Hearing Damage From Cell Phones

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Apr 18, 2012, 3:34:46 AM4/18/12

Hearing Damage From Cell Phones

From Professor G. Kumar in India:

There are several links, where doctors of Indian Hospitals have reported that overuse of cell phones cause loss in hearing and also ear tumor especially in teenagers. Some of them are:


This site gives 1000's of papers on cell phone hearing loss


Safety Code Six is not designed to protect public health

Walt McGinnis

Health Canada does not have regulations based upon the disease-causing effects associated with exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Instead, Health Canada has a guideline called Safety Code Six which is designed to protect our bodies from overheating due to EMR exposure. The problem is it takes thousands of times more energy to heat a cell than what it takes to disrupt normal cellular function and cause illness. Consequently, very dangerous exposure levels are allowed by our the Canadian Government and we are unwittingly being made ill from every-day exposures to cell phone technology, Wi-Fi, and smart meters.

The general public's misunderstanding of the Safety Code Six guideline has resulted in citizens not pressuring our Canadian Government to create standards based upon negative biological effects. This has allowed Health Canada to get away with very lax exposure standards.


Cell/clock tower project cancelled

Cell/clock tower project cancelled. Cell/Clock tower at the Upper Oakville Shopping Centre. David Lea / OAKVILLE BEAVER / @halton_photog ''I'm obviously elated for all the residents and all the children that surround that tower. Eighteen antennas on ...



Residents express anger at cell tower meeting


A cell phone tower planned for New Life Church in southeast Milton has some area residents... Tensions ran high during last night's meeting on a proposed 100-foot cell phone tower that could grace the landscape outside Milton's New ...



Port Franks, Ontario: Cell Tower Meeting

To Whom It May Concern:

Southwestern Ontario residents should be advised that Bell Canada is planning to build a cell phone transmission tower in the heart of one of the most pristine natural areas in the southern part of our country, our own historic Port Franks.

This proposed one hundred and twenty foot tower will be located near to residences, waterfront, the beach, and marshlands, as well as summer cottages. It will be directly in the flyway of the migratory birds, including the famous Tundra Swans. It will be extremely near to where many Ontario boaters dock their craft for the warm seasons.

Also, there is a child in our community who frequently visits the proposed tower area. She has a pre-existing neurological condition. The EMF radiation could be a detriment to her health, and that of any other children in the tower area. All local parents should be concerned about the health effects of these electromagnetic frequencies on their children.

But how did it happen that so few know about this issue?

Well, since our Municipality of Lambton Shores had no pre-existing protocol for transmission towers (as has been the case with other local councils), the regulations governing tower installation defaults to fall under Industry Canada as the authority. This federal authority allows for very minimal public notification! It puts Bell Canada in control of all public input!

Our municipal Council is aware that a majority of our residents are against this structure being built. They have advised Bell Canada that they now have a proposed protocol, but Bell says it is too late to apply to this transmission tower proposal.

Now, several local people including myself as spokesperson, have started a volunteer group called TAGG: Transmission Tower Action Group.

Our position is that this tower should not be built anywhere in Port Franks! This area needs to be made an 'electromagnetic radio frequency-free zone'. Given that in July of this year, Port Franks will be designated as rare and protected habitat by the MNR, and our sensitive population of the aged and our young children, this tower planning needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. Kill the tower, not us!

We are holding our own neighbourhood Community Information Night at the Port Franks Community Centre at 9997 Port Franks Road, in Port Franks at 7 p.m. on April 20, 2012. We have a video presentation which will educate the layperson all about electromagnetic frequency health issues from cell phone towers as explained by a Trent University professor who has studied these.

We will also be discussing how we in Port Franks, as an organized community, can ensure the protection of health of our children and ourselves, as well as keep our beautiful beach environment safe from electrosmog.

W. L. Hoy


Regulators Ignore the Dangers of Electromagnetic Frequencies at Great Peril

Interview with Curtis Bennett, by William Thomas




Smart meters, dumb security

By Jack Bode, Comox Valley Echo April 13, 2012

Had a discussion the other day with some friends about the Itron smart meters BC Hydro is installing on all electrical users in BC. One chap mentioned hacking and this piqued my interest.


Meters could bean Clark right out of office




On May 10, 2012 environmental attorney Lindsay Lovejoy will argue our case before a panel of three federal judges in the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver.

This groundbreaking lawsuit, Firstenberg v. City of Santa Fe, was originally filed in state district court in New Mexico to assert the rights of people with disabilities whose lives are threatened by the proliferation of cell towers. If we prevail, we will set a critical precedent. No longer will the courts, the government and the industry be able to pretend that the growing numbers of people who are being cast aside by society in its embrace of these technologies do not exist. No longer will people who oppose Smart Meters, WiFi in schools, and other technologies be afraid to tell the courts that they are suffering.

