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INFO-MAC Digest V5 #65

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Moderator Dwayne Virnau...

Mar 20, 1987, 1:49:00 AM3/20/87

INFO-MAC Digest Friday, 13 Mar 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 65

Today's Topics:
Locking PRAM.
System 3.2 bug
Script Manager??
De-Clipper FKEY?
Re: AutoDialog
VBL Tasks and Dead Mice
microsoft word
Printing the command key symbol
Third Party Color Monitors
A LaserWriter question or two:
Noises on my modem
Versaterm output to appletalk
Performance upgrade
Word 3.0 - bugs and anomalies
Import bug in Word 3.0


Date: 12 Mar 87 09:24 CST

Set each macintosh's control panel to some acceptable standard set of setting
and then use the Font/DA Mover to remove the Control Panel Desk Accessory.
There isn't enough in the control panel to really hurt anyone if it were
missing.. hope this helps.


Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 07:40:03 PST
From: <KNI...@maine.bitnet>
Subject: Locking PRAM.

Dan Calderwood of GDC...@CALSTATE.BITNET asked if anyone knew of a
a way to lock down the parameter ram on his public access machines. I
think that I have a solutions of sorts. Supply a system disk tied down
to the machine with a piece of string or such that people should use
to boot the mac. Use Apples Font DA Mover to remove the control panel
from these disks. Now no one can change these settings unless they
bring their own system disk. Give the lab monitor or proctor a system
disk *with* the control panel so he can check individual machines when
problems arise.

Mike Knight


Date: Wed 11 Mar 1987 22:32 CST
From: Nihar Gokhale <>
Subject: System 3.2 bug

Does anyone know how the System 3.2 disk recognition error was fixed?
I don't want to go up to System 4.0 yet (I have a 512) but I just want
to patch in the bug fix into System 3.3. Can anyone tell me what
resource(s) I should copy from System 4.0 to paste into the earlier

Thank u__ Nihar <MMAR013%ECNCDC...@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


Date: 12 Mar 87 08:01:00 EST
From: <>
Subject: Script Manager??
Reply-to: <>

The new 256K roms are reported to contain a "script" manager. Anyone know
what this is?? Could we be lucky enough to finally be getting batch/command
file capability on the Mac???


Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 11:44:10 PST
From: c...@CS.UCLA.EDU (Charles Dolan)
Subject: De-Clipper FKEY?

I use the ClipperFKEY quite a bit. I would also like to have an FKEY
which does the reverse, removes all but the last carriage return.
This would be extremely useful for moving text from MacTerminal into

Where is the format for FKEY resources documented?


Has anyone already written such an FKEY?

-Charlie Dolan


Date: Fri, 13 Mar 87 11:17:52 est
From: munnari!csadfa.oz!j...@seismo.CSS.GOV (John O'Neill)
Subject: Re: AutoDialog

Article is from ""
> To: John O'Neill
> I am interested in this AutoDialog thing from JAM, could you please give us
> more information?

Write to:
JAM Software 27A Nowranie St Summer Hill NSW 2130 AUSTRALIA.
(02)-799-1696. Int.(612)799-1696. They are not on the net.
The author is John McMullan (spelling suspect), and the cost is approx $US79.

> You mentioned that you use a ResEdit template to create a 'DSta' resource.
> Is this a normal ResEdit template or a code template (along the lines of
> the window editor in ResEdit)? If it is a normal ResEdit template, can it
> be freely distributed so that users can use it to change the DSta resource?
> If it cannot be distributed, how can the users be expected to modify it?

A template similar to the one used to edit Menus in ResEdit.
As one is free to distribute AutoDialog code as part of a complete application
(but not independently), then I assume that it would be OK to include
the DSta ResEdit template, although I cannot speak for JAM on this.

> Also, I assume that there is code that goes along with this so that you can
> just initialize your dialog.

Yes, there are a number of functions provided to do useful things with DLOGs.

> Is this the case, and if so, what languages
> are supported? Is source or object code included?

Object code only, for any of the Pascal systems in common use (i.e. MPW,
Lisa Workshop, TML, but not LSP as yet, although I may be out of touch).
JAM is (as might be expected) not keen to give away source code, and so
I did the conversion to LSC, using RelConv and some additional ASM to provide
an equivalent to TML's PAS$StrCmp string comparison routine. I am not at
liberty to distribute the LSC version independently.

