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v09i052: Screensaver for X window system, Part01/02

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Apr 20, 1987, 4:20:34 PM4/20/87
Submitted by: ed...@opal.Berkeley.EDU
Mod.sources: Volume 9, Issue 52
Archive-name: xscreen/Part01

This is part 1/2 of screensaver, a display blanking and lock screen
program for X version 10, release 4. Enjoy.

Edward Moy
Academic Computing Services
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720


[ I don't have X, and I didn't repack this since it would still take
two postings. --r$ ]

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
# Makefile
# arrow
# arrowmask
# menu.c
# menu.h
if test -f Makefile
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'Makefile'"
echo 'x - Makefile'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > Makefile
CONFDIR = /usr/local

CFLAGS = -O -DXSCREENSAVER=\"/usr/local/lib/X/Xscreensaver\" -DMODEMENU
OBJ = screensaver.o menu.o
LIB = ../Xlib/libX.a

all: screensaver

screensaver: ${OBJ}
cc -o screensaver ${CFLAGS} ${OBJ} ${LIB}

screensaver.o: arrow arrowmask

install -s screensaver ${DESTDIR}${CONFDIR}
fi # End Makefile
if test -f arrow
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'arrow'"
echo 'x - arrow'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > arrow
#define arrow_width 12
#define arrow_height 11
#define arrow_x_hot 1
#define arrow_y_hot 5
static short arrow_bits[] = {
0x0000, 0x0020, 0x0030, 0x0038,
0x07fc, 0x07fe, 0x07fc, 0x0038,
0x0030, 0x0020, 0x0000};
fi # End arrow
if test -f arrowmask
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'arrowmask'"
echo 'x - arrowmask'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > arrowmask
#define arrowmask_width 12
#define arrowmask_height 11
static short arrowmask_bits[] = {
0x0060, 0x0070, 0x0078, 0x0ffc,
0x0ffe, 0x0fff, 0x0ffe, 0x0ffc,
0x0078, 0x0070, 0x0060};
fi # End arrowmask
if test -f menu.c
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'menu.c'"
echo 'x - menu.c'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > menu.c
* $Source: /u1/X/xterm/RCS/menu.c,v $
* $Header: menu.c,v 10.101 86/12/01 17:52:43 swick Rel $

#include "X/Xlib.h"
#include "menu.h"

#ifndef lint
static char sccs_id[] = "@(#)menu.c\tX10/6.6B\t12/26/86";
#endif lint

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define InvertPlane 1
#define SetStateFlags(item) item->itemFlags = (item->itemFlags &\
~(itemStateMask | itemChanged)) |\
((item->itemFlags & itemSetMask) >>\

static short Check_MarkBits[] = {
0x0100, 0x0180, 0x00c0, 0x0060,
0x0031, 0x001b, 0x000e, 0x0004
static short Check_GrayBits[] = {
0x0100, 0x0080, 0x0040, 0x0020,
0x0011, 0x000a, 0x0004, 0x0000
static short Default_CursorBits[] = {
0x0000, 0x0002, 0x0006, 0x000e,
0x001e, 0x003e, 0x007e, 0x00fe,
0x01fe, 0x003e, 0x0036, 0x0062,
0x0060, 0x00c0, 0x00c0, 0x0000
static short Default_GrayBits[] = {
0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555,
0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555,
0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555,
0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555,
static short Default_MaskBits[] = {
0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000f, 0x001f,
0x003f, 0x007f, 0x00ff, 0x01ff,
0x03ff, 0x07ff, 0x007f, 0x00f7,
0x00f3, 0x01e1, 0x01e0, 0x01c0
static char def_menu_font[] = "vtsingle";

Pixmap Gray_Tile;
Menu Menu_Default;
Cursor Menu_DefaultCursor;
char *Menu_DefaultFont;
FontInfo *Menu_DefaultFontInfo;

* AddMenuItem() adds a menu item to an existing menu, at the end of the
* list, which are number sequentially from zero. The menuitem index is
* return, or -1 if failed.

