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Conference on Corporate Interference with Science

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Mar 13, 2013, 4:22:27 AM3/13/13
2 major upcoming events, this and next week.  One in New York City, one in Los Angeles, CA.  Attached are the flyers. 

The event in NY is an AMAZING and FREE conference on corporate interference with science.  Dr. Lennart Hardell, the scientist who's studies the WHO used to come up with the possible human carcinogen classification of wireless radiation will be speaking along with Dr. David Carpenter, Dr. Magda Havas, Maine State Representative Andrea Boland (who brought the USA's first cell phone brain cancer warning label bill) Whitney North Seymour Jr. Esq,  along with many other brilliant speakers and Deborah Kopald will be hosting.  Please pass the flyer on to everyone you know in the NY area.  Conference is tomorrow (Wed.) March 13th and Thurs. March 14th, 9-5 both days @ Scandinavia House, 58 Park Ave. @38th St., NY, NY


And the 2nd flyer is an invitation to a major protest against a major smart meter/smart grid industry conference in Los Angeles...

You can print copies of the flyer, cut them in half and pass them out if you are so inclined.  We need lots of peeps!!!

In attendance at the conference will be executives from Edison, PG@E, SDG@E, SMUD, Arizona Public Service and other "smart" players where utility company executives, staff and consultants will discuss how to further exploit the deadly smart/surveillance meters and equally deadly smart/surveillance grid. 

In attendance at the protest and in solidarity against smart meters and smart grid will be many different groups from Tea Partiers to Occupy LA and beyond!!

Please bring signs!!  Nothing helps out a protest like some great signs, so please bring them!!
WhenWed., March 20th, 2013; 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Legal observers will be present to help ensure the rights of the demonstrators.

If coming from the South, take 101 Freeway North to Lindero Canyon exit (first exit after Kanan Road).  Turn right onto Lindero Cyn Road. Protest will be on sidewalk on left hand side at first intersection with Russell Ranch Road.  Parking will be on right side at parking area for Marriott, (shopping center on SW corner of Lindero Canyon Road and Russell Ranch Road).

Instructions if joining our bus ride:
Occupy LA will be sending 2 buses leaving from downtown LA.  Bus information follows:

We will meet at 9 am, at Denny's, 530 Ramirez  LA, CA 90012
The buses will leave by 10 am sharp.
The buses will be making no stops and arriving at our destination in Westlake Village, CA 91361
The buses will leave there at 3 pm sharp.
They should arrive back to Denny's by 4:30 pm latest.

Two meals will be provided by "Food Not Bombs".

Thank you so much for your help and support.  We need you!!!  Please pass this email on to everyone you know who may want to attend and join our protest.  Some independent media will be there but please also pass on to any media contacts as well!!  The more coverage for this the better!!

In solidarity
and with hope,
Liz, et al

Smart Meter Protest Flyer GreenTech.pdf
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