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INFO-MAC Digest V5 #76

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Moderator Dwayne Virnau...

Apr 9, 1987, 12:46:00 AM4/9/87

INFO-MAC Digest Thursday, 9 Apr 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 76

Today's Topics:
Programming question
Installer for System 4.0
Resedit & INITs
Screen Dump Bug, German keyboard on SE
Tiny Browser giveaway
backup program 1 of 2 MYBACKUP-PART1.HQX
Data acquisition on Mac II
Guided Tours for MacDraw
re: FullPaint, support
Maxstor and Mac II's for a file server
ImageWriter driver and modem.
Some observations on WriteNow:
Novy "MX" 68020/881 upgrade
Desktop Publishing help needed
Usenet Mac Digest V3 #26
Usenet Mac Digest V3 #27
Usenet Mac Digest V3 #28
Delphi Mac Digest V3 #20


Date: Tue 07 Apr 1987 12:42 CDT
From: Samir Kaleem <>
Subject: Programming question

I typed in the program "Showoff" in the chapter "Real Live Debugging" from
"How to Write Macintosh Software" by Scott Knaster, but am having some trouble
compiling it. Since this was meant to be for MPW Pascal, I changed the "uses"
field to what it should be for TML Pascal to inlude the interface files.
Everything compiles fine except for all calls of the kind:

(WindowPeek (theWindow)^.refcon)

I have looked at Toolint.ipas, and sure enough WindowPeek has been
defined as a pointer, and has refcon in it's record field. I tried changing
the call to

(WindowPeek^.refcon (theWindow))

and this didn't work either. Anyone have any suggestion? I'm just beginning
to learn how to program on the Mac, so please bear with me.

Samir Kaleem
_______/ \_______
____________/ XSAK%ECNCDC...@WISCVM.WISC.EDU \___________
/ \
/ "My employer doesn't like disclaimers, so I don't have any" \
/ "Huda Hafiz" \
--------------------------- --------------------------


Date: Sun, 5 Apr 87 16:39 N
Subject: Installer for System 4.0

Does anyone know why it takes so many disk swaps to do installations from a
floppy onto another floppy? For instance, one time when I installed an
ImageWriter driver, I had to go through something like 80 swaps! Why can't
the Installer read everything it needs in one go? After all, there is 1 Mb
RAM in this machine! (And no large Cache or something like that).
Also, does anyone know what the MenuCapture Script does?

Please answer to me directly, I will post to the net if I get sunstantial


Maarten van Dantzich
Erasmus University, Leiden, Holland.

In the Beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded
as a bad move.


Date: Mon, 6 Apr 87 16:51:37 EST
From: Tom Coradeschi <tc...@ARDEC.ARPA>
Subject: Resedit & INITs

This one is for all those guys out there who are writing and posting
all those interesting INITs. How do I install them? I have resedit, but
no idea what to do with it. System 3.2 recognizes INIT#31 (I think) and
will use it if it is simply placed in the system folder. How do I
install the others tho? Can I simply renumber them to #31? Will the
system recognize more than one INIT with a given #? Thanks for your

tom c


Date: Tue, 7 Apr 87 09:16:59 PST
From: Norbert Mueller <K360171@AEARN>
Subject: Screen Dump Bug, German keyboard on SE

A funny thing occured when i used the screen dump (or window dump) command
<shift-command-4> on our mac se (system 4.0): the rightmost 8 pixels get
wrapped to the left edge of the paper (imagewriter I). Using system 3.2
this does not happen (neither on Mac+ nor SE). A minor bug, but I hope it
will be solved in the next release.

Before I forget it: another thing that is annoying, we have a German key-
board but we like to use English (i.e. U.S.) system files as many programs
we use are also in English (a change of languages between program-supplied
and system-supplied strings is inconvenient). Now localizer 2.0 does not
work on the new resources: y and z remain in the #wrong# positions.
exchanging the init resources between the English and German system files
using Resedit 1.0 did not work - any suggestions?



Date: Tue, 7 Apr 87 09:44:22 PST
From: Norbert Mueller <K360171@AEARN>

I am working on a program for molecular graphics on the mac. The main parts
work already quite nicely, laser printouts (via pict-file and macdraw) are
use throughout our publications now.