AddMenuItem(menu, text)
register Menu *menu;
register char *text;
register MenuItem *menuitem, **next;
register int i;
extern char *malloc();

if(!menu || !text || (menuitem = (MenuItem *)malloc(sizeof(MenuItem)))
== (MenuItem *)0)
bzero((char *)menuitem, sizeof(MenuItem));
menuitem->itemText = text;
menuitem->itemTextLength = strlen(text);
for(i = 0, next = &menu->menuItems ; *next ; i++)
next = &(*next)->nextItem;
*next = menuitem;
menu->menuFlags |= menuChanged;

* DisposeItem() releases the memory allocated for the given indexed
* menuitem. Nonzero is returned if an item was actual disposed of.
DisposeItem(menu, i)
register Menu *menu;
register int i;
register MenuItem **next, **last, *menuitem;

if(!menu || i < 0)
next = &menu->menuItems;
do {
last = next;
next = &(*next)->nextItem;
} while(i-- > 0);
menuitem = *last;
*last = *next;

* DisposeMenu() releases the memory allocated for the given menu.
register Menu *menu;
static Unmap_Menu();

if(menu->menuFlags & menuMapped)
while(DisposeItem(menu, 0));

register char *name;
register char *cp;
register Bitmap bit;

* If the gray tile hasn't been set up, do it now.
if(!Gray_Tile) {
if(!(bit = XStoreBitmap(grayWidth, grayHeight,
Gray_Tile = XMakePixmap(bit, WhitePixel, BlackPixel);
Menu_Default.menuFlags = menuChanged;
if((cp = XGetDefault(name, "MenuFreeze")) && strcmp(cp, "on") == 0)
Menu_Default.menuFlags |= menuFreeze;
if((cp = XGetDefault(name, "MenuSave")) && strcmp(cp, "on") == 0)
Menu_Default.menuFlags |= menuSaveMenu;
Menu_Default.menuInitialItem = -1;
Menu_Default.menuBorderWidth = (cp = XGetDefault(name, "MenuBorder")) ?
atoi(cp) : 2;
Menu_Default.menuItemPad = (cp = XGetDefault(name, "MenuPad")) ?
atoi(cp) : 3;
Menu_DefaultFont = (cp = XGetDefault(name, "MenuFont")) ? cp :

* ItemFlags returns the state of item "n" of the menu.
ItemFlags(menu, n)
register Menu *menu;
register int n;
register MenuItem *item;

if(!menu || !menu->menuItems || n < 0)
for(item = menu->menuItems ; n > 0 ; n--)
if(!(item = item->nextItem))
return((item->itemFlags & itemSetMask) >> itemSetMaskShift);

* ItemText changes the text of item "n" of the menu.
ItemText(menu, n, text)
register Menu *menu;
register int n;
char *text;
register MenuItem *item;

if(!menu || !menu->menuItems || n < 0 || !text)
for(item = menu->menuItems ; n > 0 ; n--)
if(!(item = item->nextItem))
item->itemText = text;
menu->menuFlags |= menuChanged;

* NewMenu() returns a pointer to an initialized new Menu structure, or NULL
* if failed.
* The Menu structure _menuDefault contains the default menu settings.
Menu *NewMenu(name, reverse)
char *name;
int reverse;
register Menu *menu;
register int fg, bg;
extern char *malloc();

