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v09i054: Terminal emulator for X window system, Part01/07

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Apr 20, 1987, 4:29:54 PM4/20/87
Submitted by: ed...@opal.Berkeley.EDU
Mod.sources: Volume 9, Issue 54
Archive-name: xterm6.6b/Part01

This is part 1/7 of version 6.6B of xterm, a modified version of the X
version 10, release 4 xterm. It has all the bug fixes I know of and has
some other clean up done. Enjoy.

Edward Moy
Academic Computing Services
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
# CHANGES.resize
# CHANGES.termcap
# Tekparse.h
# VTparse.h
# bottom.ic
# button.ic
# dark.ic
# data.h
# downline.ic
# downpage.ic
# error.h
# gray.ic
# hilite.ic
# icon.ic
# light.ic
# ptyx.h
# saveoff.ic
# saveon.ic
# scrollbar.h
# tek_icon.ic
# top.ic
# upline.ic
# uppage.ic
# wait.ic
# waitmask.ic
if test -f CHANGES
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'CHANGES'"
echo 'x - CHANGES'
------- --------


vt102 and Tektronix 4015 emulation in separate windows, each with its own
mode menu (control middle button).

Switching between each mode can be done via the menus, or with escape
vt102 -- \E[?38h --> tek
tek -- \E\003 --> vt102

The windows hilite themselves when the mouse is with either window or when
one of these is the focus window. The windows unhilite when the mouse moves
out of the window and neither is the focus window. Hiliting appears as
windows with solid color borders and solid block cursors. Unhiliting appears
as windows with "grayed" borders and a rectangle cursor.

The parser for both modes is table-driven and is much more efficient than the
original parsers.

If UTMP is define in the Makefile, then each instance of xterm makes an entry
in /etc/utmp and thus appears with the "who" command.

If both windows are visible and one is iconified, both disappear. Deiconifing
causes both to appear again.

If the initial mode is vt102, /etc/termcap is searched, in order, for the
following termcaps, until one is found:
xterms, xterm, vt102, vt100, ansi, dumb
If the vt102 window happens to be 80x24, then xterms is added to the begining
of the list. If the initial mode is tek, the termcaps searched for are:
tek4015, tek4014, tek4013, tek4010, dumb

The window size is passed to the operating system via TIOCSWINSZ (4.3) or
TIOCSSIZE (sun). A SIGWINCH siganl is sent if the vt102 window is resized.

For login windows, menus are disabled until a user has successfully login.

A new menu (xterm) has been added (control left button) that gives the version
number. The menu allows titlebars to be displayed (see below), the windows
redrawn, or for various signals to be sent to the process group of the command
xterm is executing. The signals include SIGCONT, SIGTSTP,SIGHUP, SIGINT,

Titlebars for the window can be turned on with .Xdefaults
"xterm.TitleBar on", with command line option -tb or via the xterm menu.

The titlebar font is, by default, vtsingle. The font can be changed with
.Xdefaults "xterm.TitleFont helv12b" for helv12b font or via command line
option -ft helv12b.

The titlebar look like Macintosh titlebars. A series of strips appears when the
window is hilited, and are gone when unhilited.

Both windows are visible and the mouse cursor is in either window, only the
active window is hilited (before both windows were hilited).

A time delay has been added for window hiliting/unhiliting so that the mouse
passing momentarily through a window will not cause it to hilite and then
unhilite when autoraise is on.

Automatic raising of windows has been added, so that the window is automatically
raised (after the time delay) when the mouse enters a window. The mode is
turned on via .Xdefaults "xterm.AutoRaise on", via command line option -ar
or via the xterm menu. This is a dubious feature.

Visual bell mode can be turned on via .Xdefaults "xterm.VisualBell on", via
command line option -vb and from the xterm menu.

If the NOWINDOWMENU is not defined, then
Control right button activates a windows menu that lists the visible (named)
windows in back to front order reading down. Selecting a window name cause
that window to be raised to the top (useful for getting to a buried
window). This feature does not belong in xterm, and will be
completely removed in V11 of X, where window managers can be more intellegent.

The tek window has the same name as the vt102 window, but with " (Tek)"
appended (before they were the same).

During startup, xterm tries to create unique window names so that the
windows menu will not contain ambiguous windows. It does this by look
through the list of windows and if a name exist that is the same, " #N"
will be appended to make it unique (N is a number two or greater).

Some reorganization of the code and data has been done to put more data in
the text segment so many xterm processes can share the (read-only) data, rather
than having n copies in core.

There are several bug fixes including better sun compatibility and a problem
in the vt102 parse table.

With some mods to libX.a, xterm solves a problem of running xterm on a remote
host with a local window, when the remote host uses a different keymap (like
running on a remote microvax on a sun). If the environment variable KEYBD
is set or the command line option "-kb name" is given, then a keymap file
with the given name is used, rather than the default of your .Xkeymap file.
Standard names for keymap files is yet to be made. (This option is turned on
via defining KEYBD in the Makefile.)

Xterm now always creates its own icon(s), which includes the window's name.
The -i option now means startup showing the icon. The option #[+-]x[+-]y
means to position the icon there instead of centered within the window.
The bitmap within the icon show the current active mode (either vt102 or
tek). The icon reverse-videos with the windows.

By default, the icons are a miniture window and the window title. The icon
can also be miniture versions of the window. This is activated with .Xdefaults
"xterm.ActiveIcon on", -ai from the command line, or from the xterm menu.

The active icon does not normally allow input. A menu selection in the xterm
menu will allow input to the icon.

When the mouse is in the stripped area of the titlebar, you can get any
of the three menus without pressing the control key. Clicking in the
actual title iconifies. Clicking in an icon deiconifies it.

Many mode option on the command line allow a '+' instead of '-' to indicate
turning off the indicated mode.

Color support has been improved, so that an unselected cursor is an empty
rectangle with the foreground color, and the selected cursor is a filled
rectangle with the cursor color.

A better and faster menu package has been added that supports (Mac-like)
checkmarks and dimmed (disabled and grayed) item, as well as line separator

To conserve on resources, the unhilited border of the window(s) is now
always a gray pixmap, which is shared by the menu package.

Logging capability has been added, in which all characters sent to the
xterm window are recorded. The mode is turned on by using .Xdefaults option
"xterm.Logging on", -l on the command line, from the xterm menu or the
escape sequence \E[?46h in vt102 mode. Logging is turned off through the
xterm menu or \E[?46l in vt102 mode. The default log file is XtermLog.XXXXX
(XXXXX is the process id of xterm) and is in the initial directory in which
xterm was started (the home directory for login xterms). Each logging start
appends to the end of the loggin file, and each logging stop closes the file.

An alternate logging file may be given with .Xdefaults "xterm.LogFile file"
(file is the alternate filename) or with command line option "-lf file".
If the first character of the logfile name is `|', then the rest of the
name passed to the shell for execution and a pipe is created to the process.
In this case, each time the log is started, a new process is created and
when logging is turned off, the pipe is closed. Thus, a logfile name of
"| lpr", will send text to the line printer each time logging is turned off.

