Hi Modelur,
I am currently working out car parking requirements for an urban development and perhaps you can clarify some interpretation / methodology for me...?
While it is easy to understand how car parking demand can be calculated based on GFA or other landuse parameters I have a problem when I want to compare the demand with likely supply....
If I create a building zoned [Car Park] it notionally provides parking spaces, not create demand for them..
The landuse parameters assume landuse create demand.
Accordingly . it is easy to unintentionally have parking buildings actually require even more parking!
I am wondering if there way of some landuse parameters defining supply rather than demand and the software identifying if the demand is being met?
I hope I explained that clearly?
On a similar matter - can we have a "none" option for primary and secondary criteria units [ sometimes they are not relevant to the landuse we have created .. or alternatively allow users to specify / name their own criteria for landuses?