A Cautionary Tale from the Firefighters of California

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Nov 13, 2020, 8:18:31 AM11/13/20
Please read and forward this new article (link below) by Susan Foster

The firefighters of California have a cautionary tale to share. They have spent 15 years and millions of dollars 
fighting cell towers on their stations. They have done so because they know they are among the strongest of the strong when it comes to professionals among us. Yet they have suffered harm living and working in the presence of cell towers, and they know they cannot carry out their duties to protect the general public as they should if they are indeed impaired. Furthermore, they know that those they protect are often more vulnerable than they are. Logic tells the firefighters, as it tells us, that if the strongest of the strong are harmed, the weakest and most vulnerable among us are at even greater risk.


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De: Susan Foster
Objet: A Cautionary Tale from the Firefighters of California
Date: 12 novembre 2020 à 17:14:49 HNE
À: André Fauteux

Hi Andre,

Here's a link to my article in Environmental Health Trust: "A Cautionary Tale from the Firefighters of California".



Virenfrei. www.avg.com
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