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Parking Calculations - Supply and Demand

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Gary Sharp

Feb 5, 2017, 4:26:33 AM2/5/17
to Modelur
Hi Modelur,

I am currently working out car parking requirements for an urban development and perhaps you can clarify some interpretation / methodology for me...?

While it is easy to understand how car parking demand can be calculated based on GFA or other landuse  parameters I have a problem when I want to compare the demand with likely supply....

If I create a building zoned  [Car Park]  it notionally provides parking spaces, not create demand for them.. 

The landuse parameters assume landuse create demand.

Accordingly . it is easy to  unintentionally have parking buildings actually require even more parking!

I am wondering if there way of some landuse parameters defining supply rather than demand and the software identifying if the demand is being met?

I hope I explained that clearly?

On a similar matter - can we have a "none" option for primary and secondary criteria units [ sometimes they are not relevant to the landuse we have created .. or alternatively allow users to specify / name their own criteria for landuses?

Gary Sharp

Feb 5, 2017, 4:35:46 AM2/5/17
to Modelur

perhaps this screen capture illustrates the point,, I created a landuse Parking - and adjusted the parameters so it doesn't create car parking demand , but if I was able to define supply I would have an overall status for car parking.  Can I enter a negative value for parking demand?

Nejc Vidmar

Feb 5, 2017, 2:00:26 PM2/5/17
to Modelur
Hi Gary,

your use of parking calculation is completely correct. At the moment Modelur doesn't yet support what we can call negative parking. The easiest way to get your difference between demand and suply is to export values to CSV and do the calculation with Excel using the numbers in separate Land Uses.

We'll do our best to implement negative parkinng ASAP.

Best regards,

Žiga Böhm

Feb 5, 2017, 7:22:49 PM2/5/17
to Modelur
Hello Garry,

your explanation is perfectly clear, but I am afraid Modelur currently doesn't allow defining a 'supply' for the requirements, not even in the form of negative values.

Fortunately, we have already implemented all the needed functionality and therefore only a minor tweaking (with some QA testing) should be needed to include this ability in one of our future releases – since you asked for this feature, I'll talk to other members of the team and try to push this already into the next release we do, so consider your request as our top priority now!

As far as being able to not set primary/secondary units, I know Nejc was already working on this and I believe we could be able to release this functionality with the next Modelur version also - but I'll have to get a confirmation from him.

Kind regards,
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