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Szczepan Faber

Mar 24, 2013, 1:35:01 PM3/24/13
to mockito...@googlegroups.com, Serhiy Oplakanets, justin...@hp.com
Hey guys,

Justin is keen on taking over mocktio-python effort. I'm about to install his permissions all over the place so that he meet this new challenge. I'll do that when I have some time.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hopper, Justin <justin...@hp.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: Python Mockito Activity
To: Szczepan Faber <szcz...@gmail.com>


Ha ha – I have some sensitivity for the fact that not everyone speaks English.  I spent a couple of years in Romania and it helped me to appreciate other languages.  I remember the first time looking at the ingredients on a toothpaste box – I think there were over 12 translations.  I was just hoping that Google Translate didn't accidentally add anything offensive :)

I would be absolutely honored to take over ownership on the project.  There is a good chance that Mockito will help us get a leg up on quality in OpenStack.  I considered forking it but I have a genuine interest in bring Python Mockito closer in parity to its Java big brother.  I am not a selfish person or territorial so if at any point you want to resume ownership please feel free to.

Cheers to you.


From: Szczepan Faber <szcz...@gmail.com>
Date: Saturday, March 23, 2013 1:47 PM
To: Justin Hopper <justin...@hp.com>
Subject: Re: Python Mockito Activity

Hey Justin,

You're the first person ever that have sent me an english mail with a translation :)

I don't develop mockito python actively ATM. If you want to take ownership of this project I can give you commit rights, pull you into the project, give permissions to manage the mailing list, etc. If you're looking for quick-tuning the existing features you're very welcome to fork it!


On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 11:28 PM, Hopper, Justin <justin...@hp.com> wrote:
Greetings Szczepan,

My name is Justin Hopper.  I am a committer on OpenStack.  As you may know OpenStack is written entirely in Python.  As I have recently moved from Java to Python, one thing I am unwilling to let go of is Mockito.  I used Mockito extensively on a project for Visa prior to this project.  I have tried other mock frameworks but have found them wanting.  

Having said that, I have found a few features in the Java version that I would like to port over to Python Mockito.  So in short, I would like to be added as a contributor to the Python Mockito project.

Please let me know how I may get involved in this.

(from Google Translate) 

Nazywam się Justin Hopper. 

Jestem committer na OpenStack. Jak być może wiesz OpenStack jest w całości napisany w Pythonie. Jak już niedawno przeniósł się z Java do Python, jedna rzecz mi nie chce puścić to Mockito. Kiedyś Mockito intensywnie nad projektem Visa przed tym projektem. Próbowałem innych mock ramy, ale było w nich brakuje. Mimo, że znalazłem kilka funkcji w wersji Java, które chciałbym przenieść się do Python Mockito. Tak w skrócie, chciałbym być dodany jako uczestnik projektu Mockito Pythona. Proszę dać mi znać, jak mogą się zaangażować w to.


Justin Hopper
HP Cloud Services

Szczepan Faber
Principal engineer@gradleware; Lead@mockito
Join me at the Gradle Summit 2013, June 13th and 14th in Santa Clara, CA: http://www.gradlesummit.com

Szczepan Faber
Principal engineer@gradleware; Lead@mockito
Join me at the Gradle Summit 2013, June 13th and 14th in Santa Clara, CA: http://www.gradlesummit.com
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