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Delphi Mac Digest V3 #15

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Mar 7, 1987, 9:23:00 AM3/7/87
Delphi Mac Digest Saturday, March 7, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 15

Today's Topics:
DataFrame and System 4.0 (3 messages)
Ruggedized VME boards
word bomb (4 messages)
Word 3.0 Help (2 messages)
RE: damaged disk
RE: turning things off (2 messages)
RE: Apple software & Etc. (2 messages)
New Apple files...
Shutdown Mgr (5 messages)
hooking into LSC stdio... (3 messages)
RE: SE First Impression (2 messages)
50 Hz or 60 Hz?
LaserSpeed vs. new Laser Prep
Word 3.0
HFS Backup 2.0 and System 4.0
LaserWriter Driver Bug
Just for Fun


Subject: DataFrame and System 4.0
Date: 4-MAR-00:28: Hardware & Peripherals

Has anyone noticed that DataFrames initialized under Init 2.2 (and 2.1)
don't work with the new system? A quick hack is to take out the new
patches (SCSI) in PTCH 117 and replace it with the one from System 3.2.

Paul :)


Subject: RE: DataFrame and System 4.0 (Re: Msg 17803)
Date: 4-MAR-02:10: Hardware & Peripherals

My DF20 is init'ed under Init 2.1 and works just fine with System 4.0,
although I had a LOT of trouble getting the original floppy to work
(suspect I had some bad tracks on it).



Subject: RE: DataFrame and System 4.0 (Re: Msg 17812)
Date: 4-MAR-07:58: Hardware & Peripherals

Mine works too. Just a DF20, not XP.


From: JIMH
Subject: Ruggedized VME boards
Date: 4-MAR-00:51: Network Digests

Does anyone have any experiance with VME equipment in hostile
enviornments? We want to put a vme system on a helecoptor but it needs
to be speced for up to 85 c operating temp, and withstand vibrations and
other problems. I dont have a full set of specs for what is required
unfortunatly. We also need a 1553B Bus addaptor if anyone has any info
on these systems. Thanks jim


Subject: word bomb
Date: 4-MAR-01:40: Business Mac

I would expect any new program (even an upgrade) to have a few residual
bugs, but I'm definitely disappointed that I was able to crash Word 3.0
so easily: just run it under Switcher and open about 3 or 4 documents,
using up all the memory and BOMB! Oh well, it's still a great program.



Subject: RE: word bomb (Re: Msg 17809)
Date: 4-MAR-17:51: Business Mac

On the positive side, I tried to crash Word 3 the way Word 1 would crash
if you deleted temporary documents, or fooled with files it left open
after you closed their windows -- Word 3 didn't crash under any of these
"trying" circumstances.



Subject: RE: word bomb (Re: Msg 17828)
Date: 4-MAR-22:27: Business Mac

One way I crashed WORD, was to add a document to the WORKS menu, that
could not be found because it was buried in a (HFS) folder.


From: INC
Subject: RE: word bomb (Re: Msg 17841)
Date: 5-MAR-09:37: Business Mac

Also try to save to the user dictionary is somewhat flakey...


From: BWD
Subject: Word 3.0 Help
Date: 4-MAR-12:59: SIG Business

Well IUve gotten Word 3.0 and already found a feature lacking. Don't
get me wrong, it seems to be a great product. The number of command
keys is astounding! The way in which you can select menus directly from
the keyboard is ingenious.

But I do have a problem! Even Customer Support could not help me but I
am still hopeful.

I have plenty of memo and letter formats done up in a glossary in Word
1.05. Each format uses different page setups. With Word 1.05 you change
the page setup and copy the text and the last line of :::::::: which
contains the page setup information. When this is pasted (from the
clipboard or glossary) into a new document, the page setup is also
pasted in.

With Word 3.0 there is no provision for page setup information transfer
between glossary and document OR even between two windows both of which
are displayed on the screen.

Can anybody help? If you haven't gotten Word 3.0 yet, keep this in mind
and let me know if you EVER find a solution.

Thanks! Brian


Subject: RE: Word 3.0 Help (Re: Msg 17819)
Date: 4-MAR-17:56: SIG Business

No suggestions, but a lament: I just got burned by this problem, and
created a nice Word file that overflowed drastically when I pasted it
into PageMaker because the Page Setup had been lost. Argh.