Certain modes may be inhibited by specifying in the .Xdefaults file. A
change to the initial logging mode may be prevented with "xterm.LogInhibit on",
which will prevent changes to logging from the menu or from escape sequences.
"xterm.SignalInhibit on" disables the xterm menu signal sending (Continue is
still allowed). "xterm.TekInhibit on" prevents entering into Tektronix mode.

As per edjames@eros, xterm sets the environment variable WINDOWID, which
contains the Window id of the initial window (normally vt102, but could be
the tek window if the -t option were specified). This "feature" is
bogus, as it may not always give you all information you need to
access a window.

The title in the title bar may be changed with the \E]0;new title\007 escape
sequence. Any non-printing character terminates the title string. The
windows and icons are also renamed, and the icons are resized to fit the
new title.

The log file may be changed with the \E]46;new log file\007 escape sequence.
If the log file name is empty, the default log file name is used.

In visual bell mode, the icons now flash on receipt of a control-G.

If xterm is iconified and new input comes in, a box is drawn around the
icon title.

The bitmap used for the icons is now user definable. The VT102 bitmap may be
set with .Xdefaults "xterm.IconBitmap file" or with "-ib file" on the command
line. The Tek bitmap may be set with .Xdefaults "xterm.TekIconBitmap file"
or with "-it file" on the command line. These files are assumed to be
bitmap(1) format files. If only one bitmap file is specified, it is used for
both modes. If both are specified as null file names, then no bitmap is drawn.

Normally, the title text of the icon is displayed to the right of the
bitmap. The text may be displayed under the bitmap by using .Xdefaults
"xterm.TextUnderIcon on" or with -ti on the command line.

The mouse may be automatically warpped to the xterm window when it is
deiconified by using .Xdefaults "xterm.DeiconifyWarp on" or using -dw on
the command line. This is also of questionable merit.

The standard error output used by xterm is now improved. Normally it will
be the same standard error when xterm is started. For login xterms
(-L specified) then the standard error will be to /dev/console.

X error events are now intercepted so that xterm may cleanup before exiting
(like resetting the tty modes and clearing the /etc/utmp entry).


vt102 emulation is much more complete than the original xterm.

Underlined characters is now supported.

A partial sun tty emulation is provided (x, y, w, h, c, r are numbers):
\E[3;x;yt move window to (x, y)
\E[4;w;ht resize window - width w, height h pixels
\E[5t raise window
\E[6t lower window
\E[7t redisplay window
\E[8;r;ct resize window - r rows, c columns
\E[13t send window position \E[3;x;yt
\E[14t send window size (pixel) \E[4;w;ht
\E[18t send window size (rows and columns) \E[8;r;ct

The text for reexcuting (shift-left button), copy (shift-middle button-drag)
and paste (shift-right button) is now hilited by reverse video.

Pasting text that was originally displayed as vt102 graphic characters now
returns the original ascii character (and not the internal representation).

Text that is scrolled off the top of the window can be saved and is accessable
via a scrollbar. By default, saving is off and can be turned changed via
escape sequence \E[?43h (on) and \E[43l (off) or from the mode menu. The
scrollbar is normally off, but may be made visible with .Xdefault option
"xterm.ScrollBar on" or command line option -sb. The scrollbar state can
be changed via the mode menu or escape sequences \E[?42h (on) and \E[?42l

The scrollbar is composed of three parts (from top down), the scroll button,
the save button and the scroll region. The scroll button changes what is
displayed in the window. Left button pressed in the scroll button causes
the window to move one line up (the text scrolls one line down). The right
button moves one line down. Shift left button moves one screenful up and shift
right button moves one screenful down. Control left button moves to the top
of the buffer, control right button moves to the bottom. The visible area
is shown graphically in the scroll region, with the (usually) dark region
that part of the buffer that appears in the window. Clicking the left or
right button in the scroll region cause the visible region to be position
with its top at the mouse position. The save button shows the state of saving
or not saving lines. By default, any input or output will return the
screen to the bottom.

The default maximum number of lines saved off the top is 64, but can be
specified in .Xdefaults as "xterm.SaveLines 100" for 100 lines, or as
a command line option "-sl 100".

The lines saved can be cleared via the mode menu.

A margin bell can be turned on via .Xdefaults "xterm.MarginBell on", command
line option -mb or mode menu. The default number of columns from the right
margin is 10 and is settable via .Xdefaults "xterm.NMarginBell 15" for 15
columns, or via command line option -nb 15. The mode may be changed by escape
sequence \E[?44h (on) and \E[?44l (off).

To emulate the vt102 switching between 80 and 132 columns, the mode may
be turned on via .Xdefaults "xterm.C132 on", via command line option -132 or
via the mode menu. The mode may be changed by escape sequence \E[?40h (on)
and \E[?40l (off).

A mode that fixes a bug in curses (e.g. when using "more" on lines that have
lines that print on the last column of the line and the next line begins with
a tab) can be turned on .Xdefaults "xterm.Curses on", command line option
-cu or via the mode menu. The mode may be changed by escape sequence
\E[?41h (on) and \E[?41l (off).

Auto linefeed mode and auto repeat are supported.

The mode menu is now more descriptive.

Most Dec Private mode settings can be save away internally using \E[?ns,
where n is the same number to set or reset the Dec Private mode. The
mode can be restored using \E[?nr. This can be used in termcap for vi, for
example, to turn off saving of lines, but restore whatever the original
state was on exit.

An optional status line (in reverse video) has been added to the bottom of
the vt102 window. The following escape sequences work on the status line:
\E[?S show status line
\E[?H hide status line
\E[?nT enter status line, at column n
\E[?F return to the position before entry into status line
\E[?E erase status line
Also, the status line may be turned on via .Xdefaults "xterm.StatusLine on",
the -st commandline option or from the mode menu.

Reverse wraparound can be enabled with .Xdefaults "xterm.ReverseWrap on", via
command line option -rw or from the mode menu. Also the escape sequences
\E[?45h turns on reverse wraparound and \E[?45l turns it off. Reverse
wraparound only works when autowrap is also on and is useful, for instance,
when entering a long line that wraps to the shell and needing to erase
backwards to correct it.

The scrollbar code has been modified to use fewer pixmaps, and should work
better on the GPX.

An alternate screen buffer is now supported. Entry into the alternate screen
buffer with \E[?47h will automatically inhibit lines from being saved off the
top of the window and \E[?47l returns to the normal screen buffer and restores
the original state of line saving. The new termcap entry causes vi to use
the alternate screen buffer on entry and clears the alternate buffer before
returning to the regular buffer.

If the normal font is specified and the bold font isn't, then the bold font
is automatically created be overstring, ala dcmartin@ingres.

The scrollbar now has its own menu, available when the middle button is pressed
anywhere in the scrollbar. The menu entries originally in the mode menu having
to do with the scrollbar have been moved to the scrollbar menu (except the
Scrollbar entry, to initially display the scrollbar).

The scroll bar may be repositioned automatically at the bottom when input comes
in by using .Xdefaults "xterm.ScrollInput on", using -si on the command line
or via the scrollbar menu.