Mr. John O'Neill Phone ISD: +61 62 68 8818
Dept. Computer Science Telex: ADFADM AA62030
University College ACSNET/CSNET: j...@csadfa.oz
Aust. Defence Force Academy UUCP: ...!seismo!munnari!csadfa.oz!jlo
Canberra. ACT. 2600. ARPA: jlo%csad...@SEISMO.CSS.GOV
AUSTRALIA JANET: j...@oz.csadfa


Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 22:22:28 est
From: ephraim%wang...@RELAY.CS.NET
Subject: VBL Tasks and Dead Mice

In a recent info-mac, one correspondent asked about both VBL tasks
and mouse freezes. There is a connection. The health of the mouse
depends on the operation of the VBL mechanism. If you exit a VBL
task improperly, you can leave the VBL queue "in use." This prevents
any further execution of VBL tasks and drops the mouse in its tracks.
The in use bit for the VBL queue is bit 6 of the queue flags in the
VBL queue header. Check it out.

Ephraim Vishniac


Date: Fri 13 Mar 87 21:37:23-EST
From: Geoff Mulligan (USAFA) <Geo...@AFSC-HQ.ARPA>
Subject: microsoft word

Can someone tell me how to change the default font in microsoft word 1.05
also does anyone know how to change the default speed in mackermit?



Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 13:42:47 EST
From: bi...@CCA.CCA.COM (Bill Stackhouse)
Subject: Printing the command key symbol

Well I know how to display the command key symbol on the screen, hex 11
in Chicago size 12. Now the question is how to get it to print on a
LaserWriter (not a LaserWriter Plus)? Since Chicago is (I think?) one
of the builtin fonts on a LW+, it should work OK but I don't have one
to try it with. Thanks.

Bill Stackhouse
Cambridge, MA.


Date: Wed, 11 Mar 87 21:26:55 PST
Subject: Third Party Color Monitors
From: <JAK...@TAMVENUS.BITNET> (John A Kane - Micro Computer Center)

> From: <>
> Subject: Are there 3rd party color monitors for Mac II?

> We have a Mac II and an SE here at Boston College but Apple has not sent
> us a color monitor. The one we have looks as though it was cannibalized
> from an old Lisa. Does anyone know whether there are any third party RGB

SuperMac Technologies has I believe two color monitors (19", 15"{?}) and
one monochrome monitor (15" {?}). I have not yet received pricing on these
monitors, but I saw them at AppleWorld and they are very nice.

SuperMac will also have video adapters for the Mac II and the Mac SE.
The Mac SE version I think will have 68851 on it. The SE's bus is not
Nu-bus. It is its own special beast, probably the best that could be had
in the case.

I too am concerned about the lack of an upgrade path, but then TI never
offered me one for the TI Portable MS-DOS machine I bought, nor did
IBM offer me an upgrade on my 6 MHz PC/AT. Apple has at least given
Mac users the oppurtunity to upgrade and the capability to migrate
software from our existing machines to the new machines.

John Arthur Kane
Texas A&M Micro Computer Center


As always, my employer does not even know I know how to use a computer.


Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 01:17:25 EST
Subject: A LaserWriter question or two:

I would like to be able to replace the "double dot" umlaut accent in
several Laser fonts (notably New Cent. Schoolbook, Bookman, and Times)
with a Latin overbar accent (macron). I suppose this would be relatively
trivial to do in the screen font with something like "Fontastic", but how
can one do it with the Postscript font?
Can the PS font be "read" out of the LaserWriter into a downloadable
font, edited with something like "Fontographer" [expensive... :-( ], and
then used as a new downloadable font?

Peter Lawall


Date: 11 Mar 1987 22:30:08 PST
Subject: Noises on my modem
From: T. Chang <CHA...@A.ISI.EDU>

HELP!! I ordered a modem from QUBIE', it is a 2400 BASIC TIME(external),
it looks neat, also the color goes with my Mac. I used 2400 only to log on
the mainframe at Naval Postgraduate School (IBM 3033). Most of the time it
works fine, but sometime there are noises on the screen. I called QUBIE',
asked help from techniques , and answer I got is: 2400 is more sensitive
than 1200. And he suggested me to call the phone company check my phone
line. I don't know. It works fine with 1200. Can someone in the net-land
tell what's wrong with it? (The noise is "{", for example, if I issued
RUN, then the mainframe responsed :'?"{RUN", invalid command..")
Thanks in advance

To Chang
SMC 1538
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93940


Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 16:15:51 EST
From: "Edward A. Band" (IMD-TSD) <eb...@ARDEC.ARPA>
Subject: Versaterm output to appletalk

I am using versaterm. When I run a certain program
on a mainframe, It sends control characters for a vt100
that turns the auxillary (printer) port on/off.
This works fine when I have my imagewriter attached directly
to the Mac, Versaterm acts just like a vt100 redirecting the
output to the imagewriter. Now, I have an appletalk
network with a Laserwriter plus printer on the network.
When I now use Versaterm, Versaterm is not redirecting the
output to the Laserwriter, it just seems to get dumped to the
screen. Does anyone out there have a utility or technique
for getting this output directly to the Laserwriter. Also,
if not, does any other emulation program handle this case.
I am probably asking for "pie in the sky" but maybe I'll get
lucky. Please send your replies directly to me at


