A kind of off-topic but very needed question

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Funny-Cat WebShop

Aug 11, 2014, 4:06:52 AM8/11/14
to mod-spdy...@googlegroups.com
Why is mod_spdy project so dead?

mod_spdy is lagging way behind. The latest updates on the spdy project are not being 'ported' to mod_spdy.

What is happening?
What is needed to keep up the project?
How can we help?

There is a huge lot of apache webservers out there and we all could benefit from mod_spdy on the initiative "make the web faster" if this project could keep up with the latest developments.

Do not think that I am ungrateful, I am very grateful for what has been done so far and just want to help keep it up (which sincerely is not happening at the moment).
Whatever is needed I am sure the community as a whole can help get it, from funding to pressure on whomever 'owns' the project (is it Google owned?).


Aug 12, 2014, 2:08:47 AM8/12/14
to mod-spdy...@googlegroups.com
In June 2014 SPDY was donated to Apache to be included in httpd core. The article only link to SPDY svn repository hosted on apache server, but it shows no activity for the last 3 months.

I could never find any other mention of SPDY in Apache things, except that video, that I could not watch yet. It seems, they are working on something, but are very silent about it. And most importantly mod_spdy, as a project, is dead since it is now supposed to be integrated into httpd.

I believe this should be mentioned prominently on all the pages of mod_spdy... but it seems nobody cared enough :-/

Funny-Cat WebShop

Aug 12, 2014, 3:43:08 AM8/12/14
to mod-spdy...@googlegroups.com
I noticed the Apache project had some stuff for mod_spdy but they seem very focused on Apache 2.4 only (there seems to be some real activity on that there) and left the Apache 2.2 community out.
Wish there was something we could do about it. Unfortenatelly this type of coding is way out of my league.

Matthew Steele

Aug 15, 2014, 4:23:04 PM8/15/14
to mod-spdy...@googlegroups.com
Hi, sorry for the radio silence.  mod_spdy has indeed been donated to the ASF, so future updates will be happening in the httpd source tree rather than on the code.google.com site.  I've updated the text on https://code.google.com/p/mod-spdy/ to reflect this.  I don't know exactly what their plans or timeline for mod_spdy are going forward, but you could try asking around on the Apache mailing list.

(Meanwhile, the existing mod_spdy packages for Apache 2.2 aren't going anywhere -- they will continue to be available and will continue to receive security updates as necessary.  But no new features are planned for the old source tree.)


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Aug 16, 2014, 2:36:35 PM8/16/14
to mod-spdy...@googlegroups.com
Very exciting, thank you Matthew! 
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