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Motorola Has Left the Building

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Feb 9, 2009, 4:36:20 PM2/9/09

Omega Group

Feb 10, 2009, 2:37:04 AM2/10/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Please read this Microwave News story about Motorola carefully. It may
well help to explain why most citizens of the United States of
America, Canada and many other countries are so ignorant about the
dangers and adverse health effects of electro magnetic radiation. It
may also help to explain why the populations of these countries are
being exposed to dangerously high microwave radiation in their daily
lives and why we may expect to see large numbers of young people
developing cancer and serious ill health before they reach middle age.

Lets hope that one day soon, scientific research of electro magnetic
radiation is presented accurately, truthfully, and identifies all
health risks.

Martin Weatherall

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