The scroll bar may be repositioned automatically at the bottom when a key is
pressed by using .Xdefaults "xterm.ScrollKey on", using -sk on the command line
or via the scrollbar menu.

Normally the status line is displayed in reverse video. A normal-video status
line may be obtained by using .Xdefaults "xterm.StatusNormal on", with
-sn on the command line or via the mode menu, or may be controlled with the
escape sequences \E[?48h (on) and \E[?48l (off). In normal video mode, a
box is still drawn around the status line.

Page scroll mode may be activated by using .Xdefaults "xterm.PageScroll on",
using -ps on the command line or via the mode menu, or may be control by the
escape sequences \E[?49h (on) and \E[?49l (off). In page scroll mode,
after a page of input has been displayed, further scrolling is disabled
and the text cursor is hidden. Typing a carriage return allows another
line to be scrolled (the return is discarded). Pressing the space bar (or any
other printable character) causes another page to be scrolled (the character
is discarded). Typing a control character scrolls another page, but the
control character is sent (e.g., your interrupt character).

A page in page scroll mode is defined to be the number of lines in the current
scrolling region, minus the page overlap number. The page overlap is one by
default, but may be set by .Xdefaults "xterm.PageOverlap 3" or via the
"-po 3" command line option.

Page scroll mode is automatically inhibited when using the alternate screen.

The icon windows are now named, with " (icon)" appended. Thus, iconified
xterms now show up in the windows menu.


Tek mode is much more complete than the original.

Tek standard two column mode is supported.

Four different character sizes are supported and can be changed via the
tek menu.

5 line types are supported (solid, dotted, short dashed, long dashed and
dot dashed).

All of the tek character sequences are stored and can be saved into a file
via the standard COPY escape sequence or from the mode menu. The file created
is named COPYyy-mm-dd.hh:mm:ss (COPY plus the date and time) and is placed
in the initial directory in which xterm was started. Login xterms use the
users home directory.

When the tek window is being refreshed, the mouse cursor shows a clock.

The X geometry of the Tek window can be given on the command line (independently
of the VT102 window) by using %geometry (`%' rather than `=').

In GIN mode, pressing a key will send the key and the mouse coordinates of
the cross cursor, similar to standard Tek GIN mode. Pressing a mouse button
instead will send the character `l', `m' or `r' depending on whether the
left, middle or right button was pressed, respectively. If the shift key was
down when the button was pressed, the corresponding upper case character is
sent. To distinquish a button press from a key press, the high bit of the
character is set, but this is only useful if the tty mode is set to RAW to
pass all 8 bits.
fi # End CHANGES
if test -f CHANGES.resize
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'CHANGES.resize'"
echo 'x - CHANGES.resize'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > CHANGES.resize
resize version X10/6.6
------ ------- -------

This version of resize uses the standard VT102 escape sequences as before.
In addition, there is a -s flag that will use the Sun tty emulation escape
sequences and allow the window to adjusted from the command line. For example,
to change the window size to 35 rows by 80 columns, one can use:

% set noglob; eval `resize -s 35 80`

The TERMCAP environment variable will be adjusted accordingly.

If a link is made from resize to sunsize, sunsize will use the sun emulation
exclusively (and should work under Suntools, also).

Before, resize could send an escape sequence and fscanf could returned before
xterm sends its escape sequence, thus failing. Now the read is synchronized.

If no escape sequence is received from the terminal within 10 seconds, resize
fi # End CHANGES.resize
if test -f CHANGES.termcap
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'CHANGES.termcap'"
echo 'x - CHANGES.termcap'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > CHANGES.termcap
termcap version X10/6.4
------- ------- -------

This termcap contains the necessary modifications to access the status line
(by sysline, for instance) and to activate the alternate screen buffer when
entering vi. Multiple insert and delete functions have been added.
fi # End CHANGES.termcap
if test -f ONELINE
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'ONELINE'"
echo 'x - ONELINE'
This is version X10/6.4 of xterm, the VT102/Tektronix 4014 terminal emulator.
fi # End ONELINE
if test -f README
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'README'"
echo 'x - README'
This is version X10/6.6 of xterm, the VT102/Tektronix 4014 terminal emulator.
This program has been greatly changed and enhanced by:

Edward Moy
Academic Computing Services
University of California, Berkeley


Notable features in 6.6 include scrollbars, titlebars, new menus and a new
menu package, auto-raising of windows, visual bell, new icons, logging
capability, status line, reverse wraparound and an alternate screen buffer.
A more detailed description can be found in the CHANGES file.

Included here are the pre-compiled executables of xterm (and resize) for
the MicroVax (under Ultrix) and for Sun-3s.

NOTE: I am keeping the official SCCS directory on my MicroVax. Any changes
made here may not appear on later releases unless you tell me about them
and I feel they are useful (I'm fairly reasonable).
fi # End README
if test -f Tekparse.h
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'Tekparse.h'"
echo 'x - Tekparse.h'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > Tekparse.h
* $Source: /u1/X/xterm/RCS/Tekparse.h,v $
* $Header: Tekparse.h,v 10.100 86/12/01 14:39:07 jg Rel $

/* @(#)Tekparse.h X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define CASE_REPORT 0
#define CASE_BEL (CASE_GIN + 1)
#define CASE_BS (CASE_BEL + 1)
#define CASE_PT_STATE (CASE_BS + 1)
#define CASE_UP (CASE_ALP_STATE + 1)
#define CASE_COPY (CASE_UP + 1)
#define CASE_PAGE (CASE_COPY + 1)
#define CASE_APL (CASE_ASCII + 1)
#define CASE_CR (CASE_SPT_POINT + 1)
#define CASE_ESC_STATE (CASE_CR + 1)
#define CASE_LF (CASE_ESC_STATE + 1)
#define CASE_SP (CASE_LF + 1)
#define CASE_PRINT (CASE_SP + 1)
#define CASE_OSC (CASE_PRINT + 1)
fi # End Tekparse.h
if test -f VTparse.h
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'VTparse.h'"
echo 'x - VTparse.h'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > VTparse.h
* $Source: /u1/X/xterm/RCS/VTparse.h,v $
* $Header: VTparse.h,v 10.101 86/12/01 21:49:38 jg Rel $