My problem: although I am using only standard toolbox calls (or what I con-
sider to be standard) my program crashes on a fat mac (512k 64k ROM). The
bomb id's vary. It is not a memory problem, as Ican run the program under
switcher using ram disks etc. I am using the sane-library implemented
in ls-pascal and the fixmath-library as well. According to my understanding
(and I am not too much of a professional programmer) the system decides
whether to use ROM libraries or the corresponding resources in the system
file. Or are there any routines in the fixmath or sane-libs that exist
only in the 128k rom and not in the 3.2 system file?
I have no 64k-ROM-Mac at my place, so debugging on this machine is
impossible for me, and I have to rely on the reports from other people
that have tried this program on old macs.

If there is interest in the program itself (called #ball & stick#) I'd
be ready to post a demo version to the net.

Any help would be appreciated.

A-4040 LINZ


Date: Fri, 3 Apr 87 19:09:10 PST

I downloaded the above file for use on the Department's Laserwriter
which is hooked up to the AT & T 3B15 under Unix. Prepping the LW
is no problem but when I try to print a PostScript file from, say,
MacDraw uploaded from a Mac, I get the message below:

Error: typecheck; OffendingCommand: if

Anyone knows if there is a newer version of this Prep file or how
to correct the bug?

Kenneth Seah
National University of Singapore
Department of Information Systems and Computer Science


Date: Mon, 06 Apr 87 08:52:48 EST
From: sci...@mitre.ARPA
Subject: Tiny Browser giveaway

Imagine being able to remember, in detail, every message on <info-mac>
for the past two years, along with the full text of Inside Macintosh, all
the programs you've ever written, and anything else that has ever scrolled
across your screen. I'm working on that ... and if you want a copy of the
current version of the program, for free, read on.

The program is called "Tiny Browser", and it is exceedingly simple. It
makes a complete inverted index to every word in a file, and allows a user
to scroll through that index. If you see a word you like, click on it,
and all occurrences of it appear with half a line of text on each side in
a key-word-in-context window. See a line in that window that looks
interesting, click on it, and the full text of the document surrounding
that line appears in a TextEdit window. You can scroll, highlight, copy
out, and paste into other files from the retrieved data. While browsing
one index, you can be sorting another in background. The goal is to be
fast, simple, open, and all those other nice things.

I haven't found other free-text database programs useful because they
suffer from one or more serious flaws:
- they require "clean" input data, in structured, homogeneous formats
- they break down when input files exceed a few megabytes
- they are intolerably slow in responding to simple queries
- they do not allow easy, interactive "browsing" of the data
- they aren't integrated with note-taking, writing, or programming systems
- they require exotic, expensive hardware

The goal of the Tiny Browser is to solve those problems. Given the
huge disks now becoming available (especially WORM optical disks),
and the growth in processor power, now seems to be the time to try.

The current Tiny Browser is written in MacForth Plus (tm). To get a
copy, including heavily commented source code, stand-alone application,
some small sample database files, and some descriptive material, send a
self-addressed stamped envelope and a formatted Mac disk to me:
Mark Zimmermann
9511 Gwyndale Drive tel. (301)565-2166
Silver Spring, MD 20910 75066,2044 on CompuServe

I am in need of alpha-test users who will stress the program and make
suggestions for improvements. WARNING: Neither I nor my employer can take
responsibility for bugs in the Tiny Browser! Use at your own risk!


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 87 14:11:06 PST
From: Marc Hannah <>
Subject: backup program 1 of 2 MYBACKUP-PART1.HQX

My Back Up is a full feature back up utility which includes:

HFS/MFS compatibility,
incremental back up,
back up of folders/subfolders,
back up by file name,
restriction of file type for back up,
saved settings (script),


archived as



Date: Mon, 6 Apr 87 10:49:10 PST
Subject: Data acquisition on Mac II
From: David Gutierrez <AN122801@UTHVM1>

In reply to John Mansfield's question (18 MAR 87) about data acquisition
on the Mac II.

National Instruments in Austin, Texas has such a system available for the
Mac II consisting of an IEEE-488 interface board and software to provide the
environment you are looking for. You can get information from them by
calling Larry Anglin at 1-800-531-4742 (in Texas, 1-800-IEEE-488).

David Gutierrez



Date: Mon, 6 Apr 87 20:28:53 EDT
From: Maurits van der Veen <teiltje%dartmo...@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Guided Tours for MacDraw

In response to the complaint about a guided tour for Macdraw;
there is a program to make your own custom guided tools, which
should work on a Mac Plus. It comes on a disk called Tour Tools,
and is supplied I think by Apple.
Maurits (


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 87 20:33:49 PDT
From: digi...@Jpl-VLSI.ARPA
Subject: re: FullPaint, support

ref: dumb screenBits.bounds comment

mea culpa -> yes, i realize that my comment was more than a touch
simplistic about why FullPaint didn't make the most of the FPD; I was really
more interested in the problems associated with maintenence and upgrading
for a developer vs the consumer expectations of a software product.

apologies for hyperbolic oversimplification. as far as Paint programs go,
I more than respect the accomplishment of Ann Arbor Softworks. I do wish
they would continue development and support.

