Letter to the Canadian Minister of Health: Resign

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Sep 23, 2012, 1:58:18 AM9/23/12
to mobilfunk_...@googlegroups.com
Dear Madam Minister Aglukkaq:
I have just been made aware of your reply to a Member of Parliament on behalf constituents who were being exposed against their will to electromagnetic radiation. (attached)
I found your reply to betray such an appalling ignorance of the facts that it beggars belief.  Not to know that Safety Code Six is a thermal guideline established by ICNIRP (an industry affiliated agency) that relates in no way to non-thermal exposure is breathtaking:  not to know that radiation from cell towers that transmit and receive cannot be likened to AM/FM radios that only receive; not to know that when you claim that "there are no known health effects from exposure" below these guidelines when there was a Royal Society report in 1999 compiled at the request of Health Canada which found significant health effects.
I cannot believe that a Federal Minister of Health is unaware of the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. I can believe that this Minister is unwilling to acknowledge it.  I realize, Madam Minister, that yours is a political position and, as such, an independent voice is denied you.  But that does not excuse pandering to an industry-colluding Health Canada.  That does not justify responding to aggrieved and frightened constituents with industry talking points, blatant misinformation and bureaucratic dissembling.
And when you say, Madam Minister, that Safety Code Six "protects the health and safety of Canadians, including and especially children," you go beyond the pale.  You have a duty to safeguard your constituents, Madam Minister, and it is glaringly apparent that such a responsibility is far beyond your capabilities.  When you place children in harm's way, deliberately, callously, unremorsefully, you forgo any right to continue in your position as Minister of Health.
Resign, Madam Minister, before you do more damage to your ministry.  Resign while you still retain some modicum of reputation. Resign, Madam Minister, for the safety of your constituents, including and especially the children.
Dennis Noble
BC Canada
See the attached letter to see the false information that the Minister of Health is providing to Members of Parliament.

Informant: Martin Weatherall
2012-07-24 Min health reply - Electromagnetic Radiaiton.pdf
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