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INFO-MAC Digest V5 #66

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Mar 22, 1987, 12:54:00 AM3/22/87

INFO-MAC Digest Monday, 16 Mar 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 66

Today's Topics:
Head parking and shutdown?
Re: Kermit for the Mac+
PostScript conversions
New Multi-Scrap
Iconic Fonts
Insect DA - VBL Example
64UNITS: Increase the size of your unit table.
Re: need split baud rate comms or help
Usenet Mac Digest V3 #19
Usenet Mac Digest V3 #20
Usenet Mac Digest V3 #21
Delphi Mac Digest V3 #16
Delphi Mac Digest V3 #17


Date: Sun, 15 Mar 1987 13:07 PST
From: Stuart Strand <>
Subject: Head parking and shutdown?

I commute daily with my Jasmine DD20. No problems for the last month. The
DD20 has a Seagate 225 drive which requires manually parking of the heads;
and a desk accessory is supplied for this purpose. However, after using
this DA, if I use shutdown the disk bleeps as if it is being accessed

My questions are: After parking the head and shutdown are the heads still
parked? Will the new Finder/System (5.4/3.3 or the coming Universal
system) leave the heads parked on my Seagate after shutdown? What about
manual head parking on the Miniscribe 20Mb hard drives used in the new
Cirus drives from Kammerman Labs (these drives weigh 4.5#, very portable).

Does anyone know of a utility (not a DA, please, my slots are full) that
shuts-down and leaves the heads parked.

Stuart Strand <A0799@UWACDC> or 206/543-5350
AR10, Univ Washington, Seattle, WA 98195


Date: Sun, 15 Mar 87 02:36 N
From: <>
Subject: Re: Kermit for the Mac+


You had some questions concerning Kermit for the Macintosh.

> A) What is the most recent version of Kermit for the Mac?

MacKermit version 0.8(34).

> B) Does this include support for the Mac+ keypad and arrow keys?

MacKermit's way of handling the keyboard is a seperate utility to
remap the keyboard. The utitily, called CKMKEY, allows you to redefine
any key into just about any other key. I assume that would include
the Mac+ keypad and arrow keys. And I wouldn't be surprised if that had
already been done by a diligent Mac owner.

> C) If not B, then are there any good PD or Shareware terminal emulation
> programs out there that have support for the Mac+ keypad and arrow
> keys? Do these include support for Kermit or XMODEM?

Red Ryder is an excellent shareware communications program that supports
Kermit, Xmodem, arrow keys, and much more. It could very well be the best
communications program for the Mac around.

Thomas Fruin

Leiden, Netherlands


Date: Sat, 14 Mar 87 00:00:44 PST
From: digi...@Jpl-VLSI.ARPA
Subject: PostScript conversions

I know I've seen this sort of thing here before, but I just can't seem to
find it. I'm looking for programs (exe's or sources, prefer both) that
will do the conversion from PostScript to Imagen and/or Quick for the great
variety of computers and laser printers we've got here at the Lab. The
Macintosh alone with a LaserWriter is great, but frequently we have things
like an Imagen hooked to a Univac with a Mac online as a
workstation/terminal and we need some way to output the Mac files via the
Univac (or whatever... there must be a couple hundred different systems

Anyone with any information on these sorts of programs please mail me
direct or via InfoMac. I'll summarize if there are sufficient items.

Godfrey DiGiorgi Jet /\
digiorgi@jpl-vlsi Propulsion ||
March 14, 1987 Laboratory / \
I want to go!


Date: 14 Mar 87 20:52 +0600
From: Grant Delaney <delaney%wnre.aecl.cdn%ubc....@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: BinHex5.bas

A recent request and my need for BinHex has prompted me to down load the
basic program to create The NEWEST version of BinHex 5.0 compatable with 4.0
and MacBinary.

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>BINHEX5.BAS



Date: Wed 11 Mar 1987 22:39 CST
From: Nihar Gokhale <>
Subject: New Multi-Scrap

Having problems with the Scrapbook? well, this DA is for you. This new
version adds Reduce to Fit and a Multi-Scrap icon in addition to multiple
Scrapbook files. enjoy.

archived as




Date: Thu 12 Mar 87 19:47:21-AST
From: Peter Gergely <GER...@DREA-XX.ARPA>
Subject: Iconic Fonts

[Uploaded from MACKY BBS, Dartmouth, NS]

Include here are some fonts containing Icons and various other display


archived as




Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 08:49:56 est
From: ephraim%wang...@RELAY.CS.NET
Subject: Insect DA - VBL Example

Enclosed is a new version of the infamous Insect DA, with source code.
I've fixed bugs, added insecticide, and produced MDS assembler source
with a little help from MacNosy. Insect is a useless DA, but a good
example of VBL task handling.