* If the GrayTile hasn't been defined, InitMenu() was never
* run, so exit.
return((Menu *)0);
* Allocate the memory for the menu structure.
if((menu = (Menu *)malloc(sizeof(Menu))) == (Menu *)0)
return((Menu *)0);
* Initialize to default values.
*menu = Menu_Default;
* If the menu font hasn't yet been gotten, go get it.
if(!menu->menuFontInfo) {
if(!Menu_DefaultFontInfo && !(Menu_DefaultFontInfo =
return((Menu *)0);
menu->menuFontInfo = Menu_DefaultFontInfo;
* If the menu cursor hasn't been given, make a default one.
if(!menu->menuCursor) {
if(!Menu_DefaultCursor) {
if(reverse) {
fg = WhitePixel;
bg = BlackPixel;
} else {
fg = BlackPixel;
bg = WhitePixel;
if(!(Menu_DefaultCursor =
XCreateCursor(defaultCursorWidth, defaultCursorHeight,
Default_CursorBits, Default_MaskBits, defaultCursorX,
defaultCursorY, fg, bg, GXcopy)))
return((Menu *)0);
menu->menuCursor = Menu_DefaultCursor;
* Initialze the default background and border pixmaps and foreground
* and background colors (black and white).
if(reverse) {
menu->menuBgTile = BlackPixmap;
menu->menuFgColor = WhitePixel;
menu->menuBgColor = BlackPixel;
} else {
menu->menuBgTile = WhitePixmap;
menu->menuFgColor = BlackPixel;
menu->menuBgColor = WhitePixel;
* Set the menu title. If name is NULL or is an empty string, no
* title will be displayed.
if(name && *name) {
menu->menuTitleLength = strlen(menu->menuTitle = name);
menu->menuTitleWidth = XStringWidth(name, menu->menuFontInfo,
0, 0);
menu->menuItemTop = menu->menuFontInfo->height + 2 *
menu->menuItemPad + 1;
} else
menu->menuTitleLength = menu->menuTitleWidth =
menu->menuItemTop = 0;

* SetItemCheck sets the check state of item "n" of the menu to "state".
SetItemCheck(menu, n, state)
register Menu *menu;
register int n;
int state;
register MenuItem *item;

if(!menu || !menu->menuItems || n < 0)
for(item = menu->menuItems ; n > 0 ; n--)
if(!(item = item->nextItem))
item->itemFlags |= itemSetChecked;
item->itemFlags &= ~itemSetChecked;
if(((item->itemFlags & itemSetMask) >> itemSetMaskShift) !=
(item->itemFlags & itemStateMask)) {
item->itemFlags |= itemChanged;
menu->menuFlags |= menuItemChanged;
} else
item->itemFlags &= ~itemChanged;

* SetItemDisable sets the disable state of item "n" of the menu to "state".
SetItemDisable(menu, n, state)
register Menu *menu;
register int n;
int state;
register MenuItem *item;

if(!menu || !menu->menuItems || n < 0)
for(item = menu->menuItems ; n > 0 ; n--)
if(!(item = item->nextItem))
item->itemFlags |= itemSetDisabled;
item->itemFlags &= ~itemSetDisabled;
if(((item->itemFlags & itemSetMask) >> itemSetMaskShift) !=
(item->itemFlags & itemStateMask)) {
item->itemFlags |= itemChanged;
menu->menuFlags |= menuItemChanged;
} else
item->itemFlags &= ~itemChanged;

* TrackMenu does most of the work of displaying the menu and tracking the
* mouse.
TrackMenu(menu, event)
register Menu *menu;
register XButtonPressedEvent *event;
register MenuItem *item;
register int i, button;
register MenuItem *hilited_item = (MenuItem *)0;
register int drawn;
XButtonReleasedEvent ev;
register int changed;
int y, n, hilited_y, hilited_n, in_window;
static MenuItem *Mouse_InItem(), *Y_InItem();
static Unmap_Menu();