I am extremely concerned with said tech support from Apple for the
MPW system and the wide range of non-commercial developers in the
R&D and University world. Any comments concerning this issue would
be highly appreciated.

Godfrey DiGiorgi
April 8, 1987


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 87 10:47 EST
Subject: YACC FOR MAC?

Does any know of a YACC (yet-another-compiler-compiler) preprocessor
available for the MAC?


Date: Tue, 7 Apr 87 11:32:26 PDT
Subject: AutoDialog

We were talking a while ago about JAM Software's AutoDialog which handles a
lot of the mundane tasks concerning dialogs. Well, I received a flyer in
the mail that stated the price as $79 Australian, $50 US. They have versions
available for MPW, TML, MDS, and Lightspeed C & Pascal. Well, since I wanted
a couple of versions (since I bounce between LSP and MPW), I wanted work to
buy it, but there are problems with this (I love this part). See, I work for
the Government. We can't buy it if it ain't sold in the USA.

So, does anyone know if AutoDialog can be purchased from a US distributor?
The only address and phone number are Australian. I'll write to them if this
doesn't produce any useful info.

I would consider becoming a US distributor if they wanted, but there is
probably a conflict of interest there. I could always get my cat to be a
distributor, but there is a lack of interest there :-).


M A L National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center
F T N Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
E L PO Box 5509 L-561
C Livermore, California 94550
C (415) 423-4239


Date: Thu, 2 Apr 87 21:12 EST
From: Ed Fox <""@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Maxstor and Mac II's for a file server

Has anyone experience with putting a high capacity drive, such as
the 760M drive from Maxstor, on a SCSI port of a Mac II? I am
interested in running A/UX and NFS and having one Mac II be a file
server for disk files that are only occasionally accessed, but which
now take up expensive disk space on a VAX running ULTRIX. The
Mac II with Maxstor(s) would also be a file server for other
Mac IIs. We are also thinking about the Maxstor 400M per side
WORM drive. Any comments?
Sincerely, Ed Fox.
Dr. Edward A. Fox, Dept. of Computer Science, 562 McBryde Hall,
Virginia Tech (VPI&SU = Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ.)
Blacksburg, VA 24061; (703)961-5113 or 6931; ARPAnet:
BITNET: foxea@vtvax3; UUCPnet: seismo!vtisr1!fox


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 87 16:14:03 PST
Subject: ImageWriter driver and modem.

Hi! This is our first posting to this SIG.

At our radio station here at Carleton we have been using a Mac for the
past year. Recently we have decided to put our "logs" into a Micro-
soft word file. Anyways, this log sheet demension is 11 inchs wide by
17 inchs long.

What we want is instructions to modify the ImageWriter driver file to
know about such a page and not force us to a page size that is not
usefull to us.

I have heard that such exists. (Help please!!!)

Also, can Red Ryder send a break to the modem. It would make the link
to the campus mainframe much nicer.

Thank you,
Marc Grondin

CKCU, Ottawa's Communty Radio Station on 93.1 FM


Date: Fri, 3 Apr 87 13:11:52 PST
Subject: Some observations on WriteNow:

I run a word-processing service on campus as an easy way to make a few bucks.
I've used every Mac word processor (but only late-beta versions of Word 3.0)
and WriteNow is by far my favorite, with MS-Works dragged in if I need to
draw lines around a table or the like. I like WriteNow for many reasons:

1. WYSIWYG. Simply, the best at doing this of all word processors.
2. Speed. Changing fonts, line spacing, etc. is notably faster than others.
3. Line Spacing. The ability to increment line spacing in 1-point increments
is a true godsend. I now consider it indispensable for formatting.
4. Footnotes/Headers. The way it does both of these is just wonderful. No
matter how complex the various numbering schemes wanted in the paper.
5. Graphics. Pasting things in the middle of a line is great.
I would have added the spell checker, but now I have Thunder! and find that
much nicer.

On the down side, it is a definite handicap not having a word/character count.
It is also rather frustrating to have to quit every time you want to save a
file as TEXT. I also hear it has problems displaying multiple columns.
Overall, though, this is definitely my favorite word processor.


