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Clusters of Illness, Clusters of Distress, By Products of A Wireless Age and All Predicted

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Jun 24, 2008, 3:44:20 AM6/24/08

Mast Sanity Press Release 23rd June 2008

Clusters of Illness, Clusters of Distress - By Products of A Wireless
Age and All Predicted

Cancer Clusters, clusters of ill health, depression and even suicide
were predicted[1] several years ago in proximity to Mobile Phone Masts
and other Wireless sources of Microwave Radiation. Yet the UK Government
has long ignored such warnings.

The extremely sad situation in Kingswinford where another Cancer Cluster
has been discovered in proximity to a monster Mobile Phone Mast platform
is one of the latest examples [2]. This is consistent with the study
from 3-4 years ago in Naila in Germany[3].

The incredibly worrying and increasing suicide cluster in Bridgend[4] ,
with the latest suicide just last week, 16th June 2008[8], a town with a
large concentration of Mobile Phone Masts and town-wide Wi-Fi[5] since
2006 or so ­ should be the subject of an open and transparent Public
Inquiry looking at all the factors.

The Mobile Phone Industry must be aware of the dangers and health risks
themselves ­ one example being how, in 2000, The ECOLOG Report[6]
(containing damning evidence of harm from Mobile Phones) ­ but paid for
by T-Mobile in Germany - was not published at the time - it only
surfaced quietly into the public domain several years later. In the US
Dr. George Carlo, a leading epidemiologist who formerly headed the $28
million Wireless Technology Research (WTR) program funded by the Mobile
Phone Industry, warned the Mobile Phone Industry about the dangers in
the 1990ąs yet his findings were not published[9].

It is already untenable for the UK Government and the Health Protection
Agency [HPA] to ignore the growing amount of evidence of the harm that
Mobile Phone Masts are causing. It was for this reason that a Mast
Sanity delegation led by Trustee Yasmin Skelt delivered a copy of the
BioInitaitive Report[7] to Downing Street in December 2007 and why she
led another delegation to Downing Street 2 weeks ago demanding immediate
action from Gordon Brown.

Trustee Yasmin Skelt said łThe death of a loved one is always a
traumatic experience even if it is expected. If it is discovered
afterwards that the death was completely avoidable and unnecessary ­ how
much worse is this? When more people wake up to what is going on there
will be genuine anger directed at the UK Government and the Health
Protection Agency for letting this situation develop˛

Mast Sanity is the largest group in the country campaigning for the safe
siting of masts and has links with related groups globally. We request
and would welcome a meeting with the Prime Minister or his Ministers to
discuss maximising safety from mobile telephony for the general population.

Again, Mast Sanity ask the Prime Minister to instruct the Chief Medical
Officer and the Health Protection Agency [HPA] to issue warnings to the
British public and ensure that Public exposure limits are greatly
reduced immediately. Those responsible in Government, the HPA, ICNIRP as
well as the Industry will be held to account for their continuing lack
of action on this issue, continuing to fail to protect citizens from the
health hazards of Electro-Magnetic Fields [EMFs].


The Mast Sanity Press Office can be contacted on 08704 867 807.

Notes and References:

[1] Neil Cherry Predictions 2000 -

=209&amp;Itemid=90> In June 2000 Professor Cherry investigated microwave
emissions from mobile phone masts and presented his evidence to the
parliaments of New Zealand, Italy, Austria, Ireland and the EU. He
warned of significant illnesses and death from these microwaves.

[2] Cancer Cluster at Kingswinford -

[3] The Naila Study (Eger et al.):

[4] Suicides ?linked to phone mastsą -

/31/boffin-s-wave-claim-after-suicide-spate-91466-20414722/> Barrie
Trower: łItąs the young who get it first,˛ he said. łThe younger you
are, your skull is thinner than an adultąs so the waves can go through
and your immune system is not fully developed. The suicide rate is
leaping up all over the place and it happens to cluster in areas.˛

[5] Bridgend town-wide Wi-fi



[6] The 2000 ECOLOG Report -

[7] The BioInitiative Report 2007 -

[8] Inquiry after man is found hanged -

[9] Dr. George Carlo letter to AT&T, 7th October 1999 -
<> łToday, I sit here
extremely frustrated and concerned that appropriate steps have not been
taken by the wireless industry to protect consumers during this time of
uncertainty about safety. The steps I am referring to specifically
followed from the WTR program and have been recommended repeatedly in
public and private for and by me and other experts from around the
world. As I prepare to move away from the wireless phone issue and into
a different public health direction. I am concerned that the wireless
industry is missing a valuable opportunity by dealing with these public
health concerns through politics, creating illusions that more research
over the next several years helps consumers today, and false claims that
regulatory compliance means safety. The better choice by the wireless
industry would be to implement measured steps aimed at true consumer

The Mast Sanity Press Office can be contacted on 08704 867 807.
Registered UK Charity no. 1109757
Calling for Environmentally and Biologically safe communications
networks and radio frequency devices

[ ]

Omega Group

Jun 24, 2008, 5:20:39 AM6/24/08
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
From Andrea:

On the Hese website, there is a statement by the author of the ECOLOG
Report on the exact circumstances of its publication. I translated it
at the time and past it here for convenience:

Mobile Telecommunications and Health

Statement by Dr Hans-Peter Neitzke, ECOLOG-Institute

with regards to the comments by the HPA and the Department of Health
about the ECOLOG report entitled Mobilfunk und Gesundheit – Bewertung
des wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisstandes unter dem Gesichtspunkt des
vorsorgende Gesundheitsschutzes.