* Check that things are reasonable.
if(!menu || !event || !menu->menuItems || event->type != ButtonPressed)
* Set the changed flag and clear the menu changed flags.
changed = menu->menuFlags & (menuChanged | menuItemChanged);
* If the entire menu has changed, throw away any saved pixmap and
* then call RecalcMenu().
if(changed & menuChanged) {
menu->menuSaved = (Pixmap)0;
changed &= ~menuItemChanged;
* Now if the window was never created, go ahead and make it. Otherwise
* if the menu has changed, resize the window.
if(!menu->menuWindow) {
if((menu->menuWindow = XCreateWindow(RootWindow, 0, 0,
menu->menuWidth, menu->menuHeight, menu->menuBorderWidth,
Gray_Tile, menu->menuBgTile)) == (Window)0)
XDefineCursor(menu->menuWindow, menu->menuCursor);
XSelectInput(menu->menuWindow, ExposeWindow | EnterWindow |
LeaveWindow | MouseMoved | ButtonReleased);
} else if(changed & menuChanged)
XChangeWindow(menu->menuWindow, menu->menuWidth,
* Figure out where the menu is supposed to go, from the initial button
* press, and move the window there. Then map the menu.
if(!Move_Menu(menu, event) || !Map_Menu(menu))
* Try to grab the mouse, over a period of 10 seconds.
for(i = 10 ; ; ) {
if(XGrabMouse(menu->menuWindow, menu->menuCursor,
ButtonReleased | EnterWindow | LeaveWindow | MouseMoved))
if(--i <= 0) {
* Save away the button that was pressed and use it to match a
* corresponding ButtonReleased event.
button = event->detail & 03;
* Now process events for the menu window.
drawn = 0;
for( ; ; ) {
if(ev.type != ButtonReleased && ev.window != menu->menuWindow) {
switch(ev.type) {
case ExposeWindow:
* If we have a saved pixmap, display it. Otherwise
* redraw the menu and save it away.
if(menu->menuSaved) {
XPixmapPut(menu->menuWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0,
menu->menuWidth, menu->menuHeight,
menu->menuSaved, GXcopy, AllPlanes);
* If the menuItemChanged flag is still set,
* then we need to redraw certain menu items.
* ("i" is the vertical position of the top
* of the current item.)
if(changed & menuItemChanged) {
i = menu->menuItemTop;
for(item = menu->menuItems ; item ;
item = item->nextItem) {
if(item->itemFlags &
Modify_Item(menu, item,
i += item->itemHeight;
} else
* If the menu has changed in any way and we want to
* save the menu, throw away any existing save menu
* image and make a new one.
if(changed && (menu->menuFlags & menuSaveMenu)) {
menu->menuSaved = XPixmapSave(menu->menuWindow,
0, 0, menu->menuWidth, menu->menuHeight);
* See which item the cursor may currently be in. If
* it is in a non-disabled item, hilite it.
if(hilited_item = Mouse_InItem(menu, &hilited_y,
&hilited_n, &in_window))
XPixFill(menu->menuWindow, 0, hilited_y,
menu->menuWidth, hilited_item->itemHeight,
BlackPixmap, (Bitmap)0, GXinvert, InvertPlane);
case EnterWindow:
in_window = TRUE;
/* drop through */
case MouseMoved:
if(!drawn || !in_window)
* See which item the cursor may currently be in. If
* the item has changed, unhilite the old one and
* then hilited the new one.
y = ((XEnterWindowEvent *)&ev)->y;
if((item = Y_InItem(menu, &y, &n)) != hilited_item) {
XPixFill(menu->menuWindow, 0,
hilited_y, menu->menuWidth,
hilited_item->itemHeight, BlackPixmap,
(Bitmap)0, GXinvert, InvertPlane);
if(hilited_item = item) {
XPixFill(menu->menuWindow, 0,
hilited_y = y, menu->menuWidth,
item->itemHeight, BlackPixmap,
(Bitmap)0, GXinvert, InvertPlane);
hilited_n = n;
case LeaveWindow:
* Unhilite any window that is currently hilited.
if(hilited_item) {
XPixFill(menu->menuWindow, 0, hilited_y,
menu->menuWidth, hilited_item->itemHeight,
BlackPixmap, (Bitmap)0, GXinvert, InvertPlane);
hilited_item = (MenuItem *)0;
in_window = FALSE;
case ButtonReleased:
* If the correct button was released, ungrab the mouse
* and return the index number of any selected menu
* item.
if((ev.detail & 0x3) == button) {
if(in_window) {
y = ((XButtonReleasedEvent *)&ev)->y;
if((item = Y_InItem(menu, &y, &n)) !=
hilited_item) {
XPixFill(menu->menuWindow, 0,
hilited_y, menu->menuWidth,
BlackPixmap, (Bitmap)0,
GXinvert, InvertPlane);
if(hilited_item = item) {
XPixFill(menu->menuWindow, 0,
hilited_y = y, menu->menuWidth,
BlackPixmap, (Bitmap)0,
GXinvert, InvertPlane);
hilited_n = n;
menu->menuFlags &= ~(menuChanged |
return(menu->menuInitialItem =