Date: Wed, 11 Mar 87 22:54:15 EST
From: mhuxu!
Subject: 64UNITS: Increase the size of your unit table.

I am passing this along for Ephraim Vishniac (wanginst!wang!ephraim),
who still doesn't have reliable net access.
-Dave Caswell

Enclosed is 64Units, an INIT that enlarges the unit table to 64
slots and moves it to high memory, freeing a few precious bytes of
the system heap. For more info, read 64Units.asm.

The attached BinHex 4.0 / Packit II file contains both source and
executable versions. This item is in the public domain.

archived as




Date: Sun, 15 Mar 87 22:18 EST
From: Evan Bauman
From: <>

The following are two useful things I picked up from GEnie.
The first, MACARC, is an application that will read and unarc program
made with the ARC program on an MS-DOS PC. This may not be useful to those
who have only Macs but there are those who use both and may want to un-arc
programs on a Mac before transferring them to a PC.
WORDDA's is a set of DA's that you can install into MS-Word 3.0 which
displays a lot of the command key shortcuts.
As always, use BINHEX to convert to the packed file and then use
PACKIT II,III to unpack the archive.
| | \ | \ gkn3m2@irishmvs (bitnet)
| | \ | | (arpa)
| | \ | | ihnp4!inuxc!iuvax!ndmath!ndcheg!evan (UUCP)
| \|

Evan Bauman
Dep't of chemical engineering
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

archived as





Automate your publications with Scholar's Aid

New Scholar's Aid Ver 9.71 corrects bugs in ver 9.4 and adds features.
Corrects bug that caused Scholar's Aid (SAid) to ignore authors whose names
began with "V". Corrects bug that caused Ref Table to be duplicated if
Restart selected.

New features: Now able to read MS-Word 1.05 or 3.0 files directly. More
formating options for reference lists.

Registered owners of SAid ver 9.4 will receive a free 9.71 upgrade disk in
the mail.

I have been using MS-Word for scientific papers with some success for 2
years. However, Word does not automatically number references for
scientific papers. As you may know, footnoting in Word is not satisfactory
for references that are cited several times in the text.
So I wrote Scholar's Aid, which searches for codewords in Word's
print-merge format. Then Scholar's Aid compiles the reference list from a
master bibliography using MS-File and sets up the reference list. SAid
supports several citation styles, numerical, alphabetic, author-year, etc.
It also will number figures, tables, equations, and 2 other list in the
document. It will work without File (i.e., renumber lists), but you have
to set up your own reference list for input. A minimum system for SAid is
a 512k Mac and two 400K-drives.
There are five steps to get a printout of the final draft:
1. Write document in Word using print-merge variables
for numbers of references, figures, etc.;
2. Start SAid and search text for print-merge variables;
3. Open File bibliographic database and find cited
references using list saved in clipboard by SAid;
4. Start SAid again and choose formating for reference
5. Open document in MS-Word and print using print-
merge and files written by SAid to automatically
provide numbering.

Note that,MS-Word 3 for the Mac will support writing the final
print-merged file to disk for further editing, rather than to the printer).
This may seem like a lot of work for short documents, but think of the
time saved when long documents are extensively edited and rearranged, when
sections of other documents are pasted in; all without having to think
about numbering of references, or equations, or figures. You will never
have to type a reference more than once. Need to revise a reference list
for a journal with a different format? No problem with SAid.
If this sounds like a sales pitch, I guess it is; but I also think
that this is the type of assistance that microcomputer word processing
should provide to the scientist and scholar.
The accompanying files should be joined with a text editor and the
resulting large file unhexed with BinHex v4, and unpacked with Packit III.
The complete Scholar's Aid program is included, along with a bibliography
template for MS-File. It includes tutorial documentation. SAid is
shareware. Pass it around to your friends. If you like SAid and continue
to use it, you must pay me $35; in return, I will send you a complete, 35
page, indexed manual.

Stuart E. Strand,
19016 Ashworth Ave. N,
Seattle, Wa 98133
206/543-5350 days
206/542-1312 evenings

archived as


these replace the previous version in the archives.



Date: Sun, 15 Mar 87 02:39 N
From: <>
Subject: Re: need split baud rate comms or help


You're in luck!

> A friend needs a terminal program that will communicate with a
> modem at different send & receive baud rates (viz 1200/75 (CCITT)).

