announcing release 0.4

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thomas bonfort

May 18, 2011, 12:47:59 PM5/18/11
to mod-geocache
I've just posted a new tarball for the 0.4 release.

notable changes since 0.3 include:
* an option to the seeder which makes it seed only tiles contained
inside an ogr supported datasource. (eg: only seed tiles covering a
particular country). Beware that the supplied ogr datasource must be
in the same projection as the tileset you are seeding, as mod-geocache
oes not (currently) reproject the datasource.
* a complete demo interface for all supported services, thanks to
Steve Woodbridge. Setting up an openlayers page serving tiles from
mod-geocache is now as simple as copy/pasting a block of javascript
from the different demo pages.
* lots of minor and less minor bug fixes :)

a glimpse for 0.5:
* slighlty changed configuration syntax
* a configurable proxy for all OGC services, so mod-geocache can be
transparently put in front of one or more full OGC servers. It will
cache tiles that are configured, and forward all the rest. Fine
grained control as to where requests are proxied will be possible
(e.g: forward all WMS 1.3.0 GetCapabilities to server1, all WFS
GetFeature requests to server 2, and WMS GetFeatureInfo requests on
layer foobar to server3).

as usual, please report any bugs on the bugtracker.


detailed changelog:
fix cairo configure script when passing the pkg-config .pc
Add a date parser to the seeder that accepts "now"
add dimension arguments to seeder
add all grid SRSs to the root WMS <Layer>
more precision in tms units-per-pixel . issue 76
fix tms tileset wrong advertized href . issue 75
fix compilation error when cairo is not enabled
be more verbose in wrong provided service
use uppercase EPSG instead of epsg (was failing in qgis parser)
fix bug with wms dimensions on pure getmap tiles (dimensions were not
taken into account)
fix segfault due to missing format mimetype
fix potential png corruption when quantizing images with many varying
colors closes. issue 72
we now have demos for wms, tms, wmts, ve, gmaps and kml.
use ezxml for creating xml capabilities output
only show singletile demo if wms forwarding or assembling has been configured
use curl thread-safe flag to block signals. closes issue 65
Updated WGS84 grid to have 19 zoom level instead of 16
add the "g" default grid with srs epsg:900913, and use it by default
on the example tilesets. fixes issue 71 .
Updated example grids to include units tag in xml.
fix missing close file call
fix check of wms cell alignment (was causing spurious errors due to
rounding) closes issue 64 .
fix reference to wrong layer name in tms capabilities
mixed mode image format
fix computation of matrixset topleftcorner . issue 60 .
add srs aliases to WMS GetCapabilities
add possibility to seed from an ogr bounding box, given an ogr source,
restrict the seeding task to the tiles which intersect the ogr source.
this allows to fully preseed an area, e.g. a country

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