* Recalculate all of the various menu and item variables.
static Recalc_Menu(menu)
register Menu *menu;
register MenuItem *item;
register int max, i, height, fontheight;

* We must have already gotten the menu font.
* Initialize the various max width variables.
fontheight = menu->menuFontInfo->height;
height = menu->menuItemTop;
menu->menuMaxTextWidth = menu->menuTitleWidth;
* The item height is the maximum of the font height and the
* checkbox height.
max = fontheight;
if(checkMarkHeight > max)
max = checkMarkHeight;
* Go through the menu item list.
for(item = menu->menuItems ; item ; item = item->nextItem) {
* If the item text is a single dash, we assume this is
* a line separator and treat it special.
if(strcmp(item->itemText, "-") == 0)
height += (item->itemHeight = lineSeparatorHeight);
else {
height += (item->itemHeight = max);
* Check the text width with the max value stored in
* menu.
if((item->itemTextWidth = XStringWidth(item->itemText,
menu->menuFontInfo, 0, 0)) > menu->menuMaxTextWidth)
menu->menuMaxTextWidth = item->itemTextWidth;
* If the itemChanged flag is set, set the state bits.
if(item->itemFlags & itemChanged) {
item->itemFlags = (item->itemFlags & ~itemStateMask) |
((item->itemFlags & itemSetMask) >> itemSetMaskShift);
item->itemFlags &= ~itemChanged;
* Set the menu height and then set the menu width.
menu->menuHeight = height;
menu->menuWidth = 3 * menu->menuItemPad + menu->menuMaxTextWidth +

* Figure out where to popup the menu, relative to the where the button was
* pressed.
static Move_Menu(menu, ev)
register Menu *menu;
XButtonPressedEvent *ev;
register MenuItem *item;
register int n, x, y;
int ev_x, ev_y;
int total_width;
Window subw;

* Get the coordinates of the mouse when the button was pressed.
XInterpretLocator(RootWindow, &ev_x, &ev_y, &subw, ev->location);
* Try to popup the menu so that the cursor is centered within the
* width of the menu, but compensate if that would run it outside
* the display area.
total_width = menu->menuWidth + 2 * menu->menuBorderWidth;
if((x = ev_x - total_width / 2) < 0)
x = 0;
else if(x + total_width > DisplayWidth())
x = DisplayWidth() - total_width;
y = 0;
* If we have an inital item, try to popup the menu centered
* vertically within this item.
if(menu->menuInitialItem >= 0) {
* Look through the item list. "y" is the vertical position
* of the top of the current item and "n" is the item number.
y = menu->menuItemTop + menu->menuBorderWidth;
for(n = 0, item = menu->menuItems ; ; n++) {
* On finding the intial item, center within this item.
if(n == menu->menuInitialItem) {
y += item->itemHeight / 2;
y += item->itemHeight;
* If we run out of items, turn off the initial item
* and treat this as if no initial item.
if(!(item = item->nextItem)) {
menu->menuInitialItem = -1;
goto noInitial;
* If no initial item, try to popup the menu centered in the item
* nearest the center of the menu.
} else {
* Look through the item list. "y" is the vertical position
* of the top of the current item and "n" is the vertical
* position of the center of the menu.
y = menu->menuItemTop + menu->menuBorderWidth;
for(n = menu->menuHeight / 2, item = menu->menuItems ; item ;
item = item->nextItem)
* If the center of the menu is in this item, we
* center within this item.
if((y += item->itemHeight) > n) {
y -= item->itemHeight / 2;
* If the menu extends above outside of the display, warp
* the mouse vertically so the menu will all show up.
if((y = ev_y - y) < 0) {
XWarpMouse(RootWindow, ev_x, ev_y - y);
y = 0;
} else if((n = y + menu->menuHeight + 2 * menu->menuBorderWidth
- DisplayHeight()) > 0) {
XWarpMouse(RootWindow, ev_x, ev_y - n);
y -= n;
XMoveWindow(menu->menuWindow, x, y);
* If we are in freeze mode, save what will be the coordinates of
* the save image.
if(menu->menuFlags & menuFreeze) {
menu->menuSavedImageX = x;
menu->menuSavedImageY = y;