Date: 7 Apr 87 14:59:00 EST
Subject: Novy "MX" 68020/881 upgrade

Novy systems has just announced an improved version of their 020/881 upgrade
board for the Mac. The Novy "MX" (PeaceKeeper?) is a 68020 and 68881 with 1
megabyte of memory running at 12 mhz, with NO memory wait states. The board,
with 020, 881, and memory, is $1195. A version at 16 mhz, 1 wait state is

The 12 mhz board is field-upgradable to 16 mhz, 1 wait state for a cost of
$49.95 (PAL change, still 12 mhz cpu parts*). The crystal clock is socketed, as
are the RAMS, and the wait-state generator is jumper selectable, allowing
operation at up to 20 mhz with 2 memory wait states. The 12 mhz 020/881 parts
are used to allow cheaper cpu parts and slower memories, holding down the price
of the upgrade. Since the system runs with no wait states, throughput at "only"
12 mhz is 84% of much more expensive 16 mhz 1-wait state upgrades (Prodigy,
Ryad, Mac II). RAMS can be replaced with megabit RAMS (if we should ever get
over our trade war with Japan).

*(To date, Novy Systems has found that 12 Mhz Motorola parts run flawlessly
at 16 mhz. For adventurous users, instructions are provided for running the
cpu clock at the maximum speed that cpu parts will support. Not for the
faint-hearted, but I plan to try it. 100+% of Prodigy 4/Mac II performance
from a $1200 upgrade !?)

_Measured_ performance on the whetstone floating point benchmark is given

Computer/Compiler Single Prec. Whetstones (kilo-whets)/price

Vax 11-780/ VMS Fortran(1) 1050 ($500K)
Mac+/Absoft Macfortran (2) 41 ($1750)
Mac+/Novy 020/881 upgrade(3) 214 ($2500)
Mac+/Prodiy 4 upgrade (4) 550 ($6000)
Mac+/Novy "MX" upgrade(5) 460 ($3000)
Mac II (6) 550 ($5000)

Standard applications (not floating point bound) speed up by a factor of
about 3.5.

Comments on the hardware/software:

(1) Unloaded Vax 11-780 with VMS 4.x and latest release of the Fortran

(2) Standard Macintosh with Absoft/Microsoft Compiler.

(3) Mac+ upgraded with Novy 68020/881 board, running Absoft MacFortran 020
compiler. Clockrate is still 8 Mhz and data path is still 16 bits.

(4) Mac+ upgraded with Prodigy 4 running Absoft MacFortran 020 compiler.
Clockrate is 16 Mhz and data path is 32 bit. The factor of 2 over the Novy
board is from clockrate increase and bus bandwidth. Except for the Mac's
infamous "video refresh through the cpu" this benchmark would be closer to
750K whetstones. The Prodigy Prime and the Ryad 020/881 upgrades should
provide essentially the same performance.

(5) Novy MX is a 68020/881 upgrade running at 12 mhz, with no wait states.
Benchmark with MacFortran/020.

(6) Mac II with 68020/881 at 16 mhz with one memory wait state. MacFortran
020 compiler.

Caveat/disclaimer: I have been talking with the designers of this board
throughout its design, so I may be biased. I have already ordered serial #0001
(at full price), so at least I put my money where my mouth is. With these
disclaimers in mind:

I think this looks like an excellent design that delivers a LOT of number
crunching for a low price. There are few software hassles. MacWrite works,
so does Appletalk, and most everything else, except for some games. A big
headache may be some external SCSI discs. Some of these don't work with the
020 upgrades, period. I am holding my breath for my MacBottom to work.

Novy Systems can be contacted at (904) 427-2358. Shipments should begin in
quantity before the end of April.


Date: Sun 5 Apr 87 18:53:23-EDT
From: "Adam Peller" <OAF.G.PELLER%OZ.AI....@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>
Subject: Desktop Publishing help needed

Each month, I take part in a paste-up of a 12 page newspaper. We have
2 Macintosh Plus computers, a Bernouli Box, and a LaserWriter (w/ Appletalk).

First of all, we've been having many problems with the TOPS software that
networks the hard drive with the 2 macs. Its full of bugs! Does anyone know
if any other software is available?