Subject: RE: damaged disk
Date: 4-MAR-21:31: Network Digests

Tell Dennis Griesser to stop using pirated versions of COPY II MAC and
actually buy the latest version, or to use FEDIT +. Both programs have
provision to extract files from damaged disk. The latest MacTools will
copy any files it can salvage to another disk, using the sector tags to
piece together files.


Subject: RE: turning things off
Date: 4-MAR-21:48: Network Digests

Tell koch@NADC that if he upgrades to System 4.0, (The Finder alone may
be enough) he will have plenty of time to turn things off. "Shut Down"
leaves the computer in a power-down-able state.


Subject: RE: turning things off
Date: 6-MAR-05:19: Network Digests

You need System 4.0, as well as Finder 5.4; the new system provides a
new trap, which Finder calls.


Subject: RE: Apple software & Etc. (Re: Msg 17762)
Date: 4-MAR-21:59: SIG Business

After checking with Apple today, I can report that the Fish and Cat
resources were official projects, and their status was never intended to
be deleted from the software upgrade listing. The Goat and Anteater
resources *were* a private joke, but they were taken out of the offical
release version, so we can't really complain, can we? The Platypus and
Eel resources never even got that far.



Subject: RE: Apple software & Etc. (Re: Msg 17838)
Date: 4-MAR-22:10: SIG Business

I have it on excellent authority (from a source whose identity I cannot
reveal) that the "mousy" resource will be preserved in the final version
4.1 System.

El Rico


From: EEE
Subject: New Apple files...
Date: 5-MAR-00:31: Hardware & Peripherals

Can anyone explain what the file "StartUp Device" is ued for? (It was in
the new Apple files). I noticed it has a type of "cdev", but it doesn't
have any effect on the new Control panel. Thanks for any replies.


Subject: Shutdown Mgr
Date: 3-MAR-19:22: Programming Techniques

Hey, where can I find out about the new Shutdown manager.



Subject: RE: Shutdown Mgr (Re: Msg 1288)
Date: 4-MAR-22:44: Programming Techniques

Here's the Shutdown info.I got it from Steve Brecher and translated it
slightly for LightspeedC use. The new Shutdown trap can be invoked as

MOVE #1,-(SP) /*to power down*/
DC.W 0XA895


MOVE #2,-(SP) /*to reboot*/
DC.W 0XA895

if(GetTrapAddress(0x195) = GetTrapAddress(0x19F))

There are a couple of other selector values for installing/removing
hooks to perform caller-supplied tasks in addition to the ordinary shut
down stuff. The ordinary stuff (unmounting, goodbye kisses) is taken
care of by the trap.

Thank you Steve for this info!


Subject: RE: Shutdown Mgr (Re: Msg 1292)
Date: 4-MAR-23:13: Programming Techniques

Perhaps I should know the answer to this, but how to I know I have
System 4.0 installed so that these traps work?



Subject: RE: Shutdown Mgr (Re: Msg 1292)
Date: 5-MAR-03:50: Programming Techniques

That should be...
if(GetTrapAddress(0x95) == GetTrapAddress(0x9F))

(The error was mine... at least I got the name of the "DoItTheOldWay"
trap right!)


Subject: RE: Shutdown Mgr (Re: Msg 1296)
Date: 5-MAR-03:51: Programming Techniques

That's the "if GetTrapAddress..." part.


From: CHUQ
Subject: hooking into LSC stdio...
Date: 6-MAR-00:52: Programming

Does anyone know how to hook stdio calls into the standard Mac
interface? What I'm (generally) trying to do right now is take the
output of SFGetfile and SFPutFile and use it to open files through
fopen() so I can use the stdio calls -- I've got an application running
in a Unix window that I want to make more MacLike, but I'm trying to
avoid rewriting all the guts that depend on getchar() and putchar().

Alternatively, someone got an easy hack to simulate getchar() and
putchar() using the standard Mac interface? (say, FSRead and FSWrite)
without having to write all my own buffering and stuff?