* Map the menu window.
static Map_Menu(menu)
register Menu *menu;
register int i;

* If we are in freeze mode, save the pixmap underneath where the menu
* will be (including the border).
if(menu->menuFlags & menuFreeze) {
i = 2 * menu->menuBorderWidth;
if((menu->menuSavedImage = XPixmapSave(RootWindow,
menu->menuSavedImageX, menu->menuSavedImageY, menu->menuWidth
+ i, menu->menuHeight + i)) == (Pixmap)0)
* Actually map the window.
menu->menuFlags |= menuMapped;

* Draw the entire menu in the blank window.
static Draw_Menu(menu)
register Menu *menu;
register MenuItem *item;
register int top = menu->menuItemTop;
register int x = menu->menuItemPad;
register int y, dim;

* If we have a menu title, draw it first, centered and hilited.
if(menu->menuTitleLength) {
XPixSet(menu->menuWindow, 0, 0, menu->menuWidth,
top - 1, menu->menuFgColor);
XText(menu->menuWindow, (menu->menuWidth -
menu->menuTitleWidth) / 2, menu->menuItemPad, menu->menuTitle,
menu->menuTitleLength, menu->menuFontInfo->id,
menu->menuBgColor, menu->menuFgColor);
* For each item in the list, first draw any check mark and then
* draw the rest of it.
for(item = menu->menuItems ; item ; item = item->nextItem) {
dim = (item->itemFlags & itemDisabled);
* Draw the check mark, possibly dimmed, wherever is necessary.
if(item->itemFlags & itemChecked) {
XBitmapBitsPut(menu->menuWindow, x, y = top +
(item->itemHeight - checkMarkHeight) / 2,
checkMarkWidth, checkMarkHeight, dim ? Check_GrayBits :
Check_MarkBits, menu->menuFgColor, menu->menuBgColor,
(Bitmap)0, GXcopy, AllPlanes);
* Draw the item, possibly dimmed.
Draw_Item(menu, item, top, dim);
top += item->itemHeight;

* Modify the item at vertical position y. This routine is table driven and
* the state and set bits are each 2 bits long, contiguous, the least
* significant bits in the flag word and with the state bits in bits 0 & 1.

#define drawCheck 0x10
#define removeCheck 0x08
#define dimCheck 0x04
#define drawItem 0x02
#define dimItem 0x01

static char Modify_Table[] = {
0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x01, 0x00, 0x09, 0x08,
0x10, 0x12, 0x00, 0x12, 0x15, 0x14, 0x05, 0x00

static Modify_Item(menu, item, top)
register Menu *menu;
register MenuItem *item;
int top;
register int x = menu->menuItemPad;
register int y;
register int center = top + item->itemHeight / 2;
register int func = Modify_Table[item->itemFlags &
(itemStateMask | itemSetMask)];

