No doubt: UMTS much more dangerous than GSM

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Oct 7, 2007, 2:16:35 AM10/7/07
*Sent:* Sunday, October 07, 2007 1:24 AM
*Subject:* Adlkofer.UMTS Deutsch und Englisch

Für eine bessere und genauere Übersetzung ins Englische wäre ich dankbar!

But this is so important that you should read it even when it is not

Christine Aschermann

Short version:*
*Adlkofer (Verum Foundation): No doubt: UMTS much more dangerous than GSM*
Adlkofer found DNA string breaking at *1/40 of the limits*, that means
*UMTS is ten times more effective than GSM and thus leads to a higher
risk of cancer.*
He mentioned the INTERPHONE which shows an increase of brain tumors
after 10 years of use, and Friedman, Israel, who found out the
biological mechanism of cell damages by mobile phone radiation
far below the limits.
Adlkofer called for an immediate *change in thinking*. He warned that
there would emerge a huge health problem to our society which is using
the technical EMF increasingly. He named the mobile phone technology and
its political justification a *great experiment in humans without
control and without plan.*

In the 6th of December 2006 the Committee for Radiation Protection still
declared that no genotoxic effects were known. Adlkofer: *An absolutely
unintelligible text*..

He appealed to the politicians that the precautional principle should
be acknowledged for the protection of the citizens. This
acknowledgement, not the denying of possible risks should be the basis
of future risk communication.
Tabacco, asbestos and x-rays were examples of the fact that decades
might pass before science was able to supply the last proof of a health

Action in time might save a late (and troubling) lesson!

See also the news from the* European Environmental Agency* and the
*Bioinitiative Group*!
For the pictures, see
(Prof.Adlkofer, Prof. Lutz, Prof. Frentzel-Beyme)

01.10.2007 in Gelsenkirchen/Germany (Forum "Open University")

Informant: Iris Atzmon

See also (in German)

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