Both nginx and apache github repos were archived

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Cosmin V. Miron (Cosmic Sound)

Jul 12, 2023, 12:56:40 PM7/12/23
to mod-pagespeed-discuss

Are we on the end of pagespeed? It seems there are archived github repos, yet not a single update on this matter in the readme.

Joshua Marantz

Jul 12, 2023, 1:23:48 PM7/12/23
I think that's the reality right now, Cosmin.

Which specific readme are you referring to?

On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 8:56 AM Cosmin V. Miron (Cosmic Sound) <> wrote:

Are we on the end of pagespeed? It seems there are archived github repos, yet not a single update on this matter in the readme.

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Jul 12, 2023, 1:24:08 PM7/12/23
to mod-pagespeed-discuss
Sadly yes. mod_pagespeed is basically dead. 

Speaking frankly as a web developer who depends on mod_pagespeed a lot, I have forked the repos and I've managed to carry the code forward enough to successfully build the master branch and get the .configure to run with Nginx (it doesn't yet build), but it's very, very slow progress working out what does what and seeing how it all hangs together. IF (and it's a big if!), I manage to successfully get a running version of ngx_pagespeed on Bazel I'll publish the code and binaries for all to use but it's a cumbersome beast to work on and sadly I haven't noticed anyone else attempting it at the moment. I would love it for someone or a company to carry this forward who is better skilled than I am but sadly despite having a lot of people using it, no one wanted to maintain the code.


Joshua Marantz

Jul 12, 2023, 1:30:42 PM7/12/23
If you have questions about the code feel free to continue to use this group to ask about it; I probably remember enough to be helpful at least for some aspects, at least for the core optimization libraries & parsers and the Apache version.

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