/* @(#)VTparse.h X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define CASE_BS (CASE_BELL+1)
#define CASE_CR (CASE_BS+1)
#define CASE_ESC (CASE_CR+1)
#define CASE_VMOT (CASE_ESC+1)
#define CASE_TAB (CASE_VMOT+1)
#define CASE_SI (CASE_TAB+1)
#define CASE_SO (CASE_SI+1)
#define CASE_CUU (CASE_ICH+1)
#define CASE_CUD (CASE_CUU+1)
#define CASE_CUF (CASE_CUD+1)
#define CASE_CUB (CASE_CUF+1)
#define CASE_CUP (CASE_CUB+1)
#define CASE_ED (CASE_CUP+1)
#define CASE_EL (CASE_ED+1)
#define CASE_IL (CASE_EL+1)
#define CASE_DL (CASE_IL+1)
#define CASE_DCH (CASE_DL+1)
#define CASE_DA1 (CASE_DCH+1)
#define CASE_TBC (CASE_DA1+1)
#define CASE_SET (CASE_TBC+1)
#define CASE_RST (CASE_SET+1)
#define CASE_SGR (CASE_RST+1)
#define CASE_CPR (CASE_SGR+1)
#define CASE_NEL (CASE_IND+1)
#define CASE_HTS (CASE_NEL+1)
#define CASE_RI (CASE_HTS+1)
#define CASE_SS2 (CASE_RI+1)
#define CASE_SS3 (CASE_SS2+1)
#define CASE_RIS (CASE_OSC+1)
#define CASE_LS2 (CASE_RIS+1)
#define CASE_LS3 (CASE_LS2+1)
#define CASE_LS3R (CASE_LS3+1)
#define CASE_LS2R (CASE_LS3R+1)
#define CASE_LS1R (CASE_LS2R+1)
#define CASE_PRINT (CASE_LS1R+1)
fi # End VTparse.h
if test -f bottom.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'bottom.ic'"
echo 'x - bottom.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > bottom.ic
/* @(#)bottom.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define bottom_width 19
#define bottom_height 19
static short bottom_bits[] = {
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8008, 0x0000,
0x8008, 0x0000, 0x8008, 0x0000,
0x8008, 0x0000, 0x8008, 0x0000,
0x8708, 0x0000, 0x8708, 0x0000,
0x9fc8, 0x0000, 0x8f88, 0x0000,
0x8708, 0x0000, 0x8208, 0x0000,
0xfff8, 0x0000, 0xfff8, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000};
fi # End bottom.ic
if test -f button.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'button.ic'"
echo 'x - button.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > button.ic
/* @(#)button.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define button_width 19
#define button_height 19
static short button_bits[] = {
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0200, 0x0000,
0x0700, 0x0000, 0x0f80, 0x0000,
0x1fc0, 0x0000, 0x0700, 0x0000,
0x0700, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0700, 0x0000, 0x0700, 0x0000,
0x1fc0, 0x0000, 0x0f80, 0x0000,
0x0700, 0x0000, 0x0200, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000};
fi # End button.ic
if test -f dark.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'dark.ic'"
echo 'x - dark.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > dark.ic
/* @(#)dark.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define dark_width 16
#define dark_height 16
static short dark_bits[] = {
0xeeee, 0xffff, 0xbbbb, 0xffff,
0xeeee, 0xffff, 0xbbbb, 0xffff,
0xeeee, 0xffff, 0xbbbb, 0xffff,
0xeeee, 0xffff, 0xbbbb, 0xffff};
fi # End dark.ic
if test -f data.h
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'data.h'"
echo 'x - data.h'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > data.h
* $Source: /u1/X/xterm/RCS/data.h,v $
* $Header: data.h,v 10.101 86/12/01 16:57:37 swick Rel $

/* @(#)data.h X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
extern Pixmap B_Pixmap;
extern Pixmap W_Pixmap;
extern TekLink *TekRefresh;
extern Terminal term;
extern Vertex T_box2[];
extern Vertex T_box3[];
extern Vertex T_boxlarge[];
extern Vertex T_boxsmall[];
extern Vertex T_boxicon[];
extern Vertex VTbox[];
extern Vertex icon_box[];
extern T_fontsize Tfontsize[];
extern Vertex status_box[];
extern char *T_geometry;
extern char *Tbptr;
extern char *Tbuffer;
extern char *Tpushb;
extern char *Tpushback;
extern char *back_color;
extern char *bptr;
extern char *curs_color;
extern char *f_b;
extern char *f_n;
extern char *f_i;
extern char *f_t;
extern char *fore_color;
extern char *geo_metry;
extern char *icon_geom;
extern char log_def_name[];
extern char *mous_color;
extern char *ptydev;
extern char *ttydev;
extern char *win_name;
extern char *xterm_name;
extern char buffer[];
extern int B_Pixel;
extern int L_flag;
extern int Select_mask;
extern int T_lastx;
extern int T_lasty;
extern int Tbcnt;
extern int Ttoggled;
extern int W_Pixel;
extern int X_mask;
extern int am_slave;
extern int bcnt;
#ifdef DEBUG
extern int debug;
#endif DEBUG
extern int errno;
extern int max_plus1;
extern int n_marginbell;
extern int pty_mask;
extern int re_verse;
extern int save_lines;
extern int switchfb[];
extern jmp_buf Tekend;
extern jmp_buf VTend;
fi # End data.h
if test -f downline.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'downline.ic'"
echo 'x - downline.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > downline.ic
/* @(#)downline.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define downline_width 19
#define downline_height 19
static short downline_bits[] = {
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0xef78, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0xdbb8, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0700, 0x0000,
0x0700, 0x0000, 0x1fc0, 0x0000,
0x0f80, 0x0000, 0x0700, 0x0000,
0x0200, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000};
fi # End downline.ic
if test -f downpage.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'downpage.ic'"
echo 'x - downpage.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > downpage.ic
/* @(#)downpage.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define downpage_width 19
#define downpage_height 19
static short downpage_bits[] = {
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x7f00, 0x0000,
0x4180, 0x0000, 0x4140, 0x0000,
0x4120, 0x0000, 0x41f0, 0x0000,
0x4710, 0x0000, 0x4710, 0x0000,
0x5fd0, 0x0000, 0x4f90, 0x0000,
0x4710, 0x0000, 0x4210, 0x0000,
0x4010, 0x0000, 0x7ff0, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000};
fi # End downpage.ic
if test -f error.h
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'error.h'"
echo 'x - error.h'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > error.h
* $Source: /u1/X/xterm/RCS/error.h,v $
* $Header: error.h,v 10.100 86/12/01 14:39:28 jg Rel $