From: Bill Roberts <bill%hao.UCAR.EDU%ncar....@RELAY.CS.NET>
Date: 13 Mar 87 18:18:17 GMT
Subject: Performance upgrade
Date: 13 Mar 87 18:18:17 GMT

I'm thinking about upgrading my current system to improve performance. I'm
currently using a Mac+, 1Meg with a DataFrame 20. This is a pretty nice system
as is but I thought it would be nice if I could improve it anymore with a
minimum of cost. So the questions are:

1) How much to upgrade my DF20 to a DF20 XP? And what type of
improvement can I expect?
2) What's the best (least expensive, best quality, easiest to install)
memory upgrade available? I'm thinking 2Meg would make my life
a little easier?

If I get enough response to this I'll post a summary to the net. Thanks in

Bill Roberts
Boulder, CO

UUCP: hao!bill


Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 10:03 EDT
From: <>
Subject: Word 3.0 - bugs and anomalies

Following are several bugs and/or anomalies in MS Word 3.0. My various
telephone conversations with MicroSoft indicate that they are aware of all
of these problems.

1. The most important problem is that the appliction can simply freeze
during a "Save As" command. I have not yet determined exactly the
conditions that produces the freeze, but, just after 100% arises in the
lower left-hand box, nothing more happens. The watch cursor remains and
can be moved with the mouse, but no other response is forthcoming. This
behavior would suggest the problem to be an infinite loop (including
SystemUpdate) rather than a real freeze up. The results are just as bad,
however, since it can only be corrected with a reset with the potential for
a serious information loss. Again, this happens (so far) only with the
"Save As" command; I have not had it happen with "Save".

2. The "Save any Changes?" box that occurs when you Quit Word is
ambiguous, or can be, as to its consequences. If you forget during the
session whether you've made any changes to a glossary or the dictionary,
you can easily get into a situation where you can loose information
regarless of whether you answer "yes" or "no". Suppose you make changes in
the dictionary, for example, and alter the document. Suppose further that
you later forget the dictionary changes, which you nevertheless want to
save, but don't want to save the changes to the document. Upon quitting,
you will get "Save any Changes?" Having forgotten the dicitonary, if you
answer no, you'll loose everything.
Or, suppose you've made changes to the document, which you don't want to
keep and you forget whether a dicitionary change has been made but in
fact none has been. Now, if you answer "yes" to see what further saves
come up, it will simply save the document (which you don't want) without
giving any further chance.

3. The LaserWriter driver is stupid about copy numbers. When you make
more than one copy, it does so by making the first copy, and then
completely reinitializing to make each subsequent copy. You will, of
course, loose your place in the queue between each copy. This was a
silliness of Word 1.0 that was fixed in 1.05. Why it should be with us
again in inexplicable. The guy on the phone indicated he thought they were
working on a new LW driver. Let's hope so.

4. Word 3.0 seems incompatible with RamStart. Placing the system in a
ramdisk results in frequent crashes (ID 02). This suggests that Word
somehow doesn't respect the bounds of the RamDisk while it is writing its
Temp files, which are directed to the Blessed Folder. They know about
this, but who knows when or how it will be fixed. I have only had
personal experience with RamStart. I do not know if the same type of
problem occurs with other Ram Disk applications. I would appreciate any
evidence that may arise.

Otherwise, I think the application is fantastic. Unfortunately, it is less
tolerant of WhackHack use than was Word 1.05. One must really spend time
with the reference manual, and it is clear that means one must **really**
spend time. For serious use, however, it is worth it. There is much about
its use that does not become naturally obvious from usual operation.

david a. belsley
boston college bel...@bcvax3.bitnet


Date: Thu 12 Mar 87 18:34:18-PST
From: Barry Eynon <EY...@Score.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Import bug in Word 3.0

As Microsoft now apparently admits this problem exists ( I wasn't the one
who called them, though I've been bitten) I thought it would be of general
interest to all the new Word 3.0 owners: There is a problem with importing
Word 1.00/1.05 files which have fancy paragraphing information, e.g. extra
spaces after paragraphs. The "Untitled" document created upon import is
left in some kind of inconsistent state with respect to the paragraphing
information, such that, for instance, the on-screen interparagraph
spacing will not concur with that when printed. Direct attempts to reset
the spacing may appear to work, and the problem can resurface later. My
proposed fix, which is slow but works, is to output the file in RTF format,
and then reimport it, as this forces the document to be consistent in its
paragraph information. A faster and easier fix which Microsoft now recommends
is to immediately do a SHIFT-Repaginate (forced full repagination) after
importing the document, before doing anything else, which doesn't hurt
and is supposed to correct the problem. Hope this saves everyone some grief.
-Barry Eynon


End of INFO-MAC Digest

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