* If we really won't be making a change, return.
if(func == 0)
* Draw the check mark if needed, possibly dimmed.
y = center - (checkMarkHeight / 2);
if(func & (drawCheck | dimCheck))
XBitmapBitsPut(menu->menuWindow, x, y, checkMarkWidth,
checkMarkHeight, (func & dimCheck) ? Check_GrayBits :
Check_MarkBits, menu->menuFgColor, menu->menuBgColor,
(Bitmap)0, GXcopy, AllPlanes);
* Remove the check mark if needed.
if(func & removeCheck)
XTileSet(menu->menuWindow, x, y, checkMarkWidth,
checkMarkHeight, menu->menuBgTile);
* Call Draw_Item if we need to draw or dim the item.
if((x = func & dimItem) || (func & drawItem))
Draw_Item(menu, item, top, x);
* Update state flags.

* Draw the item (less check mark) at vertical position y.
* Dim the item if "dim" is set.
static Draw_Item(menu, item, y, dim)
register Menu *menu;
register MenuItem *item;
register int y;
int dim;
register int x = 2 * menu->menuItemPad + checkMarkWidth;
register int center = y + item->itemHeight / 2;

* If the item text is a single dash, draw a separating line.
if(strcmp(item->itemText, "-") == 0) {
XLine(menu->menuWindow, 0, center, menu->menuWidth, center,
1, 1, menu->menuFgColor, GXcopy, AllPlanes);
* Draw and/or dim the text, centered vertically.
y = center - (menu->menuFontInfo->height / 2);
if(dim) {
XTileSet(menu->menuWindow, x, y, item->itemTextWidth,
menu->menuFontInfo->height, Gray_Tile);
XTextPad(menu->menuWindow, x, y, item->itemText,
item->itemTextLength, menu->menuFontInfo->id, 0, 0,
menu->menuFgColor, menu->menuBgColor, menu->menuFgColor ?
GXand : GXor, AllPlanes);
} else
XText(menu->menuWindow, x, y, item->itemText,
item->itemTextLength, menu->menuFontInfo->id,
menu->menuFgColor, menu->menuBgColor);

* Determine which enabled menu item the mouse is currently in. Return the
* top position of this item and its item number. Set inwindow to whether
* we are or not.
static MenuItem *Mouse_InItem(menu, top, n, inwindow)
register Menu *menu;
int *top, *n, *inwindow;
int x, y;
Window subw;
static MenuItem *Y_InItem();

* Find out where the mouse is. If its not in the menu window,
* return NULL.
XQueryMouse(RootWindow, &x, &y, &subw);
if(subw != menu->menuWindow) {
*inwindow = FALSE;
return((MenuItem *)0);
*inwindow = TRUE;
* Now get the coordinates relative to the menu window.
XInterpretLocator(menu->menuWindow, &x, &y, &subw, (x << 16) | y);
* Call Y_InItem().
*top = y;
return(Y_InItem(menu, top, n));

* Return which enabled item the locator is in. Also return the
* top position of this item and its item number. Initial y passed
* in top.
static MenuItem *Y_InItem(menu, top, n)
register Menu *menu;
int *top, *n;
register MenuItem *item;
register int t, i;
register int y = *top;
Window subw;

* Go through the item list. "t" is the vertical position of the
* current item and "i" is its item number.
t = menu->menuItemTop;
* If the mouse is before the first item, return.
if(y < t)
return((MenuItem *)0);
for(i = 0, item = menu->menuItems ; item ; i++, item = item->nextItem) {
* If the y coordinate is within this menu item, then return.
* But don't return disable items.
if(t + item->itemHeight > y) {
if(item->itemFlags & itemDisabled)
return((MenuItem *)0);
*top = t;
*n = i;
t += item->itemHeight;
* Should never get here.
return((MenuItem *)0);