/* @(#)error.h X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
/* main.c */
#define ERROR_KMALLOC 10 /* main: malloc() failed for keyboardtype */
#define ERROR_FIONBIO 11 /* main: ioctl() failed on FIONBIO */
#define ERROR_TSLOT 12 /* spawn: tslot() failed and getty */
#define ERROR_TSLOT2 13 /* spawn: tslot() failed and am_slave */
#define ERROR_OPDEVTTY 14 /* spawn: open() failed on /dev/tty */
#define ERROR_TIOCGETP 15 /* spawn: ioctl() failed on TIOCGETP */
#define ERROR_TIOCGETC 16 /* spawn: ioctl() failed on TIOCGETC */
#define ERROR_TIOCGETD 17 /* spawn: ioctl() failed on TIOCGETD */
#define ERROR_TIOCGLTC 18 /* spawn: ioctl() failed on TIOCGLTC */
#define ERROR_TIOCLGET 19 /* spawn: ioctl() failed on TIOCLGET */
#define ERROR_TIOCCONS 20 /* spawn: ioctl() failed on TIOCCONS */
#define ERROR_OPDEVTTY2 21 /* spawn: second open() failed on /dev/tty */
#define ERROR_NOTTY 22 /* spawn: ioctl() failed on TIOCNOTTY */
#define ERROR_TIOCSETP 23 /* spawn: ioctl() failed on TIOCSETP */
#define ERROR_TIOCSETC 24 /* spawn: ioctl() failed on TIOCSETC */
#define ERROR_TIOCSETD 25 /* spawn: ioctl() failed on TIOCSETD */
#define ERROR_TIOCSLTC 26 /* spawn: ioctl() failed on TIOCSLTC */
#define ERROR_TIOCLSET 27 /* spawn: ioctl() failed on TIOCLSET */
#define ERROR_TSLOT3 28 /* spawn: tslot() failed */
#define ERROR_FORK 29 /* spawn: fork() failed */
#define ERROR_EXEC 30 /* spawn: exec() failed */
#define ERROR_OPDEVTTY3 31 /* spawn: third open() failed on /dev/tty */
#define ERROR_PTYS 32 /* get_pty: not enough ptys */
#define ERROR_NOX 33 /* get_terminal: can't connect to server */
#define ERROR_NOX2 34 /* get_terminal: can't connect and getty */
#define ERROR_TITLEFONT 35 /* get_terminal: can't open title font */
#define ERROR_INIT 36 /* spawn: can't initialize window */
#define ERROR_NOCO 37 /* resize: no `co' in termcap */
#define ERROR_NOLI 38 /* resize: no `li' in termcap */
#define ERROR_BORDER 39 /* get_terminal: can't make border tile */
#define ERROR_BACK 40 /* get_terminal: can't make background tile */
/* charproc.c */
#define ERROR_SELECT 50 /* in_put: select() failed */
#define ERROR_CRTITLE 51 /* VTTitleInit: XCreateWindow() failed */
#define ERROR_HILITE 52 /* VTTitleInit: make_hilite() failed */
#define ERROR_CRLFRG 53 /* VTTitleInit: XCreateWindows() failed */
#define ERROR_VINIT 54 /* VTInit: can't initialize window */
#define ERROR_RTMALLOC1 55 /* VTRetitle: malloc failed */
#define ERROR_RTMALLOC2 56 /* VTRetitle: malloc failed */
/* Tekproc.c */
#define ERROR_TSELECT 60 /* Tinput: select() failed */
#define ERROR_TCRTITLE 61 /* TekTitleInit: XCreateWindow() failed */
#define ERROR_THILITE 62 /* TekTitleInit: make_hilite() failed */
#define ERROR_TCRLFRG 63 /* TekTitleInit: XCreateWindows() failed */
#define ERROR_TINIT 64 /* TekInit: can't initialize window */
#define ERROR_TBACK 65 /* TekBackground: can't make background */
#define ERROR_TWINNAME 66 /* TekInit: malloc failed */
/* button.c */
#define ERROR_BMALLOC 70 /* GetRestOfLine: malloc() failed */
#define ERROR_BMALLOC2 71 /* SaltTextAway: malloc() failed */
/* misc.c */
#define ERROR_LOGEXEC 80 /* StartLog: exec() failed */
#define ERROR_OPENBITMAP 81 /* IconInit: XReadBitmapFile returns zero */
#define ERROR_SYNTAXBITMAP 82 /* IconInit: XReadBitmapFile returns negative */
#define ERROR_XERROR 83 /* xerror: XError event */
#define ERROR_XIOERROR 84 /* xioerror: X I/O error */
#define ERROR_WINNAME 85 /* IconInit: malloc failed */
/* screen.c */
#define ERROR_SCALLOC 90 /* Alloc: calloc() failed on base */
#define ERROR_SCALLOC2 91 /* Alloc: calloc() failed on rows */
#define ERROR_SREALLOC 92 /* ScreenResize: realloc() failed on alt base */
#define ERROR_SREALLOC2 93 /* ScreenResize: realloc() failed on alt rows */
#define ERROR_SREALLOC3 94 /* ScreenResize: realloc() failed on rows */
#define ERROR_SREALLOC4 95 /* ScreenResize: realloc() failed on rows */
#define ERROR_RESIZE 96 /* ScreenResize: malloc() or realloc() failed */
#define ERROR_RESIZE2 97 /* ScreenResize: malloc() or realloc() failed */
#define ERROR_RESIZROW 98 /* ScreenResize: realloc() failed on alt char */
#define ERROR_RESIZROW2 99 /* ScreenResize: realloc() failed on alt attr */
#define ERROR_RESIZROW3 100 /* ScreenResize: realloc() failed on attr */
#define ERROR_RESIZROW4 101 /* ScreenResize: realloc() failed on attr */
/* scrollbar.c */
#define ERROR_SBRALLOC 110 /* ScrollBarOn: realloc() failed on base */
#define ERROR_SBRALLOC2 111 /* ScrollBarOn: realloc() failed on rows */
/* util.c */
#define ERROR_UBACK 120 /* ReverseVideo: can't make background */
fi # End error.h
if test -f gray.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'gray.ic'"
echo 'x - gray.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > gray.ic
/* @(#)gray.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define gray_width 16
#define gray_height 16
static short gray_bits[] = {
0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa,
0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa,
0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa,
0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa};
fi # End gray.ic
if test -f hilite.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'hilite.ic'"
echo 'x - hilite.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > hilite.ic
/* @(#)hilite.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define hilite_width 16
#define hilite_height 16
static short hilite_bits[] = {
0xffff, 0x0000, 0xffff, 0x0000,
0xffff, 0x0000, 0xffff, 0x0000,
0xffff, 0x0000, 0xffff, 0x0000,
0xffff, 0x0000, 0xffff, 0x0000};
fi # End hilite.ic
if test -f icon.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'icon.ic'"
echo 'x - icon.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > icon.ic
/* @(#)icon.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define icon_width 32
#define icon_height 24
static short icon_bits[] = {
0xffff, 0xffff, 0x5001, 0x8005,
0xaffd, 0xbffa, 0x5001, 0x8005,
0xffff, 0xffff, 0x0001, 0xd800,
0xf33d, 0xa866, 0x0001, 0xf800,
0x9e71, 0xa8f3, 0x0001, 0xd800,
0xe77d, 0xf838, 0x0001, 0x8800,
0x7339, 0x883d, 0x0001, 0x8800,
0xde7d, 0x8873, 0x0001, 0x8800,
0xfbb1, 0xd8f6, 0x0001, 0xa800,
0x77bd, 0xd8ef, 0x0001, 0xa800,
0xbbb9, 0xd877, 0x0001, 0xa800,
0x0001, 0xd800, 0xffff, 0xffff};
fi # End icon.ic
if test -f light.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'light.ic'"
echo 'x - light.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > light.ic
/* @(#)light.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define light_width 16
#define light_height 16
static short light_bits[] = {
0x1111, 0x0000, 0x4444, 0x0000,
0x1111, 0x0000, 0x4444, 0x0000,
0x1111, 0x0000, 0x4444, 0x0000,
0x1111, 0x0000, 0x4444, 0x0000};
fi # End light.ic
if test -f ptyx.h
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'ptyx.h'"
echo 'x - ptyx.h'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > ptyx.h
* $Source: /u1/X/xterm/RCS/ptyx.h,v $
* $Header: ptyx.h,v 10.101 86/12/01 16:57:15 swick Rel $

#include <X/mit-copyright.h>

/* Copyright Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1984, 1985 */

/* ptyx.h */
/* @(#)ptyx.h X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

