Medical Alert: Cell Phones, Cordless & WiFi ,Wireless Communication Produces Dangerous Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

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Dec 8, 2007, 3:34:19 AM12/8/07

Omega Group

Dec 8, 2007, 3:46:53 AM12/8/07
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Well, well,well... Dear Joanne, Dear All,

First, I don't understand why there is a copyright for recommendations
which can be red in a lot of other documents, not necessarily in

Furthermore, those recommendations mean that this nasty, noxious and
deadly technology will remain in place, but try to minimize the
effects on humans. The fact is that the masts will remain in place and
if I'm sick, the cause are the masts, WiFi and DECT phones I never
possessed in my life nor a mobile phone.

But we are not alone one the planet. Those wireless technologies are
simply not compatible with the life of the biodiversity nor with the
climate and nor with long term development regarding the very short
lifetime of those gadgets. About 8 months for a mobile phone in

Somebody said : It's never too late to take the right decision. And
the right decision is to suppress the technologies which are not
compatible with human and biodiversity wellbeing and life. But I'm
really not sure it will never be too late.

The insects, moths, butterflies, sparrows, house-swallows, white
storks disappearance was a strong warning, like the thousands of
cetaceans because of the sonars under water. But it's not enough.
After that, the bees CCD came like the last warning. But humans stay
rushing on the wall. Fortunately, I don't have a child. Because I will
be in deep disgrace giving to him the heritage of the humanity's
dementia, the HCD (Human Collapse Disorder). Finally, I've just one
recommendation : Break your mobile phone, DECT phone, WiFi, Bluetooth
and give them all to the seller.

With my compliments.
Philippe Hug

Omega Group

Dec 8, 2007, 6:48:16 AM12/8/07
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Dear Philippe:

Your points are well taken. The long term solution to this enormous
wireless problem lies in changing the infrastructure that carries
rapid communication so that the dangerous EMR is eliminated. We concur
with your points wholeheartedly.

The SWI Alert was a response to the hundreds of inquiries we have had
from those visiting us who simply ask, "What can I do for myself,
now?". Our professional staff compiled this list as a starting point,
and we expect that it will be somewhat fluid as time goes on.

As for the 'copyright', it is a footer automatically formatted on all
of our pages and it is not meant in any way to convey any restrictions
on use. We want this Alert to be copied and distributed as widely as
possible. We will correct that confusion.

Thank you for taking the time to help us with direction.

Happy holidays to you....



Dr. George Carlo Safe Wireless Initiative Washington, D.C.

Omega Group

Dec 29, 2007, 6:04:12 PM12/29/07
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Medical Alert: Cell Phones, Cordless & WiFi Wireless Communication
Produces Dangerous Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

Omega Group

Dec 29, 2007, 6:09:05 PM12/29/07
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
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