Re: Abridged summary of - 4 updates in 3 topics

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Yakov Bolshun

Jul 7, 2022, 8:27:13 AM7/7/22
Сайты обо всём:

ср, 6 июл. 2022 г. в 14:59, <>:
Jose Luis Moya <>: Jul 06 04:58AM -0700

I reopen this thread as I never managed to get this to work and now trying
I really don't know what else to try on this case or what we might be doing
As explained before currently ...more
Jason Carlton <>: Jul 05 05:31PM -0700

The default 510_pagespeed.conf file includes two lines:
ModPagespeedDisallow "http://cpanel.*"
ModPagespeedDisallow "https://cpanel.*"
Is there a reason that it didn't use the ? wildcard to ...more
Longinos <>: Jul 06 02:53AM -0700

I'm not sure if "?" is a valid symbol, but for sure "*" is permited.
So ModPagespeedDisallow "https*://cpanel.*"must work.
In fact I use it to aut domains:
ModPagespeedDomain http*://* ...more
Longinos <>: Jul 06 02:49AM -0700

Messages says pagespeed can't found the original file....
And I see the resource is fetched via http request.
How have you configured https fetch?
Is the https version of the site authorized?
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