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HTC Desire crashes taking a new picture.

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Xose Ramon

Jul 16, 2010, 1:03:06 PM7/16/10
to mOCRa
We've noticed that exists a bug with the HTC Desire camera which
blocks the application when a picture is taken. We are working on this
issue and we will have it solved asap.

If you are experiencing this too, please leave your comments here.

Xose Ramon

Jul 19, 2010, 4:34:33 AM7/19/10
to mOCRa
The same bug also affects HTC Wildfire.

The team is working on a fix for this.


Sep 7, 2010, 2:58:25 AM9/7/10
to mOCRa
I am facing the problem too.
If I take a high number of pics in a short time, the Desire crashes.
Only way to start it again is to remove the battery...
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Xose Ramon

Sep 9, 2010, 3:55:43 AM9/9/10
to mOCRa
We weren't aware of this issue. We will run some more tests for this
case. May you tell us how many pictures can you take until it crashes?

Thank you for the feedback.
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