It is up to a court's discretion in any appeal whether to hear oral argument, or to decide the case entirely on the written briefs. A court will only hear oral argument if it thinks that important legal issues have been raised. This court has scheduled oral argument in spite of requests by the City of Santa Fe and AT&T that it not do so.

Our briefs, which are available on our website (www.cellphonetaskforce.org), state as follows:

'The Telecommunications Act should not be interpreted to injure an identifiable segment of the population, exile them from their homes and their city, leave them no place where they can survive, and allow them no remedy under City, State or Federal laws or constitutions.'

We have asked that if the court so interprets the Telecommunications Act, then it must also find that it is unconstitutional. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amend­ments guarantee to all citizens the equal protection of the laws, and say that no citizen may be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.

We need to raise additional money to pay Mr. Lovejoy for work already completed, and to send him to Denver on May 10 to argue this appeal. If you are a person who consistently contributes, your support has been vital in bringing us this far. If you are one of the majority who reads these newsletters and who has not yet contributed, we need your support at this critical time.

The Cellular Phone Task Force has been representing you on these issues for 16 years. We are the only organization in North America that advocates for people who are disabled by wireless technology; the only organization the public can call at no charge seven days a week for information about wireless technology and health, or for support in emergencies; the only organization that keeps a nationwide database of experts in every region of the country; and we are still the only national membership organization dealing with these issues at all.

We are: 9 directors, including our liaison in England (Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe); one part-time secretary (Victoria Jewett); and 47 committee members standing by in every region of North America. Almost all of us are disabled, and everyone except Victoria is a volunteer. When funds were low, I have supported this organization and kept it going with my own money. The stakes are high, time is short, and the potential rewards enormous.

Three other lawsuits are presently underway in federal courts: one in Naperville, Illinois, against Smart Meters; one in Maine, also against Smart Meters; and one in Portland, Oregon, against WiFi in public schools. The plaintiffs in those cases are alleging violation of privacy rights, property rights, and scientific evidence of harm from microwave radiation. The case in Maine, Friedman v. Maine Public Utiilties Commission, will be argued before the Maine Supreme Court the week of May 7.

In previous cases involving microwave radiation and health, judges have been unwilling to rule against the wireless industry on the basis of only theoretical harm. What our case in the Tenth Circuit brings to the table for the first time are allegations of actual injury caused to people with a documented disability that requires them to avoid exposure to microwave radiation for medical reasons.

Please tell others about our work, send them to our website, and urge them to contribute to this lawsuit. Every $50 or whatever you can afford will help send Lindsay to Denver to argue this appeal.Our membership/donation form ison our website: http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/?page_id=196.Our goal is to raise $16,000 before May 10. We are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and all donations are fully tax deductible. Please become a member, if you are not one already, in order to ensure that you continue to receive updated information about this case and other important news.

Arthur FirstenbergCellular Phone Task Force
PO Box 6216

Santa Fe, NM 87502


(505) 471-0129


Cell phone homicide

Because Amy Senser was talking on her cell phone when she struck and killed a man in a hit-and-run, she's guilty of criminal vehicular homicide for reckless driving, according to a new charge prosecutors have added against her.

Senser, 45, wife of former Minnesota Viking Joe Senser, was to go on trial April 23 on charges of two counts of criminal vehicular homicide in connection with the Aug. 23 death of Anousone Phanthavong, 38, of Roseville.

But in an amended criminal complaint filed Thursday, April 12, Hennepin County prosecutors added a third charge of criminal vehicular homicide.


Cell phone tower worries Rosewood residents

Mysterious metal poles are popping up in Scarborough's neighbourhood plazas, and at least one residents' group says they aren't welcome.




Cell Phones, Towers, Antennas: A Possible Autism Connection ...

Cell Phones, Towers, Antennas: A Possible Autism Connection ... vitro and in vivo studies ...



Smart Meter - Unwanted Baggage in Philadelphia

It also has something to do with opposition from some quarters to the technology, which is turning 'smart meter' into a term with unwanted baggage.


Comment - I guess unwanted baggage is much nicer than many other possible names such as: killer meter, cancer meter, disease meter, neurological harm meter etc.

It would seem that Peco Energy Co failed to research the health effects of microwave radiation before deciding to radiate all their customers with a class 2B possible carcinogen!


Strategies to Halt Smart Meter Installation

Repeated - Here is the correct link


Informant: Martin Weatherall

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