#define MAX_COLS 200
#define MAX_ROWS 128

* The origin of a screen is 0, 0. Therefore, the number of rows
* on a screen is screen->max_row + 1, and similarly for columns.

typedef char **ScrnBuf;

* ANSI emulation.
#define INQ 0x05
#define FF 0x0C /* C0, C1 control names */
#define LS1 0x0E
#define LS0 0x0F
#define CAN 0x18
#define SUB 0x1A
#define ESC 0x1B
#define US 0x1F
#define DEL 0x7F
#define HTS ('H'+0x40')
#define SS2 0x8E
#define SS3 0x8F
#define DCS 0x90
#define OLDID 0x9A /* ESC Z */
#define CSI 0x9B
#define ST 0x9C
#define OSC 0x9D
#define PM 0x9E
#define APC 0x9F
#define RDEL 0xFF

#define NBOX 5 /* Number of Vertices in box */
#define NPARAM 10 /* Max. parameters */

#define MINHILITE 32
#define TITLEPAD 4

typedef struct {
unsigned char a_type;
unsigned char a_pintro;
unsigned char a_final;
unsigned char a_inters;
char a_nparam; /* # of parameters */
char a_dflt[NPARAM]; /* Default value flags */
short a_param[NPARAM]; /* Parameters */
char a_nastyf; /* Error flag */

typedef struct {
int row;
int col;
unsigned flags; /* Vt100 saves graphics rendition. Ugh! */
char curgl;
char curgr;
char gsets[4];
} SavedCursor;

/* Actually there are 5 types of lines, but four are non-solid lines */

typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
int fontsize;
int linetype;
} Tmodes;

typedef struct {
int Twidth;
int Theight;
} T_fontsize;

typedef struct {
Window tbar; /* major window */
Window left; /* left hilited window */
Window right; /* right hilited window */
int hilited; /* in hilite state */
int x; /* x position of title */
int y; /* y position of title */
int fullwidth; /* full width of title */
int width; /* width of visible part of title */
} TitleBar;

typedef struct {
short *bits;
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
} BitmapBits;

typedef struct {
/* These parameters apply to both windows */
Display *display; /* X display for screen */
int respond; /* socket for responses
(position report, etc.) */
long pid; /* pid of process on far side */
int uid; /* user id of actual person */
int gid; /* group id of actual person */
int color; /* colors used */
int foreground; /* foreground color */
int background; /* Background color */
int cursorcolor; /* Cursor color */
int mousecolor; /* Mouse color */
Pixmap bgndtile; /* background tile pixmap */
int border; /* inner border */
int borderwidth; /* outer border */
Pixmap bordertile; /* tile pixmap for border */
Pixmap graybordertile; /* tile pixmap for border when
window is unselected */
Cursor arrow; /* arrow cursor */
unsigned short send_mouse_pos; /* user wants mouse transition */
/* and position information */
int select; /* xterm selected */
struct timeval *timeout; /* timeout value for select */
FontInfo *titlefont; /* font info for title font */
int titleheight; /* height of title */
int title_n_size; /* width on 'n' in title font */
Pixmap hilitetile; /* tile pixmap for title hilite */
int autoraise; /* auto raise window mode */
Window autowindow; /* the window to autoraise */
int timer; /* timer function */
int holdoff; /* delay select and unselects */
int visualbell; /* visual bell mode */
int icon_show; /* icon currently showing */
int textundericon; /* text under icon */
int bitmapwidth; /* width of icon bitmap */
int bitmapheight; /* height of icon bitmap */
int icon_text_x; /* x position of text */
int icon_text_y; /* y position of text */
BitmapBits iconbitmap; /* bitmap for icon */
int iconinput; /* got input while iconified */
int active_icon; /* icon is miniature copy */
int deiconwarp; /* warp mouse on deiconify */
int logging; /* logging mode */
int logfd; /* file descriptor of log */
char *logfile; /* log file name */
char *logstart; /* current start of log buffer */
int inhibit; /* flags for inhibiting changes */

/* VT window parameters */
int show; /* window showing */
int iconunmap; /* unmapped because of icon */
struct {
Window window; /* X window id */
int width; /* width of columns */
int height; /* height of rows */
int fullwidth; /* full width of window */
int fullheight; /* full height of window */
int f_width; /* width of fonts in pixels */
int f_height; /* height of fonts in pixels */
int titlebar; /* title bar(s) showing */
} fullVwin, iconVwin, *mappedVwin;
Font fnt_icon; /* icon font */
int minrows; /* minimun number of rows to
accommodate scrollbar */
Cursor curs; /* cursor resource from X */
/* Terminal fonts must be of the same size and of fixed width */
Font fnt_norm; /* normal font of terminal */
Font fnt_bold; /* bold font of terminal */
int enbolden; /* overstrike for bold font */
Vertex *box; /* draw unselected cursor */

int cursor_state; /* ON or OFF */
int cursor_set; /* requested state */
int cursor_col; /* previous cursor column */
int cursor_row; /* previous cursor row */
int cur_col; /* current cursor column */
int cur_row; /* current cursor row */
int max_col; /* rightmost column */
int max_row; /* bottom row */
int top_marg; /* top line of scrolling region */
int bot_marg; /* bottom line of " " */
int scrollbar; /* if > 0, width of scrollbar, and
scrollbar showing */
int topline; /* line number of top, <= 0 */
int savelines; /* number of lines off top to save */
int scrollinput; /* scroll to bottom on input */
int scrollkey; /* scroll to bottom on key */

ScrnBuf buf; /* screen buffer (main) */
ScrnBuf allbuf; /* screen buffer (may include
lines scrolled off top */
ScrnBuf altbuf; /* alternate screen buffer */
int alternate; /* true if using alternate buf */
ScrollBar *sb; /* pointer to scrollbar struct */
unsigned short do_wrap; /* true if cursor in last column
and character just output */
int incopy; /* 0 if no RasterCopy exposure
event processed since last
RasterCopy */
int c132; /* allow change to 132 columns */
int curses; /* cludge-ups for more and vi */
int marginbell; /* true if margin bell on */
int nmarginbell; /* columns from right margin */
int bellarmed; /* cursor below bell margin */
int scrollincr; /* scroll increment */
unsigned int multiscroll; /* true if multi-scroll */
int scrolls; /* outstanding scroll count */
SavedCursor sc; /* data for restore cursor */
TitleBar title; /* title bar */
int statusline; /* status line showing */
int statusheight; /* status line height */
int instatus; /* cursor in status line */
SavedCursor statussc; /* status line restore cursor */
int reversestatus; /* status line reversed */
char *winname; /* name of window (and icons) */
int winnamelen; /* length of window name */
int save_modes[19]; /* save dec private modes */
int pagemode; /* true if page mode */
int pagecnt; /* count of lines in page mode */
int pageoverlap; /* lines to overlap (less one) */

/* Improved VT100 emulation stuff. */
char gsets[4]; /* G0 through G3. */
char curgl; /* Current GL setting. */
char curgr; /* Current GR setting. */
char curss; /* Current single shift. */
int scroll_amt; /* amount to scroll */
int refresh_amt; /* amount to refresh */
int jumpscroll; /* whether we should jumpscroll */

