About combine filters:
Maybe one of 2 thing are happening:
1.- The config is inherited. If you have enabled the combine filters out od the VirtualHost section, then these sections inherint the config.
Remember you are only commenting the directive, not forbbiden it.
2.- You have not definet a rewrite level, so by default the Core rewrite level is enabled.
The core rewrite level enables this filters:
If the case is 1, you need to forbuden these filters in the VirtualHost section:
ModPagespeedForbidFilters combine_css,combine_javascript
Id case 2:
Same as case 1 OR put
ModPagespeedRewriteLevel PassThrough
This rewrite level only enables filters explicit enabled in the config (or inherited)
About the CLS:
The bad thing with the CLS is that in each image (there are other cases) witout w/h the browser need to do a reflow of the whole DOM (remember your DOM is so big)
so if you have 10 images w/o explicit sizes, the borowser need to do 10 reflows (aka need to repaint the whole page 10 times before the user can interact with this.
Other cases:
For example when in mobile view this element:
<div class="promo-text-smaller mobile-center promo-height" style="letter-spacing:.4px!important;float:left">
<span class="mobile-hide">PROMO ❱ </span>KOSTENLOSER VERSAND + 20 % RABATT AUF ALLES! </div>
appears AFTER the header logo and the breadcums are rendered, so when this element comes all the breadcrums, images ond so bellow it must be moved to the bottom.
I don´t know how this element comes, created by javascript? why is rendere after the header and the breadcrums?
If the element is not dynamically created, you can try some way to reserve the space it need later.
I see this element have a class: promo-height
Whe in desktop this class have:
min-height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
and when in mobil:
min-height: initial!important;
line-height: initial!important
Try to change in mobil the min-heigth to 52,8px