Subject: RE: hooking into LSC stdio... (Re: Msg 17860)
Date: 6-MAR-01:12: Programming

All the source code is there for you to play with. It should be pretty
easy to make some non-sticky variables in data.c that are used by Open
and reset to some innocuous value as part of the Open. Then you just
stuff something into the magic variables right before calling open
(namely, the WDRefNum returned from SF). I have found it helpful also
to define similar variables that allow me to specify the Creator and
Type of a new file, and also I defined a new mode bit that causes open
to act on the resource fork instead of the data fork.



From: CHUQ
Subject: RE: hooking into LSC stdio... (Re: Msg 17861)
Date: 6-MAR-02:49: Programming

thanks for the hint!

Actually, it turned out to be simple. If you use Stdio_Macinit(TRUE) to
keep the stdio stuff from clobbering your mac world and brining up the
glass tty, all you need to do to hook in is:

SFGetFile(....,&reply) SetVol(&reply.vRefNum)
fopen(PtoCstr(&reply.fName, ...);

because the SetVol() call will set the default location to be the
location of the place you found the file. This WON'T work if you have to
make multiple calls to SFGetFile or SFPutFile bcause the user might move
around the ttree, but it sems to work fine for a single file, and you
don't have to go mucking into the LSC code.



Subject: RE: SE First Impression
Date: 6-MAR-05:19: Network Digests

>From: Tom Dowdy <>
>Subject: SE First Impression
>you can generate the command and check symbols using the control
>key now.

What does control do different from the pretzel key?


Subject: RE: SE First Impression
Date: 7-MAR-05:56: Network Digests

This is just a guess, but...

Pretzel (Pretzel?) "a" generates an "a" ($61) in the event message low
byte, with the cmdKey modifier bit set. Cntrl-A generates $01 in the
message low byte.


From: UJL0012
Subject: 50 Hz or 60 Hz?
Date: 6-MAR-08:53: Hardware & Peripherals

The electricity in the western half of Japan is 60 Hz while the eastern
half is 50 Hz. I am wondering whether it is true that the Imagewriter
II and the Laserwriter sold in the United States cannot be used under 50
Hz electricity. Can anyone help me out on this one?



Subject: LaserSpeed vs. new Laser Prep
Date: 6-MAR-15:44: Bugs & Features

We've found that LaserSpeed does not work correctly with the new Laser
Prep (or LaserWriter) file distributed with System 4.0. Our workaround
is to run the System 3.2 versions of LaserWriter and Laser Prep along
with System 4.0/Finder 5.4 This seems OK, and we'll report more if we
find further problems.

Ric Ford, Jon Oski "MacInTouch"


Subject: Word 3.0
Date: 6-MAR-22:56: Bugs & Features

Is this a bug or what?

Say you have a style set with Palatino, 12 pt. as the default font. For
what- ever reason, you do a line or paragraph in Helvetica, and during
that line, you add BOLD and ITALIC to a word, and then want to go back
to plain Helvetica. In every other Mac application I know of, you can
simply choose Plain Text which will remove one or more Styles and return
you to the plain text you were using. Not in Word 3.0! Choosing Plain
Text not only removes any Styles that you had added, but dumps you back
to the default font you have set for that document, in this case,
Palatino. To stay with a new font, you have to select each individual
added Style again to remove it.

Guess it's a "feature"....grin.



Subject: HFS Backup 2.0 and System 4.0
Date: 6-MAR-23:28: Business Mac

I just tried PCPC's HFS Backup 2.0 under System 4.0. It worked fine. I
did a backup from a Hard Disk Partition volume (HFS) to five floppies. I
then restored all data to a different partition, deleted one file, and
restored that single file from the same set of backups. No problems
encountered, and I just logged on with that file (which was a Red Ryder
procedure). While this isn't a thorough test, it's a good start.



Subject: LaserWriter Driver Bug
Date: 6-MAR-23:34: Bugs & Features

The new LaserWriter driver and its LaserPrep file have changed how fonts
are defined, in such a manner that some Fontographer created FONTs will
not work properly. Composite FONTs based on Helvetica will not work
unless at least 1 character of Helvetica text appears before the font is


Subject: Just for Fun
Date: 7-MAR-02:52: Programming

For those of you with SE's, try this:

Hit the interrupt button and enter the resident debugger;
Type G 141DA9A
Sit back and watch the show. Reset to disengage.

Credit goes out to Roy Weaver at Ann Arbor Softworks for this one.

-- Bob


End of Delphi Mac Digest

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