CC The Editor,
The Guardian,
119 Farringdon Road
Letter also to other sponsors
Dear Ms. McCall,
We are writing to ask you to consider dropping your sponsorship of the
Hand Held Learning Conference from 10th to 12th October 2007 and in
subsequent years.
You may not be aware that most of these hand held learning devices emit
pulsed microwave radiation much in the same way as a Mobile Phone does.
The wireless routers and/or base-stations constantly emit pulsed
microwave radiation which can often result in exposures inside a school
class room or a child's bedroom being the same or greater than that from
the main beam of a mobile phone mast.
As you can see from the enclosed leaflet that the health risks from
using hand held devices, most of which use wireless (i.e. microwave
emitting) technologies, are too great to ignore, and you should not be
promoting them.
Are you at the Guardian Media Group prepared to indemnify the schools
who purchase wireless devices as a result of the "Hand Held Learning
2007" exhibition when in the near future - as seems to us certain - this
technology is proven to be harmful and the school children and teachers
look for compensation for their damaged health?
If you are not prepared to withdraw your sponsorship or indemnify the
schools you must supply us with the evidence you are basing your
decisions on which makes you believe that such wireless devices are
safe. We are certain that no such evidence does (or can) exist.
Please read the attached leaflet and familiarize yourself with the
evidence it sights
Yours faithfully,
A Gray, Trustee, Mast Sanity Enc.