Graphs in Paraview

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Lauren Boag

Dec 29, 2018, 11:28:08 AM12/29/18
to mofem Group

I am trying to extract the data to plot displacement vs time, and density vs time.

To do this I have selected the point in the mesh which has the highest density on the last time step and plotted this selection over time then saving data.

However my results do not seem to cover the entire time of analysis, graphs start plotting at eg 20 seconds rather than zero. And density values are not matching those on the colour scale in the render view.

Any advice on how to extract the data correctly?

Kind regards,


Karol Lewandowski

Dec 29, 2018, 2:33:12 PM12/29/18
to mofem Group
Hard to diagnose what are you doing wrong without any screenshot. Possibly you are applying the filter on IsoVolume already. Try to ask for Plot over Time before applying any filters. 

Lauren Boag

Dec 30, 2018, 9:40:36 PM12/30/18
to mofem Group

Hi Karol,

I have attached images of the graphs.

The trend of the energy vs time graph looks correct, however the graphs of rho, and displacement do not make sense.

The values also seem particularly large but this could just be a result of large loading.

Any advice?

Kind regards,



Karol Lewandowski

Dec 31, 2018, 5:26:38 AM12/31/18
to mofem Group
Try to delete all your output files and run analysis again.
It may be that you are merging results from two different analyses.
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