All best,

Lukasz Kaczmraczyk

Jul 4, 2018, 5:57:46 AM7/4/18

Please run the code on 1 processor, it could be a problem how the partition is set to extra edges which you create. In that case, please look into the code, you need to look into resolveShared into CrackPropagation.cpp. You need to set by hand part_tag to zero to all those edges.

Please check as well if you set bit_level1 to all those edges.

In fracture module, this is quite complex since the mesh is changed in each load step and the while problem need to be repartitioned. However, prism elements which are on the crack surface and edge elements for master-slave constrain need a special treatment. 

resolveSharedBitRefLevel(const BitRefLevel bit, const int verb, const bool debug);

set part_0 to all the edges. 

resolveShared(const Range &tets, Range &proc_ents, const int verb, const bool debug)

merge int range proc_ents_skin[1] you elements. It will force mofem to share mater-slave dofs between elements.

However, you do not have to do last part if you run on one processor. 

I hope that this will help.


Message has been deleted

Jul 5, 2018, 1:09:16 PM7/5/18
to mofem Group
Hi Lukasz,

I have tested the code for 1 processor and it seems to be working fine.
However, there is a strange problem for the multiple processors.
Even though the mater-slave dofs between elements are shared (due to the peace of code added in resolveShared function), now multi indices seems to contain the 15 newly created edges but not the other two already existing ones.
I tried to put a tag on the other two edges as well but the problem is still there.
I would also like to mention that I put all the edges to bit1 BitRefLevel same as the elastic elements.

Thanks in advance.

All best,
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