This study was produced by a team of scientists, consisting of Dr
Kerstin Hennes (veterinary medicine), Dr Hartmut Voigt (biophysics),
Dr Gisa Kahle-Anders (biology) and myself.

Originally, it had been agreed that the results of our study would be
presented to and discussed by an expert group nominated by T-Mobil. T-
Mobil subsequently unilaterally changed the procedure and also
commissioned Professor Glaser, Professor Silny and the Öko-Institut
(Eco-Institute) to assess the available research from their respective
point of view. The brief of the other consultants, however, only
partly conformed to our own. The fact that T-Mobil did not formulate
all commissions in an unambiguous and consistent manner, was one of
the main reasons for the ensuing differences in the assessment (The
Öko-Institut for example, included many studies covering the low
frequency range, Prof. Silny focussed in detail on technical questions
(pace makers) and did not address many biological effects at all).
Prof. Glaser and Prof. Silny worked on their respective studies alone.
The Öko-Institute worked with a team of four scientists.

In my view, T-Mobil chose the Öko-Institute (which we usually rate
very highly), mainly for tactical reasons: They are an environmental
research institute (an association with them should probably suggest a
certain openness for a critical view), however, they have never done
in single study in the field (and were therefore not sufficiently
competent to give a critical assessment). It would have been more
honest and also more appropriate if T-Mobil had commissioned a more
competent institute such as Nova or Katalyse.

We only learned about the other studies being commissioned by T-Mobil
after the event. Instead of the originally agreed discussion of the
results by an expert group, T-Mobil instructed Dr Wiedemann of
Forschungszentrum Jülich to conduct a discussion of the results of the
four studies amongst the authors (one per study). I believe that this
is how T-Mobil was trying to ensure that our assessment was going to
be put into perspective: From Prof. Glaser and Prof. Silny, no
critical comment was to be expected – both had positioned their
respective opinions clearly in previous publications – and the Öko-
Institute had withdrawn to the position that the subject matter was
complicated and more research was needed.

There was no agreement to wait with the publication of the results
until all four studies were finished (the other three were
commissioned much later). On the contrary, on 7 March 2001, we
received a letter from our client which stressed again that we could
publish our results at any time. Dr Lauer and Dr Gerstenschläger, who
had both been our assigned project managers within T-Mobil, wrote the

‘With regards to the use of the results, we would like to reiterate
the statement made at the beginning of the project, that you have the
unlimited right to publish the results and to use them for your own
research purposes. This includes the mentioning of T-Mobil as the
commissioning party of the study. It is incumbent on your own
responsibility to decide how a publication will influence the ensuing
discussion process. From T-Mobil, there are no restrictions. However,
we kindly ask you to inform Dr Wiedemann about the publication.’

We informed Dr Wiedemann and made the results of our study public
fourteen days after we received the letter from T-Mobil. I assume that
T-Mobil felt obliged to write this letter since it was public
knowledge that our study had been finished since April 2000 and T-
Mobil did not want to be criticised for withholding results. Indeed, T-
Mobil has never attempted to withhold or influence the results – which
we would have never accepted anyway. However, T-Mobil did unilaterally
break our original agreement with regards to the procedure and
commissioned further experts from whom no critical results or
recommendations were to be expected.

I hope the above explanations will help you to understand the context
of the ECOLOG study of 2000.

Yours sincerely,

Dr H-Peter Neitzke

Omega Group

Jun 24, 2008, 11:39:47 AM6/24/08
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Phone Masts linked to suicide

The Daily Express covered a story on the weekend linking the increased
number of suicides in Bridgend (Wales) to living proximity to mobile
phone base stations. Whilst it would be useful to all to have a sound
possible cause for the localised increase in suicide rate, it is
extremely unlikely to have anything to do with the base stations.

Click here for the full news story

Omega Group

Jun 25, 2008, 5:15:15 PM6/25/08
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Sarah writes: "After all its the industry that are at fault and we are
only trying to help."

Partly, yes, but they can only afford to surround us all with masts
and other basestations because so many, misguided and silly people use
their mobile phones for so many calls - even doing away with their
home landlines "because their mobile deal is cheaper". What price life
and health? Mobile phone users now contribute about £20bn to the UK
exchequer in direct and indirect taxes (tax on income, VAT and tax on
Mobile Company profits) every year!

The total treasury revenue take from both tobacco (c.£8bn) and alcohol
(c.£8bn) is now less than that from mobile telecomms (mainly mobile
phone use).

That is the fault of large numbers of people and not the industry. The
industry exists to make profits for shareholders - that is what
industries are set up to do. They can only make profits if people buy
their services. I come across many people who regularly spend between
£40 and £100 per month on their mobile phone services.

It always amazes us how many people phone us on a mobile to complain
about a mast close to their home. We refuse to return calls to mobiles
and they get really cross at times.

We will not manage to control the masts without first persuading
people that their excessive use of mobile phones is the real source of
the problem. While people feed the industry by making mobile calls, we
will get more and more masts. Period.

The planet seems to be driven, almost solely, by money issues these


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network
On 24 Jun., 17:39, Omega Group <> wrote:
> Phone Masts linked tosuicide
> The Daily Express covered a story on the weekend linking the increased
> number of suicides in Bridgend (Wales) to living proximity to mobile
> phone base stations. Whilst it would be useful to all to have a sound
> possible cause for the localised increase insuiciderate, it is
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