* Unmap_Menu() unmaps a menu, if it is currently mapped.
static Unmap_Menu(menu)
register Menu *menu;
register int i;

if(!menu || !(menu->menuFlags & menuMapped))
if(menu->menuFlags & menuFreeze) {
i = 2 * menu->menuBorderWidth;
XPixmapPut(RootWindow, 0, 0, menu->menuSavedImageX,
menu->menuSavedImageY, menu->menuWidth + i,
menu->menuHeight + i, menu->menuSavedImage,
GXcopy, AllPlanes);
} else
menu->menuFlags &= ~menuMapped;
fi # End menu.c
if test -f menu.h
echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "'menu.h'"
echo 'x - menu.h'
cat << \RAZZLE!DAZZLE > menu.h
* $Source: /u1/X/xterm/RCS/menu.h,v $
* $Header: menu.h,v 10.100 86/12/01 14:40:05 jg Rel $

/* @(#)menu.h X10/6.6B 12/26/86 */
* Menu items are constructed as follows, starting from the left side:
* menuItemPad
* space for check mark
* menuItemPad
* text + padding
* menuItemPad
* The padding for the text is that amount that this text is narrower than the
* widest text.

typedef struct _menuItem {
int itemHeight; /* total height of this item */
int itemFlags; /* flags of item */

#define itemDisabled 0x0001 /* item is disabled */
#define itemChecked 0x0002 /* item has check mark */
#define itemStateMask 0x0003 /* mask for current state */
#define itemSetDisabled 0x0004 /* item wants to be disabled */
#define itemSetChecked 0x0008 /* item wants check mark */
#define itemSetMask 0x000c /* mask for desired state */
#define itemSetMaskShift 2 /* for comparison with actual */
#define itemChanged 0x0010 /* item desires change */

char *itemText; /* text of item */
int itemTextWidth; /* width of text */
int itemTextLength; /* length of text */
struct _menuItem *nextItem; /* next item in chain */
} MenuItem;

typedef struct _menu {
int menuWidth; /* full width of menu */
int menuHeight; /* full height of menu */
int menuFlags; /* flags of this menu */

# define menuChanged 0x0001 /* menu changed, must redraw */
# define menuItemChanged 0x0002 /* item changed, must redraw */
# define menuMapped 0x0004 /* menu is now mapped */
# define menuFreeze 0x0008 /* freeze when doing menu */
# define menuSaveMenu 0x0010 /* save copy of menu */

int menuMaxTextWidth; /* width of widest text */
int menuInitialItem; /* < 0 none, >= 0 initial item */
int menuBorderWidth; /* width of border */
int menuBgColor; /* background color */
int menuFgColor; /* foreground color */
Pixmap menuBgTile; /* backgroud tile */
FontInfo *menuFontInfo; /* fontinfo for menu font */
int menuItemPad; /* pad amount */
Window menuWindow; /* window of menu */
int (*menuEventHandler)(); /* external event handler */
Cursor menuCursor; /* cursor used in menu */
Pixmap menuSaved; /* copy of menu */
Pixmap menuSavedImage; /* copy of image under menu */
int menuSavedImageX; /* X coordinate of the saved image */
int menuSavedImageY; /* Y coordinate of the saved image */
MenuItem *menuItems; /* head of menu item chain */
char *menuTitle; /* title of menu */
int menuTitleWidth; /* width of title */
int menuTitleLength; /* length of title */
int menuItemTop; /* position of top of first item */
} Menu;

#define checkMarkWidth 9
#define checkMarkHeight 8
#define defaultCursorWidth 16
#define defaultCursorHeight 16
#define defaultCursorX 1
#define defaultCursorY 1
#define grayHeight 16
#define grayWidth 16
#define lineSeparatorHeight 9

#define CheckItem(menu,item) SetItemCheck(menu,item,1)
#define DisableItem(menu,item) SetItemDisable(menu,item,1)
#define EnableItem(menu,item) SetItemDisable(menu,item,0)
#define SetMenuEventHandler(menu,f) menu->menuEventHandler = f
#define UncheckItem(menu,item) SetItemCheck(menu,item,0)

extern Menu *NewMenu();
fi # End menu.h
echo '***** End of' screensaver for X window system - part 1 of 2 '*****'

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