Open Chords Played on Steel Strings - Ana Bogdanov

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Ben Juyre

Oct 20, 2008, 1:40:43 AM10/20/08
to ModernPoetry
Open Chords Played on Steel Strings

You sing . . .
Picking at a guitar
Harmonica resting on your slow-breathing chest
Battered lyrics, broken voice
Straining to tell stories few understand, some relate
Only you feel its pain
You are . . .
Steel strings
Of an acoustic guitar
Easily broken, snapped in two
Strummed one too many songs
Bleeding fingers
Callused soul on rusted time
Tuned you are . . .
Forbidden notes
Dancing fingers playing with death
Waltzing on dreams
You are . . .
An instrument of change, sharing pain
Open chords played on steel strings
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