How to impose a minimum layer thickness in ModelMuse?

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Mohammad Hadi Sahil

Jul 12, 2024, 10:07:41 PMJul 12
to MODFLOW Users Group
Hello dear members,

I defined the Model_Top and Upper_Aquifer_Bottom with .GRD files in ModFlow 6 using ModelMuse interface. In some places, the Model_Top is going beneath the Upper_Aquifer_Bottom. How can I impose a minimum layer thickness, say 5m, to rectify this issue? I feel it might be done using some formula and functions to do so, but I don't know how to do it. Any suggestions is highly appreciated.

Thank you so much, 

Robert Lanning

Jul 13, 2024, 10:26:15 PM (13 days ago) Jul 13
to MODFLOW Users Group
Hello Hadi -
I developed a step-by-step guide for designing and creating a MODFLOW 6 model using ModelMuse. One of the detailed procedures I gleaned (thanks to Hatari Labs) was how to adjust thin layers to prevent on layer boundary from crossing over another layer boundary. Below is the procedure; I hope it helps.
Best regards,


Online reference:


This procedure imports a SHP but doesn't assign it to a layer so it is “user defined”. It is then used to define the base of an aquifer as a “User Defined” shape.  This gives more options in adjusting top and bottom formulas of a narrow layer if it overlaps another layer. This example adjusts bottom of a narrow second layer in a model (Layer2_bottom) because portions of its profile stick above the bottom of Layer 1 above it.

 - Begin by creating an elevation points SHP file for Layer 2_bottom by importing CSV file into

   QGIS (see Attachment E).  This created file is named Layer2-A and is the elev point file for

   Layer 2’s Base.

     * In ModelMuse  Import, Select Layer2-A.shp

          - Set Values of cells by interpolation

          - single multipart object

          - visible but not selected

          - Number of Z formulas = zero

          - under DATA tab select Layer2_bottom / New data set / none for interpolation. OK

          - all points show up as circles on grid (Object/show-hide and deselect)

     * From DATA->EDIT DATA SETS->User Defined->Created from shapefile-> Layer2-A

          - Set TYPE = Real

          - ORIENTATION = 2D TOP

          - INTERPOLATION = Natural Neighbors

             (note: Nearest Point result very blocky profile & Fitted Surface exaggerates profile)

          - APPLY

     * From Data Sets->Required->Layer Definition

          - Select desired Layer2_bottom

          - Edit Formula. From right panel select Layer2-A, dbl click to insert into formula

          - OK/APPLY – creates a smooth profile but with portions above top of Layer1_bottom

     * DATA->EDIT DATA SETS->Required->Layer Definition-> Layer2-bottom

       EDIT FORMULA   use Functions->Logical to build "If ___ then ___"

          *FORMAT: IF(state condition, if true do this, if false, do that)

          -Use box on right to build formula by double-clicking selected components

          - For this situation built this “CONDITION,IF,THEN” formula:


            This means: Condition = Layer1 bottom elev minus 3 ft is less than Layer2 elev

                   If TRUE, make Layer2 base = Layer1 base minus 3 ft

                   IF FALSE, make Layer2 base = Layer2-A elevation

            This sets minimum thickness of Layer 2 as 3 ft (adjust for your model as needed)

          - OK. APPLY.  This should fix all profile crossing issues


Jul 13, 2024, 10:26:51 PM (13 days ago) Jul 13
if( Model_Top-Upper_Aquifer_Bottom.GRD<5,5,Model_Top-Upper_Aquifer_Bottom.GRD)

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Mohammad Hadi Sahil

Jul 14, 2024, 11:39:13 AM (13 days ago) Jul 14
to MODFLOW Users Group
Hi Robert,

Thank you so much for this comprehensive step-by-step guide. You mentioned Attachment E about how to create elevation points, can you please share that attachment? 
Also, the link you shared seems to be a YouTube video, but it takes me to NASA's web page.

I really appreciate your support, and it is going to be very helpful to build my model.


