Not sure if anyone's interested in participating, but...

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I'm Gelder, Dammit

Sep 2, 2008, 4:35:41 AM9/2/08
to moderated.alt.comedy.standup
Received this message with a request that it be posted to the comedy
newsgroup. I haven't taken the survey, but the links seem legit, on
initial click-thru.


Are you a professional comedian? If so, please take a few minutes to
complete this survey... please.... please....please!

I'm Brian Mistler, a Ph.D. Candidate in the data collection phase of
my dissertation research examining ambiguity and humor. I would
like to invite you to be included in this exciting study approved by
The University of Florida Institutional Review Board (Protocol
#2008-U-0698). All that's required is answering a few quick multiple-
choice questions, and it is entirely anonymous. There is no way to
return to the survey later; therefore it is especially important that
you complete the survey once you begin.

Please click one of the links below, depending on the day of the
month you were born:

I was born 1st-10th of the month:
I was born 11th-20th of the month:
I was born 21st-31st of the month:

All adults are eligible to participate. Please also forward this
e-mail to any other individuals or e-mail listservs you can --
the more participation the better.

Thank you for your time and help.
Brian Mistler


Sep 5, 2008, 6:36:03 AM9/5/08
to moderated.alt.comedy.standup
It's an off survey...there are questions about humor, mainly the " do
you laugh at offensive humor" stuff...then there are these:

HSQ26.) It is my experience that thinking about some amusing aspect of
a situation is often a very effective way of coping with problems.

HSQ27.) If I don't like someone, I often use humor or teasing to put
them down.

HSQ28.) If I am having problems or feeling unhappy, I often cover it
up by joking around, so that even my closest friends don't know how I
really feel.

HSQ29.) I usually can't think of witty things to say when I'm with
other people.

HSQ30.) I don’t need to be with other people to feel amused – I can
usually find things to laugh about even when I'm by myself.

Then he asks how ambiguous you are:
AT12.) I enjoy tackling problems which are complex enough to be

AT13.) I try to avoid problems which don’t seem to have only one
“best” solution.

AT14.) I often find myself looking for something new, rather than
trying to hold things constant in my life.

AT15.) I generally prefer novelty over familiarity.

AT16.) I dislike ambiguous situations.

AT17.) Some problems are so complex just trying to understand them is

AT18.) I have little trouble coping with unexpected events.

AT19.) I pursue problem situations which are so complex some people
call them “mind boggling”.

AT20.) I find it hard to make a choice when the outcome is uncertain.

AT21.) I enjoy an occasional surprise.

AT22.) I prefer a situation in which there is some ambiguity.

MC1.) It is sometimes hard for me to go on with my work if I am not

MC2.) I sometimes feel resentful when I don’t get my way.

MC3.) On a few occasions, I have given up doing something because I
thought too little of my ability.

MC4.) There have been times when I felt like rebelling against people
in authority even though I knew they were right.

MC5.) No matter who I’m talking to, I’m always a good listener.

MC6.) There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone.

MC7.) I’m always willing to admit it when I make a mistake.

I took the survey...answered those questions focused on humor and
neutral on everything else.
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