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House Passes The Children’s Wireless Protection Act, Senate kills it

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Jun 5, 2011, 12:04:17 AM6/5/11
Please read the attached press release regarding the outcome of the Maine bill for warning labels on cell phones.

Meanwhile it seems CA is having it's own problems...Even this bill which ultimately proclaimed cell phones to be safe could not get all the votes it needed to pass the legislature. It will be brought again next year.

But saving the very best news for last...

Pennsylvania files The Children's Wireless Protection Act!!!

Rep Vanessa Brown (D) of Pennsylvania filed The Children's Wireless Protection Act (HB 1408) last month, calling for warning labels on cell phones and utilizing original language from the Maine bill...

This device emits electromagnetic radiation, exposure to which may cause brain cancer.  Users, especially children and pregnant women, should keep this device away from the head and body.

Pennsylvania becomes the 3rd state in the US to file the bill.  This bill is expected to pass THIS YEAR.  At least 2 more states are expected to soon file.  I will keep you posted.  :)

Liz, et al

Maine Press Release LD 1014 Vote.doc
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