Good Morning Everyone
Welcome to the Global Issues thread of the MobiMOOC
The resources and ideas for the topic of Global impact of mobile devices can be found in the wikipage here. This page also has movies that give an idea of possible ideas or debates.
Have a look at the page and you'll see an introduction that shows where I'm coming from and some leads and links to follow, and then some questions and issues to discuss.
I hope to add more as we progress
As you can see, any global account, and indeed any historical account, is not stable and comprehensive, not a done deed, and we need as many perspectives and positions as possible in order that we each construct and refine each other's positions and perspectives.
Webinar on the global impact of mobile devices is planned for Wednesday 19 September 2012 at 8.00 AM, GMT (look here for a list of YOUR local times organized per country/city) and will be using WizIQ meeting software.
This webinar can be entered at this URL (make sure you have a headset for optimal listening/speaking quality):
Good luck and welcome aboard,
John Traxler
John Traxler
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