Issue with Unreadable Filename in read_med Execution

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Thomas Lai

May 26, 2024, 8:46:39 AMMay 26
to MoFEM Q&A

I am unfamiliar with C++ / petsc / mpi.
When trying to reproduce tutorial msh-1, I'm experiencing an issue with the read_med where a filename appears unreadable, and the process fails to open the MED file. The filename appears to change every time I run the command. Below is the error message and the steps I followed:

Command Executed:

mpirun -np 1 read_med -med_file $HOME/


read_med -med_file $HOME/

read_med $HOME/

Error Message:

[0] <inform> MoFEM version 0.14.0 (MOAB 5.5.0 Petsc Release Version 3.16.6, Mar 30, 2022 )
[0] <inform> git commit id 976cc8619b98b05ad8a8441956c77bfffcfc5fb1
[0] <inform> Local time: 2024-5-25 15:10:14
[0] <inform> UTC time: 2024-5-25 14:10:14
[0] <inform> [MED] Reading MED file V4.1.0 using MED library V4.1.0
[0] <inform> [MED] Check mesh untitled nsteps 1
[0] <inform> [MED] Reading mesh untitled nsteps 1
[0] <inform> [MED] Read number of nodes 602
[0] <inform> [MED] Reading elements 8 of type Vertex number of nodes 1
[0] <inform> [MED] Reading elements 120 of type Edge number of nodes 2
[0] <inform> [MED] Reading elements 1080 of type Tri number of nodes 3
/tmp/laitom/spack-stage/spack-stage-med-4.1.0-whno3kvk6zxr423ac6qlqmipbrpfcjph/spack-src/src/ci/MEDfileVersionOpen.c [67] : Erreur d'existence du fichier
/tmp/laitom/spack-stage/spack-stage-med-4.1.0-whno3kvk6zxr423ac6qlqmipbrpfcjph/spack-src/src/ci/MEDfileVersionOpen.c [67] : ��*�U
[0] <error> --------------------- MoFEM Error Message ---------------------------------------------------
[0] <error> MoFEM version 0.14.0 (MOAB 5.5.0 Petsc Release Version 3.16.6, Mar 30, 2022 )
[0] <error> MoFEM git commit id 976cc8619b98b05ad8a8441956c77bfffcfc5fb1
[0] <error> See guidelines_bug_reporting.html for bug reporting.
[0] <error> Write to!forum/mofem-group to seek help.
[0] <error> Unable to open file '��*�U'
[0] <error> #1 readFields() line 673 in /home/laitom/mofem_install/mofem-cephas/mofem/src/interfaces/impl/MedInterface.cpp
[0] <error> #2 main() line 48 in /home/laitom/mofem_install/mofem-cephas/mofem/users_modules/tools/read_med.cpp
#PETSc Option Table entries:
-med_file /home/laitom/
#End of PETSc Option Table entries
[0] <error> -- MoFEM End of Error Message -- send entire error message to --
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
with errorcode 100.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

I tried adding a debug print statement in $HOME/mofem_install/mofem-cephas/mofem/users_modules/tools/read_med.cpp at line 42 before readMed():

// Debugging: Print MED file name
    std::cout << "Attempting to read MED file: " << med_interface_ptr->medFileName << std::endl;

Attempting to read MED file: ���nNV���nNV����nNV1���nNV���nNV���nNV!@�nNV�nNV����lNVX��lNV@��nNV���nNV�uI�0D�lNV`��nNV@��nNV1`5�lNV�8�lNV�9�lNV@�lNV1x��nNV��nNVNV���nNVQ�u�lNVC�lNVP:�lNVx��nNMEDWORLD! ��lNV���nNVAP��lNV

currently on wsl, both mofem-cephas/develop and mofem-users-modules/develop on latest commit

~$ spack find
-- linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2 / g...@11.4.0 --------------------------
ado...@2.7.2                        diffutils@3.9     kbp...@1.0.7         lib...@2.4.7     mo...@5.5.0                   ope...@9.5p1         pyt...@3.11.6           xcb-...@1.15.2
arpa...@3.9.0                     ei...@3.4.0       kr...@1.20.1           lib...@1.8.4      mofem-cephas@develop         ope...@3.1.3         re2c@2.2                xext...@7.3.0
auto...@2.69                       ex...@2.5.0       lib...@0.11.7         lib...@1.0.8      mofem-users-modules@develop  parm...@4.0.3        readline@8.2            xpr...@7.0.31
auto...@1.16.5                     find...@4.9.0   lib...@3.1-20210216  lib...@1.14       mu...@5.5.1                  pe...@5.38.0           sl...@3.16.3            xtr...@1.4.0
berke...@18.1.40                 gd...@1.23         libe...@2.1.12       libx...@4.4.35  ncurses@6.4                  pe...@3.16.6          sql...@3.43.2           x...@5.4.1
bi...@3.8.2                         get...@0.22.3    lib...@3.4.4          libx...@1.1.4    netlib-s...@2.2.0       pigz@2.7              superl...@8.1.2      zli...@2.1.4
bo...@1.77.0                        gm...@4.4.1       libi...@1.17         lib...@2.10.3    ngh...@1.57.0               pkg...@1.9.5         t...@1.34                zol...@3.901
bz...@1.0.8                         hd...@1.10.7       li...@1.0.4           m...@1.4.19         ni...@1.11.1                 pm...@5.0.1            tet...@1.5.1            zs...@1.5.5
ca-certificates-mozilla@2023-05-30  hw...@2.9.1       libpci...@0.17     m...@4.1.0         num...@2.0.14               py-...@23.1.2         tf...@4.0.0
cm...@3.27.7                        hy...@2.28.0      libpthread-stubs@0.4  me...@5.1.0       open...@0.3.24              py-set...@68.0.0  util-li...@2.38.1
cu...@8.4.0                          input...@2.3.2  libsi...@2.14       mgis@2.0          ope...@4.1.6                py-w...@0.41.2       util-...@1.19.3
==> 85 installed packages

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