Robert Lanning

Jul 15, 2024, 10:25:00 AM (12 days ago) Jul 15
to MODFLOW Users Group
Hi Hadi

Hmm.   Strange about that YouTube Link - here it is again:

Here is the text for Attachment E from my Guidance:



Online reference:

 1. Need CSV file with point_ID, easting, northing, and elev

2. Open QGIS and install CONTOUR plugin if not installed

     -Plugins (top menu row) ->Manage & Install Plugins

     -Type CONTOUR in search row, when shows up, install

3. Go to LAYER tab at top -> Data Source Manager

     - Select DELIMITED TEXT

     - Browse in top box to find CSV file and select file

     - confirm Geometry definitions, including CRS (whatever using for your model)

     - Add and Close window

4. In left panel, right click on new file name

     - Select EXPORT -> Save Features As (this saves CSV points as *.SHP)

     - Use "3 dots" on right to select location, name file, and SAVE

           (Hint: Create SHP subfolder to keep all Shapefiles in one place)

4A.  If desire the point symbols and names to show up on contour map

     - Select either original CSV file or SHP file created in #4

     - Right click -> Properties. Select Symbol and adjust size and color of points

     - Right click -> Properties. Select Select LABELS. From pull down select Single Label

     - Adjust text, size, color, placement

5. Right click, Activity Table - Check correct data in columns

     - if you put extra REMARKS column with text defining various data in rows, can use to filter if needed

6. Under VECTOR menu tab, select Contour

     - verify Point Layer, Data Value (elev column you want)

     - select Method contours (Fixed Elevation)

     - Select contour interval

     - select Max number contours (want 50 or more)

     - modify number of decimels in lower section

     - Add and Close

7. Smooth contours

     - Select Processing toolbox "Gear" if not open on right

     - Type in Smooth in search, select Vector Geometry Smooth, double click

     - Change iterations to 10, leave other parameters

     - Run and Close

     - check for smoothing results

     - If OK, delete the former layer (one prior to smoothing)

     - Rename Smoothed file

     - Select icon or right click and select Make Permanent, select location & name. Save

8. Adjust contours

     - Highlight file in left window

     - right click, select PROPERTIES

     - In left menu select SYMBOLOGY

     - can change color, width of contour lines

9. Add labels to contours

     - right click on file, select PROPERTIES

     - Select LABELS, in box pull down at top select SINGLE LABELS

     - Adjust components (Text:type, size, color. Placement mode, repeating)

     - Save

10. Create Map

     - Go to Project-> Layout Manager

     - Select EMPTY LAYOUT (under New from Template) - Select CREATE

     - Name Print Layout

     - Right click in open white space, select Page Properties, select paper size

     - From Menu select ADD ITEM->Add Map. Click & drag cursor to fill space.

       this inserts the contour map

     - In right column select ITEM PROPERTIES and set desired scale (1:xxxx)

       by "evening out" the number in the box; e.g. 509952807->500,000,000

     - Select other options and adjust (FRAME, GRID - set interval for X,Y)

         Can adjust grid lines color & form

     - Select DRAW COORDINATES to label grid lines

         Adjust fields for orientation, distance from frame, etc.

     - Can add Scale Bar, North Arrow, etc.

         ADD ITEM (top menu)-> Scale Bar. Use cursor to place

         Same for adding North Arrow, Legend, etc.

11. Save QGIS Project

12. To create PDF

     - Project -> Import/Export -> Select Export to PDF

     - Select location and name file

     Note: Can also save basic contour map in Step #9 using same process

     Note: Original draft, SHP files can be deleted if desired

Mohammad Hadi Sahil

Jul 15, 2024, 10:25:13 AM (12 days ago) Jul 15
to MODFLOW Users Group
Thank you, Robert. It perfectly worked; your guidance saved me a lot of time and helped me to build my model. 

All my best,

On Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 10:26:15 PM UTC-4 Robert Lanning wrote:

Mohammad Hadi Sahil

Jul 16, 2024, 11:49:07 AM (11 days ago) Jul 16
Hi Rob,

Thank you so much; highly appreciated.


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