VICOM, from A.M. Computer Technology in the United Kingdom, is just the
program you're looking for. Besides working at 1200/75 bps (V23) it also
supports Viewdata graphics in a very nice way. You can reach them at:

A.M. Computer Technology Limited
19 Kensington Court Mews
London W8 5DR
United Kingdom

Thomas Fruin

Leiden, Netherlands


Date: Sat, 14 Mar 87 10:14 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-tes...@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #19

Usenet Mac Digest Saturday, March 14, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 19

Today's Topics:
Re: MacSnap Memory Upgrade from Dove
Mac II performance (Unix)?
Disk Repairs
Re: New Managers as Defined in Inside Macintosh Volume V
System 4.0 questions
Trackball replacement for the Mouse?
Turbo Maccountant
suppressing LaserWriter's test page?
Blitter and graphics performance
Doublle click-able debugger?
Re: Re: Mac II
RE: Printing Thin Lines on the Laserwriter
Correction to Postings on Script Manager

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-19.ARC



Date: Sat, 14 Mar 87 10:15 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-tes...@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #20

Usenet Mac Digest Saturday, March 14, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 20

Today's Topics:
Re: Mac II (really SE: A letdown?)
Laserwriter, PostScript, and Patterns
Summary of HD backup program responses.
Question about Mac II sound generator
Word footnote bug
A Word Processor for Screeen/Play writers...
need split baud rate comms or help
Microsoft fortran
Mac graphics emulation via TELNET ??
MacApp's undo ability.
Re: Question about Mac II sound generator
Re: Don't count IBM out yet
Re: MacApp's undo ability.
Re: Mac graphics emulation via TELNET ??
pen patterns in Macdraw lose
Re: A Word Processor for Screeen/Play writers...
Re: Microsoft fortran
Microsoft/Absoft Fortran Pitfalls-"execute" and extra chars.

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-20.ARC



Date: Sat, 14 Mar 87 10:16 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-tes...@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #21

Usenet Mac Digest Saturday, March 14, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 21

Today's Topics:
Internal "scuzzies"
warning on word 3.0
Re: MacApp's undo ability.
Databases for the Macintosh
X windows for Mac?
Re: Laserwriter, PostScript, and Patterns
Re: IEEE-488 controller for Nubus?
Excel Help requested
I can't believe this!! (MS &*%$# Word 3.0...)
MacDraw vs CricketDraw vs Illustrator
Word 3.0 and Bibliographies
Re: MacApp's undo ability. (2 messages)
Finding addresses w/appletalk
Word 3.0 strange bug
Time and Date FKEY
LaserWriter Spoolers
Re: X windows for Mac?
Re: I can't believe this!! (MS &*%$# Word 3.0...)
Re: Master Directory Block Trashed
Re: MacDraw vs CricketDraw vs Illustrator
Discrete-event Simulation on the Mac
Sending PS to modem line

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-21.ARC



Date: Sun, 15 Mar 87 10:14 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-tes...@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #16

Delphi Mac Digest Sunday, March 15, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 16

Today's Topics:
Disk Evaluations
RE: Word 3.0 (5 messages)
RE: LaserSpeed vs. new Laser Prep
4.0 startup (2 messages)
System 4.0 & Tempo 1.1 (2 messages)
Memory Upgrades
RE: Memory Upgrade Opinions? (2 messages)
Hannover Faire news (2 messages)
memory map (5 messages)
Prog.Start at certein Time...
LW font request
DiskTimerII results
Re: new system/finder
Re: Re: ROMS and NuBus
RE: Carrying Case Warning
Re: Remote Mac Access
power supply/hardware problems
FX/20 and FX/40
RSG3 updates?
Dove/WARP NINE? (3 messages)
dialog items filtering (4 messages)
MW 3.0 400K disks
Word Scatology

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-16.ARC



Date: Sun, 15 Mar 87 10:14 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-tes...@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #17

Delphi Mac Digest Sunday, March 15, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 17

Today's Topics:
RE: Word Scatology
MacApp "PD" Software (2 messages)
laserwriter carts
more word observations
RSG 3.0 Upgrades/Fixes
FONTastic upgrades (2 messages)
PCPC HFS Backup 2.0
Word 3.0 crashes (2 messages)
BUGS (4 messages)
Re: VBL tasks
Re: Re: addq.w for popping arguments?
asynchron serial driver calls (2 messages)
laser spoolers
Mac Plus and Hard disk powerdown
Stresed Nodes
More Press Releases...
MacApp Developer's Association Newslette
Mac SE first Impressions (2 messages)
RE: Disk Repairs
Question about Mac SE overseas (3 messages)
bootable 4.0
MacHack '87
Word 3.0 bugs
Mac II monitor questions
RE: Mulitple LW copies with MS Word 3.0
1000 miles...

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-17.ARC



End of INFO-MAC Digest

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