/* Tektronix window parameters */
int Tforeground; /* foreground color */
int Tbackground; /* Background color */
int Tcursorcolor; /* Cursor color */
Pixmap Tbgndtile; /* background tile pixmap */
int Tcolor; /* colors used */
int planeused; /* is xorplane being used */
int cellsused; /* are color cells being used */
Color colorcells[3]; /* color cells for Tek */
int Tshow; /* Tek window showing */
int Ticonunmap; /* unmapped because of icon */
int waitrefresh; /* postpone refresh */
struct {
Window window; /* X window id */
int width; /* width of columns */
int height; /* height of rows */
int fullwidth; /* full width of window */
int fullheight; /* full height of window */
int titlebar; /* title bar(s) showing */
double tekscale; /* scale factor Tek -> vs100 */
} fullTwin, iconTwin, *mappedTwin;
BitmapBits Ticonbitmap; /* bitmap for icon */
Vertex **Tbox; /* draw unselected cursor */
int xorplane; /* z plane for inverts */
Pattern linepat[TEKNUMLINES]; /* line patterns */
Font Tfont[TEKNUMFONTS]; /* Tek fonts */
int tobaseline[TEKNUMFONTS]; /* top to baseline for
each font */
int TekEmu; /* true if Tektronix emulation */
int cur_X; /* current x */
int cur_Y; /* current y */
Tmodes cur; /* current tek modes */
Tmodes page; /* starting tek modes on page */
int margin; /* 0 -> margin 1, 1 -> margin 2 */
int pen; /* current Tektronix pen 0=up, 1=dn */
char *TekGIN; /* nonzero if Tektronix GIN mode*/
TitleBar Ttitle; /* title bar */
char *Twinname; /* name of window */
int Twinnamelen; /* length of window name */
} Screen;

/* meaning of bits in flag */
#define INWINDOW 01 /* the mouse is in one of the windows */
#define FOCUS 02 /* one of the windows is the focus window */

typedef struct
unsigned offset; /* status of shift, control, meta */
#define SHIFT 0x0001
#define META 0x0002
#define CONTROL 0x0004

unsigned flags;
} Keyboard;

/* define masks for flags */
#define CAPS_LOCK 0x01
#define KYPD_APL 0x02
#define CURSOR_APL 0x04

#define N_MARGINBELL 10
#define MAX_TABS 320
#define TAB_ARRAY_SIZE 10 /* number of ints to provide MAX_TABS bits */

typedef unsigned Tabs [TAB_ARRAY_SIZE];

#define BUF_SIZE 4096

typedef struct
Keyboard keyboard; /* terminal keyboard */
Screen screen; /* terminal screeen */
unsigned flags; /* mode flags */
unsigned initflags; /* initial mode flags */
Tabs tabs; /* tabstops of the terminal */
} Terminal;

/* masks for terminal flags */

#define INVERSE 0x01 /* invert the characters to be output */
#define UNDERLINE 0x02 /* true if underlining */
#define BOLD 0x04
#define WRAPAROUND 0x08
#define REVERSE_VIDEO 0x10 /* true if screen white on black */
#define ORIGIN 0x20 /* true if in origin mode */
#define INSERT 0x40 /* true if in insert mode */
#define SMOOTHSCROLL 0x80 /* true if in smooth scroll mode */
#define AUTOREPEAT 0x100 /* true if in autorepeat mode */
#define IN132COLUMNS 0x200 /* true if in 132 column mode */
#define LINEFEED 0x400
#define REVERSEWRAP 0x800 /* true if reverse wraparound mode */
#define ICONINPUT 0x1000 /* true if mini icon accepts kbd input */

#define ATTRIBUTES 0x07 /* attributes mask */
#define CHAR 0177

#define VWindow(screen) (screen->mappedVwin->window)
#define TWindow(screen) (screen->mappedTwin->window)
#define Width(screen) (screen->mappedVwin->width)
#define Height(screen) (screen->mappedVwin->height)
#define FullWidth(screen) (screen->mappedVwin->fullwidth)
#define FullHeight(screen) (screen->mappedVwin->fullheight)
#define FontWidth(screen) (screen->mappedVwin->f_width)
#define FontHeight(screen) (screen->mappedVwin->f_height)
#define TWidth(screen) (screen->mappedTwin->width)
#define THeight(screen) (screen->mappedTwin->height)
#define TFullWidth(screen) (screen->mappedTwin->fullwidth)
#define TFullHeight(screen) (screen->mappedTwin->fullheight)
#define TekScale(screen) (screen->mappedTwin->tekscale)
#define Titlebar(screen) (screen->mappedVwin->titlebar)
#define TTitlebar(screen) (screen->mappedTwin->titlebar)
#define ActiveIcon(screen) (screen->active_icon && \
(screen->mappedVwin == &screen->iconVwin))
#define TActiveIcon(screen) (screen->active_icon && \
(screen->mappedTwin == &screen->iconTwin))

#define CursorX(screen,col) ((col) * FontWidth(screen) + screen->border)
#define CursorY(screen,row) ((screen->instatus ? \
((row) * FontHeight(screen) + 1)\
: (((row) - screen->topline) * FontHeight(screen))) +\
screen->border + Titlebar(screen))

#define TICONWINDOWEVENTS (ExposeWindow | ButtonPressed)


#define ICONINPUTEVENTS (KeyPressed | EnterWindow | LeaveWindow | FocusChange)

#define TWINDOWEVENTS (KeyPressed | ExposeWindow | ButtonPressed |\
ButtonReleased | UnmapWindow | EnterWindow |\
LeaveWindow | FocusChange)

#define WINDOWEVENTS (TWINDOWEVENTS | ExposeRegion | ExposeCopy)

#define TEK_LINK_BLOCK_SIZE 1024

typedef struct Tek_Link
struct Tek_Link *next; /* pointer to next TekLink in list
NULL <=> this is last TekLink */
short count;
char *ptr;
char data [TEK_LINK_BLOCK_SIZE];
} TekLink;

/* flags for cursors */
#define OFF 0
#define ON 1
#define CLEAR 0
#define TOGGLE 1

/* flags for color */
#define C_FOREGROUND 0x01
#define C_BACKGROUND 0x02
#define C_FBMASK 0x03
#define C_CURSOR 0x04
#define C_MOUSE 0x08
#define C_BORDER 0x10

