English machine translation
Swedish source:
The secondary effects from mobile phone antennas is repudiated with
reference to the threshold value
Strålningsriskerna is swept during the carpet of the authorities
Mona Nilsson, freelance journalist and authors: The secondary effects
from mobiltantenner is repudiated with reference to the threshold
The debater
Mona Nilsson
Freelance journalist, authors to the playing about 3G.
Receivers of Owe Törnqvists environment pinch 2007
Forums are you nervous for strålningen from mobile masts and mobile
Strålning and strålning of lbj (18: 54)
Sv: Should last. of Sniperess (16: 58)
Should last. of silent rain (11: 52)
Medical Products Agency announced January 24 that cancervaccinet
Gardasil is sat during monitoring because of suspect secondary
Läkemedelsmyndigheterna in EU and Europe has got in reports about more
detailed 20 suspect deaths and 1 600 lindrigare secondary effects.
Both National Board of Health and Welfare and Medical Products Agency
follow now the enough reporting of secondary effects. According to
National Board of Health and Welfare, the risks must be investigated
gooder before decisions are lacking about vaccinet can be included in
a national vaccinationsprogram.
That reports about negative effects of different matters be taken
seriously is important both for the society as a whole and for it the
individual individual's security. The costs and the suffering can
otherwise become incredible. A pair of the clearest historical
examples is neurosedyn and hormoslyr. Unfortunately, it is long from
all areas that be handled on this way. An example on an area where
reported" secondary effects" and riskindikationer instead is neglected
and nearer be swept during the carpet of responsible authorities, is
strålning from mobile aerials. Unlike medicines, that is voluntary to
occupy, it acts about it påtvingad exposure in the own home and
concern the entire population, what should set requirements on even
bigger vaksamhet and sharper risk handling.
During 90-talet was initiated one storskalig expansion of the mobile
nets. GSM was built out and years 2000 decided National Post and
Telecom Agency that 99,98% of the Swedish people would be covered of
3G in your homes. Only between 2003 and 2007 was doubled the number
mobile aerials in the environment. Mobilantennerna emits microwave
oven balances. Above all 3G-utbyggnaden has been followed of big
protests from the general public as well here that international and
many researchers and doctors have increasingly alerted for serious
health risks.
Already during 90-talet was reports from people that might
ohälsosymtom that they set in connection with exposure for GSM-
mobilantenner. As a reply lowered 1998 hälsomyndigheten in the state
Salzburg in Austria your recommended threshold value to 1 mW/m2, what
is thousand's aisles lower than the Swedish threshold value.
The recommendation was lowered additional thousand aisles to 1 mikroW/
m2 years 2002 because of inrapporterad ohälsa also at the previous
recommendation. Doctor Gerd Oberfeld from Salzburg Health Department
types that although strålningen from mobile+telephone is higher than
from the mobile aerials, sow be reported the most serious effects from
the mobile aerials.
The reason is probably the longer exposure pc winter lairs from the
mobile aerials meaning that the body not sheep possibility to recovery
and självläkning. The reports about" secondary effects" has increased
since beginning of 2000-talet and the unanimity is clear: torpor
problems, headache, giddiness, tinnitus, hjärtarytmier, anxiety/dread/
nedstämdhet etc...
The first scientific study of people's hälsotillstånd in vicinity of
mobile aerials was published 2001 of the Frenchman Roger Santini. He
showed that torpor disturbances, headache, giddiness etc., that to be
called" mikrovågssyndromet" and that is portrayed as an effect of
exposure for microwave oven balances already on 70-talet, increased
with vicinity to mobile masts. It has then been followed of several
studies that show same thing with improved methodology.
Moreover, two studies show 3-4 aisles increased risk for cancer in
vicinity of mobilantener. A big number reports about abnormal cancer
occurrence exists. In several cases children has got cancer in
abnormal scope (for example Garcia Quintana, Valladolid, Spain; Pcs
Cyr l ' Ecole, Paris, France). For example typed British The Sunday
Times years 2007 about seven identified canceranhopningar around
mobile aerials.
According to doctor John Walker is lit on the cancer cases in the
aerial directions, there strålningen is as strongest. Several hundred
cancer cases and over hundred deaths has omskrivits only in the
Spanish pressure. Likewise in Israeli has very big canceranhopningar
and about a hundred's deaths been reported.
When 3G-beslutet was taken was no research about how people be
influenced of 3G-strålning. The first study was presented firstly 2003
and shown that a group persons to experiment on got symptoms already
after 15-20 minutes' exposure. Despite that responsible authorities,
Strålskyddsinstitutet Swedish Radiation Protection Authority, and
National Board of Health and Welfare, already then got in many reports
about" secondary effects" of 3G, they acts not. No initiative to
survey of hälsotillståndet around mobile aerials has been taken.
The first study of 3G has now been followed of three studies of 50
minutes' exposure of which two seem to have repeated the first study's
results: despite very short time's exposure for 3G is observed
symptoms despite that the number persons to experiment on are small.
It is considerable differences in handling of risks with medicines and
environment factors. While läkemedelsbiverkningarna is taken seriously
be repudiated the mobile aerial secondary effects with reference to
the threshold value.
It protects however only against difficult urgent effects that arise
immediately and gives no protection for it dygnetruntexponering during
longer time that applies for mobile aerials. It was established for 10
years since then no study was over long-term effects of be himself 3G
or GSM.
It is odd that no debate is pursued in the mediums or among
politicians about they ethical/the moral question marks around it
påtvingad and increased dygnetruntexponering for mobilstrålning in
people's own homes during these conditions. The society should nearest
add an independent investigation and to establish an authority for
reporting and analysis of people's secondary effects of
mobilstrålning, that can lie to shallow for a serious risk assessment
and an operational varningssystem.
From Mona Nilsson:
Today I have this article in the largest Swedish evening papers
internet site. It demands: create a register for side-effects of
mobile phone antennas as for drugs.
Informant: Iris Atzmon