A city in France, Varades, just opted to tune down antennas to 0.6V/m
The City Council of Varades, in Loire Atlantique, France, voted
unanimously on September, the 6th, Maximum Exposition Limit to 0.6V/m
on all parish territory.
The Mayor, Dominique TREMBLAY, and the Municipal Council, aware of
the urgent necessity of protecting human health, decided to conform to
the prescription released by the Council of Europe published in May
This decision encompasses implementation of autonomous measuring means
to control levels of exposure.
A contrasted studies, such as the protocol put in place in the COMOP
studies (Comité Opérationnel - state-supervised Operational Commity)
can also be put in practice.
National Association Robin des Toits, in coordination with the City,
will help throughout the process with assistance for organization and
in taking concrete steps to apply this limit.
Another City Council decided of a moratory over installation of new
mobile phone masts over its parrish territory.
Mrs Dominique VOYNET, Mayor of the City of Montreuil, France, through
a letter sent August 2nd 2011, informs telecom operators of the City
Council's decision, on the basis of precautionary principle, to
"oppose systematically each new request of installation permit of
telephone masts, and to suspend any new installation or modification
over the existing fleet of equipment."
One conclusion is clear :
What one City Council does, every other City Council can do just the
Robin des Toits asks each member and correspondant to transmit the
voted text and the letter of the Mayor of Montreuil to their elected
officials to encourage them to follow these examples of responsability
and political courage, and hence have a chance to underline that
protection of the individual health is fully a part of their duties.
We all gather to address our support and congratulations to the City
Council of VARADES, to their elected officials, and their Mayor.
Let's give this event a large audience.
Please spread the word and write to the address below to thank these
people for their courage, and copy the message to all other City
Mairie de VARADES
182 rue du Maréchal Foch - 44370 VARADES – France
- Extrait du Compte Rendu du Conseil Municipal du 06/09/2011 –pages 10
et 11
- Résolution du Conseil de l’Europe, Mai 2011
- Programme de Robin des Toits – Eté 2011
- Courrier du 02/08/2011 de Dominique VOYNET à BOUYGUES TELECOM
Spokesman for
Correspondance : 12 rue Lucien Sampaix 75010 Paris
Tél. : 33 1 43 55 96 08
E-mail : con...@robindestoits.org
Informant: Iris Atzmon