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Many of the 'Morgellons' symptoms are the same as from electro sensitivity

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Nov 23, 2009, 2:30:52 AM11/23/09

Many of these 'Morgellons' symptoms are the same as those reported by persons suffering from electro-sensitivity.  Morgellons Disease has become widespead in the same time period that cordless phones and cell phone have become widely used and wireless antennas have sprouted up around the world.  Is this just a co-incidence or is it just another of many modern illnesses with links to electro magnetic radiation?

Martin Weatherall



 During the last decade tens of thousands of people around the globe have begun experiencing a broad variety of unusual symptoms. The symptoms vary anywhere from disturbing crawling feelings on or under the skin to stinging, biting and itching sensations and non-healing lesions. The skin wounds are often characterized by the presence of strikingly uncommon fiber-like structures. Almost all people affected complain of black or white granules associated with their skin. The infected lymphatic system produces swelling in various parts of the body, mainly the head, face, neck, feet and legs.

Neurological symptoms such as the loss of short term memory, concentration difficulties, and physical disorientation seem to be results of a more advanced stage of this condition. Thought process and verbal expression disruption, loss of balance, lightening-like shooting pains across the surface of the arms, legs and head are experienced by many individuals.   

    Psychological effects of Morgellons manifest in a form of depression, irritability, mood swings, insomnia, decreased patience, obsessive/compulsive behavior, apathy, suicidal thinking, intolerance, anxiety, isolation from others and low self-esteem.

    Other most common Morgellons symptoms are: chronic fatigue, thickening and swelling of the skin, obstruction and poor drainage of the lymphatic system, severe pain in joints and muscles, diarrhea, constipation, loss of hair, excessive sinus drainage, nasal passage infection, migraine-like headaches, dental problems, vision and hearing impairment, stiff neck, back pains, circulation and body temperature regulation difficulties, numbness and weight gain/loss.



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