Second, I'd like to be able to run all of the articles through a spelling
checker to catch all of the typos. We have MacSpell, but its very slow and
also seems to have a lot of bugs. Does anyone know of a better program? It
would probably be even better if there was one that worked independantly of
the word processor (so we could just run all of the documents through at once)

Third, I have dreams of getting a modem so people can work at home on PC's and
upload their work onto the Macs. Is there any good telecom software that has
a remote mode? (similar to Ascii Express on the //)

Thanks for your help,

Adam Peller (ADAMP%O...@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU -- ArpaNet)


Date: Mon, 6 Apr 87 09:35 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-tes...@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #26

Usenet Mac Digest Friday, April 3, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 26

Today's Topics:
How Good is Rogue by Epyx?
Re: Disk Drive Won`t Eject #!?#!?
drawing program for large picture?
MacWorks XL & 800K drive
Re: How Good is Rogue by Epyx?
Re: Still more Word 3.0 bugs
Dialog Help!?
Re: How Good is Rogue by Epyx?
Re: HELP needed with Hard Drive -- FOUND!
IM rules beef
Re: MIDI Sequencing Software for Mac+
PRAM 4.0 has a bad BNDL
Re: How to speed up the MAC ??
Style bugs in LightSpeed C libraries
Re: Master Directory Block Trashed
Possible Bug in Chernicoff Program?
Re: mouse-feet
Handling Out-of-memory right
Re: Still more Word 3.0 bugs
McFace users: "NotMcFace" subroutine aids debugging.
SFGetFile() question
Re: Disk Drive Won`t Eject #!?#!?

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-26.ARC



Date: Mon, 6 Apr 87 09:37 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-tes...@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #27

Usenet Mac Digest Friday, April 3, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 27

Today's Topics:
Cricket Draw on a Mac II!
Filter Functions in LightSpeed pascal
Toolbox calls from LightSpeed C version 2.01
Re: Who is Cooke Publications?
looking for ChemDraw
Re: Cricket Draw on a Mac II!
Appletalk protocols
Slow Laserwriter Halftones?
case signatures
Stock market simulations?
Re: Slow Laserwriter Halftones?
RE: Out Of Memory Conditions
RE: Case Signatures
Re: MPW C annoyances....
Re: MacWrite 4.5 BOMB
Sound CDEV
Lisa 2/Mac XL questions/info
Re: Possible Bug in Chernicoff Program?
Disk Carrying Cases
Multi-tasking planned for Mac II
LoDown's Gone!
Rotated Text?
Re: Sound CDEV
Word 3.0 Bug (?)
word 3.0 (last word)
Re: another Word 3.0 bug
SCSI HD Errors
Re: LoDown's Gone! It's moved!
Re: SuperSpool

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-27.ARC



Date: Mon, 6 Apr 87 09:39 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-tes...@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #28

Usenet Mac Digest Friday, April 3, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 28

Today's Topics:
Re: Rotated Text?
Re: SuperSpool
Re: MPW C annoyances....
Finder 5.4 bug
Re: Case Signatures
Resedit PICT question.
Re: MacNifty Audio Digitizer Info?
Mods to System 4.0 via ResEdit
Re: SuperSpool (bugs)
Various SE Problems
vt62/72 emulation for the Mac
Definition of SMUS-IFF files for Macintosh?
Re: Mac II mouse-
MacBus Box --> Lightspeed C
LaserWriter type
Re: Various SE Problems
Re: LaserWriter type
Imagewriter2 Weirdness
Re: Mods to System 4.0 via ResEdit
Re: Resedit PICT question.
Mathematical/Gothic font
re: LSP on 020 machines

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-28.ARC



Date: Mon, 6 Apr 87 09:41 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-tes...@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #20

Delphi Mac Digest Monday, April 6, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 20

Today's Topics:
RE: stuck interrupt switches
Stepping Out
re: Reset, keyboards on new machines
ABATON SCANNER (3 messages)
RE: Terminal Emulators and Control Codes
Problems with System 4.0/Finder 5.4 and
Mac Clones
Large Font
Cassette Labels on the LW
GCC FX/40 warranty extended
Dictionary (3 messages)
Bi-Directional Printing
Wierd Problems ...
RE: more new WORD BUGS! (wow!) (2 messages)
macsbug on Mac SE
Custom Print Dialogs (3 messages)
DF problems
Databases & Map Making (4 messages)
re Sample WriteNow
re Word 3.0 Bug (?)
re Resedit PICT question.
International Symbols (2 messages)
Re: Mac II vs. IBM PS/2
RE: Multi-button mice

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-20.ARC



End of INFO-MAC Digest

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