ISO of Wetlands pics of taper's section, mics, tapers,...

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Mar 15, 2014, 11:19:22 AM3/15/14
to moe-L,
As some of you know, Laura Bloch has been on a mission to publish a book on “NYC's Wetlands Preserve: The Early Calendar Years” featuring all the calendars as well as pictures and other great content.  The project recently successfully reached the end of its fundraising window via Kickstarter.


I suggested to her Laura that she include some coverage that highlights "the taper section" (i.e. that perch just to the right of the soundboard when facing the stage) and perhaps photos of mic stands and such? I noted that the many tapers who frequented the place are largely responsible for the vast amount of high quality live recordings that circulate and through which Larry and the club's legacy live on.  She loved the idea and asked if I had any photos.  I don’t.  Jill says she doesn’t. I asked Scott, but that was a bit before he started lugging camera and lenses along with all the taping gear, so dead ended there as well.


So now I’m casting a wider net to ask if anyone might have any such photos as well as imploring you to ask any other suspects.  One caveat… Laura asked that we understand that she can't get into photo credits.  If anyone can turn up any such content, I’d be happy to forward it to her or can put you in touch directly.


p, f…


John Hannon

Apr 10, 2014, 9:16:07 AM4/10/14
to moe-l, moeldies

From: John Hannon <>
To: ev <>
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 9:15 AM
Subject: moe-l archives

hey guys,
i just tried to access the moe-l archives via a link at and got a 404 error. are those archives still in existence anywhere?

Matthew Hernandez

Apr 10, 2014, 9:25:53 AM4/10/14
to John Hannon, moe. L, moeldies
all links opened fine for me….
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steve werfel

Apr 10, 2014, 9:54:11 PM4/10/14
to Matthew Hernandez, moe. L
​All working fine from long island ny.


John Hannon

Apr 15, 2014, 2:20:49 PM4/15/14
to steve werfel, Matthew Hernandez, moe. L
Heh, works for me at home, but not at work!

From: steve werfel <>
To: Matthew Hernandez <>
Cc: moe. L <>
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: [moe-l] Re: moe-l archives
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