/* flags for inhibit */
#define I_LOG 0x01
#define I_SIGNAL 0x02
#define I_TEK 0x04

extern Bitmap make_icon();
extern Cursor make_tcross();
extern Cursor make_xterm();
extern Cursor make_wait();
extern Cursor make_arrow();
fi # End ptyx.h
if test -f saveoff.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'saveoff.ic'"
echo 'x - saveoff.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > saveoff.ic
/* @(#)saveoff.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define saveoff_width 19
#define saveoff_height 19
static short saveoff_bits[] = {
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x78f0, 0x0000, 0xa528, 0x0000,
0xb568, 0x0000, 0xbde8, 0x0000,
0xe538, 0x0000, 0x78f8, 0x0000,
0x0008, 0x0000, 0x0008, 0x0000,
0x0f88, 0x0000, 0x0f88, 0x0000,
0x0f88, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000};
fi # End saveoff.ic
if test -f saveon.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'saveon.ic'"
echo 'x - saveon.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > saveon.ic
/* @(#)saveon.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define saveon_width 19
#define saveon_height 19
static short saveon_bits[] = {
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x78f0, 0x0000, 0xa528, 0x0000,
0xb568, 0x0000, 0xbde8, 0x0000,
0xe538, 0x0000, 0xb8e8, 0x0000,
0x4010, 0x0000, 0x2020, 0x0000,
0x1fc0, 0x0000, 0x0f80, 0x0000,
0x0f80, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000};
fi # End saveon.ic
if test -f scrollbar.h
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'scrollbar.h'"
echo 'x - scrollbar.h'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > scrollbar.h
* $Source: /u1/X/xterm/RCS/scrollbar.h,v $
* $Header: scrollbar.h,v 10.100 86/12/01 14:40:30 jg Rel $

/* @(#)scrollbar.h X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define HILITED 1
#define PAUSETIME (1000000L / 5)
#define SAVELINES 64
#define STEPTIME (1000000L / 10)

* the first four must be consecutive and at the bottom

#define SAVE_OFF 0
#define SAVE_ON 1

#define HIDE 1
#define NONE 0
#define SHOW 2

#define GetButtonState(sb) (sb->buttonset)
#define GetSaveState(sb) (sb->saveset)
#define GetScrollBarBottom(sb) (sb->set.bottomvalue)
#define GetScrollBarRegion(sb) (sb->set.regionheight)
#define GetScrollBarTop(sb) (sb->set.topvalue)
#define GetScrollBarValue(sb) (sb->set.value)
#define SetScrollBarBottom(sb,bot) sb->set.bottomvalue = (bot)
#define SetScrollBarRegion(sb,reg) sb->set.regionheight = (reg)
#define SetScrollBarTop(sb,top) sb->set.topvalue = (top)
#define SetScrollBarValue(sb,val) sb->set.value = (val)

struct scroll_region {
int value; /* value at top of region */
int regionheight; /* region height below value */
int topvalue; /* of scroll area */
int bottomvalue; /* of scroll area */
int height; /* of scroll area */
int y; /* y position of region */
int pixelheight; /* height in pixel of region */

typedef struct scroll_bar {
int visible; /* scrollbar visible */
int buttonstate; /* current button state */
int buttonset; /* requested button state */
int savestate; /* current save state */
int saveset; /* requested save state */
int regionvisible; /* region visible */
int action; /* state is changing */
Window bar; /* main scrollbar window */
Window button; /* button window */
Window save; /* save state window */
Window region; /* region window */
Cursor cursor; /* scrollbar cursor */
short *buttonbits[NBUTTONBITMAPS]; /* button state bitmaps */
short *savebits[NSAVESTATES]; /* save state bitmaps */
int fg; /* foreground color */
int bg; /* background color */
struct scroll_region state; /* current region state */
struct scroll_region set; /* requested region state */
} ScrollBar;

ScrollBar *CreateScrollBar();
fi # End scrollbar.h
if test -f tek_icon.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'tek_icon.ic'"
echo 'x - tek_icon.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > tek_icon.ic
/* @(#)tek_icon.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define tek_icon_width 32
#define tek_icon_height 24
static short tek_icon_bits[] = {
0xffff, 0xffff, 0x5001, 0x8005,
0xaffd, 0xbffa, 0x5001, 0x8005,
0xffff, 0xffff, 0x0001, 0x8000,
0x0001, 0x8000, 0x0b89, 0x8000,
0x2009, 0x8000, 0x4019, 0x9e00,
0x8049, 0x8100, 0x0109, 0x8080,
0x0409, 0x9082, 0x3819, 0x8440,
0xce09, 0x8149, 0x2109, 0x805a,
0x8089, 0x803c, 0x0059, 0x8025,
0x0049, 0x8e80, 0x0009, 0x8000,
0x8889, 0x8888, 0xfff9, 0x9fff,
0x0001, 0x8000, 0xffff, 0xffff};
fi # End tek_icon.ic
if test -f top.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'top.ic'"
echo 'x - top.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > top.ic
/* @(#)top.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define top_width 19
#define top_height 19
static short top_bits[] = {
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfff8, 0x0000,
0xfff8, 0x0000, 0x8208, 0x0000,
0x8708, 0x0000, 0x8f88, 0x0000,
0x9fc8, 0x0000, 0x8708, 0x0000,
0x8708, 0x0000, 0x8008, 0x0000,
0x8008, 0x0000, 0x8008, 0x0000,
0x8008, 0x0000, 0x8008, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000};
fi # End top.ic
if test -f upline.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'upline.ic'"
echo 'x - upline.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > upline.ic
/* @(#)upline.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define upline_width 19
#define upline_height 19
static short upline_bits[] = {
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0200, 0x0000, 0x0700, 0x0000,
0x0f80, 0x0000, 0x1fc0, 0x0000,
0x0700, 0x0000, 0x0700, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0xef78, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0xdbb8, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000};
fi # End upline.ic
if test -f uppage.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'uppage.ic'"
echo 'x - uppage.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > uppage.ic
/* @(#)uppage.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define uppage_width 19
#define uppage_height 19
static short uppage_bits[] = {
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x7f00, 0x0000,
0x4180, 0x0000, 0x4140, 0x0000,
0x4120, 0x0000, 0x41f0, 0x0000,
0x4210, 0x0000, 0x4710, 0x0000,
0x4f90, 0x0000, 0x5fd0, 0x0000,
0x4710, 0x0000, 0x4710, 0x0000,
0x4010, 0x0000, 0x7ff0, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000};
fi # End uppage.ic
if test -f wait.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'wait.ic'"
echo 'x - wait.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > wait.ic
/* @(#)wait.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define wait_width 16
#define wait_height 16
#define wait_x_hot 7
#define wait_y_hot 7
static short wait_bits[] = {
0x0000, 0x03e0, 0x0c18, 0x1084,
0x1084, 0x2082, 0x2082, 0x2382,
0x2002, 0x2002, 0x1004, 0x1004,
0x0c18, 0x0ff8, 0x1ffc, 0x0000};
fi # End wait.ic
if test -f waitmask.ic
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'waitmask.ic'"
echo 'x - waitmask.ic'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > waitmask.ic
/* @(#)waitmask.ic X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
#define waitmask_width 16
#define waitmask_height 16
#define waitmask_x_hot 7
#define waitmask_y_hot 7
static short waitmask_bits[] = {
0x07f0, 0x0ff8, 0x1ffc, 0x3ffe,
0x7fff, 0x7fff, 0x7fff, 0x7fff,
0x7fff, 0x7fff, 0x7fff, 0x3ffe,
0x1ffc, 0x3ffe, 0x3ffe, 0x3ffe};
fi # End waitmask.ic
echo '***** End of' xterm 6.6B - Part 1 of 7 '*****'

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