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Copy land use functions

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May 15, 2018, 2:29:57 AM5/15/18
to Modelur

Does anyone know a simple and easy way to copy land use functions from one model to another? For example, if there are a number of functions in one model (for example office, residential, parking, commercial, production etc) with assigned colours, units, etc., can these be easily copied to another model without having to set these up again in the new model?

Many thanks in advance.

Jernej Vidmar

May 15, 2018, 3:14:33 AM5/15/18
to Modelur
Hi Ashley,

Sure thing - if you want to copy land uses between models, please save them first in Extensions > Modelur > Store Land Uses. Then, in other model, import them using Extensions > Modelur > Import Land Uses

Another way, if you want to have the current land uses opened each time, is to save them as default settings. This can be done using Modelur's menu Options > Save Default Settings. Please note that this will save all settings, including default parameters values, preferences, etc.

One last thing, if you just need to copy buildings with non-default land use from one model to another, you can turn on the option Store Land Use Changes under Modelur UI > Options. This will again store your current land uses and any changes you make after turning on this functionality.

Hope this helps?

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