Announcing mod_pagespeed security release

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Jeffrey Crowell

Jun 17, 2015, 2:43:39 PM6/17/15

Release security release.

Release fixes two security issues. It is otherwise identical to the previous release ( We recommend that all users upgrade to receive these fixes.

In versions between 1.7 and,  PageSpeed was built with a version of OpenSSL that was vulnerable to the issues detailed in the June 11, 2015 security advisory (  We have updated our crypto library to fix these issues. PageSpeed now builds with Google’s BoringSSL, an OpenSSL fork which includes this fix, and is expected to be more stable in future.

In versions between and it was possible to cause a crash by requesting JavaScript source maps when source mapping had been turned off.

We recommend that all users upgrade. If this is not possible, however, the following workarounds are available:

  • The OpenSSL vulnerability only applies if you have FetchHttps enabled and have configured PageSpeed to fetch HTTPS content over the open internet.  Disabling FetchHttps will prevent these crashes, but will also disable PageSpeed's optimizations for any content that must be fetched over HTTPS.

  • Set a “Request Option Override” token, and explicitly enable Include Javascript Source Maps. This makes it impossible for attackers to disable source maps and cause these crashes.

We expect to have a bug-fix release soon after this security release.

Installation Instructions (stable channel)

If you are currently on the stable channel, you should update via the usual method:

If you installed the .rpm package, update with:

sudo yum update mod-pagespeed-stable

sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart

If you installed the .deb package, update with:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

If you are currently on the beta channel and would like to switch to the stable channel, you must first uninstall mod_pagespeed and then install the stable package from:

Instructions for building from source are available at:

Installation Instructions (beta channel)

If you are currently on the beta channel, you should update via the usual method:

If you installed the .rpm package, update with:

sudo yum update mod-pagespeed-beta

sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart

If you installed the .deb package, update with:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

If you are currently on the stable channel and would like to switch to the beta channel, you must first uninstall mod_pagespeed and then install the beta package from:

Instructions for building from source are available at:

Issues Resolved since

Jeff Crowell

mod_pagespeed team


Jeff Kaufman

Jul 30, 2015, 7:13:28 AM7/30/15
to mod-pagespeed-discuss,, Jeffrey Crowell
In we switched from a dependency on OpenSSL to BoringSSL.  You should still be able to compile PSOL against OpenSSL, but as BoringSSL gets older its API may move away from OpenSSL's.  (Among other things, BoringSSL doesn't attempt binary compatibility between releases.)

(In direct answer to your question: that's something we didn't test but should have -- it's something we want to keep working.)

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 5:48 AM, Robert Munteanu <> wrote:

Does the OpenSSL fix change anything when building against system libraries?



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Jeffrey Crowell

Jul 30, 2015, 10:37:44 AM7/30/15
to Jeff Kaufman, mod-pagespeed-discuss,
before releasing, we run the script and build/test the unit tests. builds with use_system_libs=1, so at least building, running mod_pagespeed_test, and running pagespeed_automatic_test are tested.

The code uses #ifdef OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL in places where behavior between the two differ. If you do come across any issues, please let us know.
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